I’d like to ask a question that I often wander about concerning the progression of consciousness
It’s an elusive topic to discuss because it’s not a well understood concept.
My question is,
Do any of you believe you are more conscious now than you were in childhood?
Feel free to answer this in any which way as I am not setting specifics or criterion for this topic
I often apply this question to my own mind and wander these abstract halls to see what I come up with.
I find many people use interchangeably ‘awareness’ and ‘consciousness’ but I believe there is a difference although I’m not sure if I’m more aware and more intelligent than I was when I was younger or if I am more conscious; more alive, vibrating at a higher frequency etc. however you want to spell it out
I think so. Then again, maybe not…my memory really isn’t good enough to decide. Development of the brain probably has something to do with it. By the way your avatar gives me a headache.
it seems by definition that awareness plays a part of consciousness so if thats is the case then yes. I believe I am more conscious now then I was when I was a child. I sure know more about the world now for me to be conscious about although at time I wish I didn’t.
Im interested though on what you think the difference between awareness and consciousness is.
I don’t really know. I feel that I was different in childhood than I am now, but it’s a result of learning things that made me into what I am now. I feel that perhaps I have lost something important that I had when I was a child, so perhaps I am a lesser form of what I was in a way.
What does it mean if you hate to open your mail / even fret about it? - I can’t stand opening any mail, and have a months-worth to get through but I can’t bring myself to…
Personally, I think it’s the responsibilty, expectations set upon us , and the such-like: that does it - my parents warned me of this!
It’s a balancing act, really. There is our fundamental nature, which is good. The innocence of the child, the child itself, the uncarved block, what-ever your philosopher-of-choice calls it, right? The problem, of course, is that the child is dumb as a rock. So while we lose that original innocence and spontaneity we gain skill sets that society deems useful and learn propriety. We should strive not to lose sight of that fundamental beginning, the undifferentiated and expansive self, but at the same time in order to actualize that greater self we need to find a place for ourselves within society – a process which (ironically) drives us away from our true selves and places undue emphasis on ourselves as individuals screaming “Mine!” like a two-year-old just discovering the concept. Eventually the dichotomy should be overcome, but that isn’t always easy. I certainly haven’t managed it.
Nope I have not gained more conscious awareness, I just know more.
I am aware that I am me as much as I ever have. Each day the world changes around me just as much as when I was I child. Each day is just another day to learn. Knowledge is gained, not conscious.
a months-worth to go through, thats it? I still have mail from 06 that I havent opened. I figure if my electric is still on and my internet/tv then it cant be that important.