
Is this for real! :laughing:

Looks like at least part of it may be real

Such reels keep me entertained throughout the day and keep my spirits up… that one is definitely a doozy. :grin:

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Believe it when I say I practically have to steal time to be able to, because reality bites the imagination withal

A video, relevant for Halloween… the music is right out of an old black and white movie, from the 1940s


LOL “Try to catch me Ranger Rick!”

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Yeah I loooove some good reels. I have so many funny ones I have saved on IG. Lol

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Only Trump can.

Well that woke the Saudi Prince up… :smiling_face:

One for us [but in my case, ex] gamer/s…


…hasn’t got quite the same ring to it, has it. :smirk:




Controversial political-comedy… so, hilarious

Couldn’t resist breaking up politics for a spell, but in case wondering. Trump’s entourage is being referred here to:


John Lydon, on being honest… :rofl:

They don’t make them like they used to… :woman_shrugging:


E’vry… sin’gle… time. :woman_facepalming:

Relationships matter most in first date, as a matter when first impressions count the most



…something us singletons have to worry about… luckily you don’t have to, dear Meno…

Yes Mags, I didn’t think so!
