In high school, they heavily stress college. If you don’t go to college, you won’t be successful. They give you statistics to show how much larger a percentage will get a high paying job by going to college.
My question is how true this really is? I’ve long thought this to be a hoax, and so I did what any skeptic would do: I set out to prove it.
I’ve decided to live my life against the grain. I listen to rap, I grew up in the lower middle class, and I went to college for one semester until I realized how many saps go, not because they thirst for education, but because they’re brainwashed into thinking it’s the only path of success.
I disagree, and my life is dedicated to proving the stats wrong. I guess I find it somewhat depressing that the only thing I had to do was make the choice to be successful without college, a choice so many don’t realize they have. Your thoughts? Specifically, your thoughts on why college is force fed to high schoolers as the path to success, which is completely the wrong reason to go to school if all one is concerned about is finance.