Hi to All:
I wanted the answer to be closer to thinktank’s reasoning, but alas …
The best laid plans of mice and senile old men …
My technical guys tell me that HVD is probably right.
So I thought I would try again.
It is said to be a sign of insanity if you do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome. I have now multiplied 1X1 over ONE BILLION times. The funny farm is just around the corner.
If only someone had explained to me that the Integers formed a Group under multiplication with 1 as the identity element.
I did however get a new answer, and there might be hope for those like me.
Dim I As Double
Dim Max As Double
Dim J As Double
Dim K As Double
Dim Total As Double
Total = 1
Max = 10
For I = 1 to Max
J = (I+1)/I
K= I/(I+1) ‘ K is the reciprocal of J
Total = Total*(J*K)
Next I
Print Total
The results as Max is varied are:
Max =10, Total = 1
Max = 50, Total = 1
Max = 100, Total =.9….9 15 times
Max = 1000, Total =.9….9 14 times then 7
Max = 10,000, Total = .9….9 14 times then 2
Max = 100,000, Total = .9….9 13 times then 45
Max = 1,000,000, Total = .9….9 12 times then 799
Max = 10,000,000, Total =.9….9 13 times then 69
Max = 100,000,000, Total =.9….9 10 times then 71057
Max = 1,000,000,000, Total = .9….9 14 times then 7
I think that it is obvious that computers have a limited ability to deal with decimal points – though I must say that I am surprised that Total did not go to infinity or 0.