We interrupt your viewing just to let you know of a few coming & goings on the staff team. Although only with us briefly, faust has decided to step down as a staff member due to time committments elsewhere. We thank him for his service and hope he continues to contribute.
After a long service with ILP, tentative has also decided to step down as a staff member. It is not always easy to see how much time and effort is put into ILP by staff members but tentative put over and above what was expected and ILP is indebted for him for that. We wish him well for the future and hope he’ll continue to give us the pleasure of his presence.
And finally a new addition. Uccisore who has been with ILP for coming up to 4 years now. He knows the place well and he will be a great asset to the staff team. Uccisore also takes over as Forum Leader of the Religion Forum. We hope you will join us in congratulating him on his appointment. Welcome aboard!
Congrats to Uccisore. Brave, brave man. But then of course he is - He has faith.
Hope Faust is going to stick around and add an oar or two to the proceedings. I’d miss his acerbic wit, or at least I would if I knew what ‘acerbic’ meant.
And Tentative, someone buy the man a gold watch at least, and maybe some bath oils. If there was ever a guy who stood up in the line of fire and took a whole lot of shit for his ILP’ian ideals, it was him. Time for a soak in the tub.
Was he good, was he bad…? Silly questions… Was he consistant - That is the sticking point, and to that the answer is yes. [size=75][Shut up at the back there.][/size]
Anyway - I still think his screen name ‘Tentative’ is akin in this case to calling a rhino ‘Flossie’.
I haven’t been here for too long, and the time I have been around I haven’t been very active in the forums, but I remember tentative and faust were two of the first people to respond to my posts (in the same thread I think too)
anyways, congratulations to all, see you around Uccisore!