comedy: 12 signs of a GOP fix in midterms

  1. Voting for a democrat results in following message from
    electronic voting machine: “your vote did not reach the intended

  2. Alternative message from electronic voting machine: Due to
    changes in our constitution, the vote you requested no longer exists."

  3. Alternative alternative message from electronic voting machine:
    “The page you requested is caucusing with the GOP house leadership.”

  4. Mark Foley wins re-election------ In Boystown, USA.

  5. Polling places broadcast continuous loop of the “Kerry botched joke.”

  6. Next to the names of Democratic candidates, ballots states:
    “The terrorists win.”

  7. Huge banner in front of polls say “Welcome to DIE BOLD.”

  8. Tennessee ballot reads: To vote for Harold Ford, Please proceed to
    the playboy mansion."

  9. Virginia Ballot reads: “Vote for Senator Macaca, Not the Pervert
    who writes about Vietnamese Cocka.”

  10. Missouri Ballot Reads: A vote for McCaskilll is a vote for
    cloning Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnell."

  11. On election night, FOX news analysts explain that 62% across
    the board lead for democrats in exit polls did not take into account of
    individual races.

  12. On election eve, Dennis Hastert picks out new drapes for speaker’s
    office, with the cast of Queer Eye.

By the way, Already in Fla and Ohio, voters have reported
that voting machines flipped their democratic votes into
GOP votes. The crimes have already begun.

Edit: I am watching FOX news that reports tennessee has
also reported voting issues already.


That’s why I am invoking my voter’s right to demand a write in ballot, because I live in shitbag Ohio, where corruption is not the anomaly, but the mainstaym, of politiks.

I certainly hope the candidates not listed as Republican or Democrat appreciate my vote.

What fun: More election goodies!

LMMFAO … thanks brother … that was definitely worth the read.


I’m mailing in my ballot as well.

Sweet! I have an audience.

This is Hollywood:

This is Hollywood on drugs:

Any questions?


Actually, yes, I do have a question …

Which one is the chimpanzee?

How do you define chimpanzee?

…and this is precisely why you never get a straight answer from a politician.

It depends on what your definition of the word “Is” is.

Even better. We don’t even have to get around to defining chimps.


There are only two qualifications to be a politician: A red rubber nose, and oversized yellow floppy shoes. The shoes are optional.

LMAO … fucker.

Non-hominid primate prone to swinging from trees, and generally not strictly biped in locomotion.

Good enough fer ya?

MF’er, you can make me laugh! LLLLLMFAO.

Good enough? Perhaps. But is ‘swinging’ a necessary or just sufficient condition? ‘Prone’ raises further questions. LMFAO

LMMFAO … damn it yopele …

Which “prone” are you speaking of? LOL.

I meant “prone” as in habitually, you tosser. LMAO.

Very well. Supine, prone…they are just words.

Chimps are chimps, and men are men - usually.

Ya gotta love the guy!

No way that’s a real quote. If it were I should have heard about it on Conan O’Brien or something.

No. It wasn’t. Just for fun.

LMMFAO … somebody is on fire tonight … wtf … lmmfao.


More political fun!