This sticky could be a list of threads that were “concluded”, with everybody agreeing on the conclusion. That way, if somebody wanted to know whether such and such was so forth, they could see that the question had already been asked and resolved and thus would not have to post it again.
Its not a bad idea, but I would suggest a slight alteration - instead of having one by one threads like this and then dissuading any further comment on the matters, we could introduce ‘intro’ sub forums where such factual questions were always moved or started, and people would know by virtue of them being in that forum that they were ‘old hat’.
Concluding a thread would help “clean up” some of the forums, but I’ve seen threads that were concluded -ie- no posting for weeks, even months come back to life as new perspectives were introduced by a member. I’m not sure how one decides that a discussion is “concluded” without excluding further discussion for those who may wish to continue.
Well, if somebody has something more to say, they bring the thread out of conclusiveness and we go at it again. But they have to make sure they really have something new.
Okay, this has two approvals. Ben! Look! Over here!
It may be a while. I had to keep suggesting an art forum for a good year or more before we got one.