

I was just thinking… after all you go through in life, after all you learn as little as it may be… Dont you just fucking hate conservatives?

By conservatives I mean: Those people who dont want drugs in video games, the ones who decide a movie isnt allowed to be shown in a country, the ones who dislike drinking, the ones who think its so ‘improper’ to swear and such in any situation, etc, etc, etc.

These people seem to be aiming for humanity to become a society of robots. They seem to have a general dislike for what the majority of humanity is and what it trends. They want the ‘perfect’ world of robot humans. I really cannot stand it.

When you meet one you’ve met them all… and I’ve met more then one. These people… ugh. I dont mind at all that they dislike this or that, dont mind it at all, its their opinion - what I hate about them is how they try and push it onto others and furthermore - how they succeed!!! …It really pisses me off.

You know, in Australia, we’ve had so many movies proclaimed ‘not allowed’ to be shown here because of these conservatives. We’ve had video games be taken off shelves or not allowed in the first place because of their content. It really makes me sick.

Well, heh, enough of my drunken ramblings for tonight… What do you think about conservatives and their effects on the general way of life of humanity?


It appears to me you are talking about social conservatives when you say “conservatives”. Being completely libertarian when it comes to social issues, I do indeed fucking hate social conservatives and everything they stand for. Well, except for the right to bear arms that is. It is about the only issue I agree with them on since they aren’t really “conservative” on that issue at all.


On the contrary I think that censorship, a respect for limitations, the absence of libertarianism and in general an acceptance that not everyone should be allowed to do whatever they please whenever and wherever they please are good things. But I’m no fan of conservatives.

If the film being banned contained images of your loved ones being tortured you’d be happy for it to be banned.

“When you meet one you’ve met them all…”

This is a highly presumptuous and arrogant statement on your part and you should be wholeheartedly ashamed of your hypocrisy. You make the same generalisation in your criticism of conservatives as you accuse them of making. How pathetic.

“These people… ugh. I dont mind at all that they dislike this or that, dont mind it at all, its their opinion - what I hate about them is how they try and push it onto others and furthermore - how they succeed!!! …It really pisses me off.”

So you’d rather ban people from expressing their views? How rightwing of you…

You can’t have it both ways. Either you believe people are allowed to hold their beliefs freely and without being labelled and ostracised for it or you think you are right and they are wrong. Your faux-liberal middle ground is simply a joke.


in america, thank tipper gore and her ilk, not conservatives …


That idea of crediting Tipper Gore works, as long as you ignore the rest of history.

“The first federal law controlling distribution of obscenity through the mails was on the books by 1865.”

Give come credit to men like Anthony Comstock.
Stamping Out Indecency

SIATD wrote:

I would imagine that this is true for most people, but that’s not necessarily what we’re talking about here. On personal levels, yes, I do not want my loved ones being tortured/killed on public media. But, on a political level, I don’t believe that banning movies/games and other media in the line is necessary. We already have limitations in place for these things. Sure their not iron-clad, airtight, solutions, but otherwise they are decent.


W.C. didn’t seem to be saying that they should be banned. The problem lay in that these people’s views are being made law. There’s a difference. We can be here on these boards and debate whether censorship is a good or bad thing for the society we live in, but when those beliefs become law, then we’re dealing with something separate. The debate is the same but the rules are different. One side can change law and the other can’t. W.C. didn’t say, in fact explicitly did say, they could express their views all they want. But, W.C. is mad at the fact that it is law.

Now, I wholeheartedly agree with the limiting of censorship. I dislike it in almost every endeavor. I think W.C. may have been a bit extreme in the original post, but that’s definitely forgivable considering the Australia location :slight_smile: They really have had the shaft. No guns, no movies, no video games, some questionable liquor, its not that great for entertainment at the moment.

And places like America are no different. Our current day censorship leaders such as Tipper Gore and Joseph Lieberman have had no reason to stop the fight. I mean, we banned liquor nationwide. There’s certainly precedent for them to go on. But I agree, I would not like everything to be spoon fed to me, where I get no choice in what I see or play or do in my spare time, without harming anyone else.

Imp’s back!

Welcome back, Imp.

Sorry to sound like some hysteric…

[size=200]“What about the children !!! Won’t someone please think of the children !!!”[/size]

if they’re old enough to walk…

And Joe Lieberman, who is no more a Democrat than Zell Miller.

Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
Ambrose Bierce (The Devil’s Dictionary)[/i]

…they’re old enough to - what exactly…?

hehe tab, dulce et decorum est cum inocentia mori.

to exchange one with kenneth :

there are two kinds of fools in this world. one that says “this is old, and therefore good”, another that says “this is new, and therefore better”

That’s what I thought you meant.

My son’s two years old, toddling along well now, perhaps you’d like to fuck him…?

Oh - of course, you were just joking - the old “We laugh at those things that digust and repulse us…”

All very nice - but such humour also trivializes, don’t you think…?

Hello F(r)iends,

Love those Simpsons…

(hint for the wife)


Look at the work of Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton before you talk please.


i’m sure it does. the argument that making trivial is making acceptable does not stand.

Aye - but it also allows people to misfile the whole thing in the bad jokes department of the brain, and forget about it for a while. Lancing a boil that should really remain throbbing.

Sorry Zeno p’raps I went off a bit strong - but the whole happy clappy, “let’s just bin censorship because we’re all big boys and girls and can decide what we want to see…” forgets about all the little boys and girls who might get exposed by parents who don’t give a fuck about what they leave hanging around the house, or their brothers and sisters who think that that shit is cool.

Or I could just be getting old.

i have not yet seen a compelling, or for that matter reasonably structured argument showing that children should be insulated from the comings and goings of life as it is.

on the other hand we have good documented accounts of what we call “barbarians” who haven’t particularly heard of puritanism, nor do they care. and their children don’t walk into a hut with a rifle and kill everyone there either.

thus, my argument is lets all forget about censoring because nobody is a big enough boy or girl to be able to decide what stays and what goes.

Wasn’t really so worried about the “crazies with guns” side of things, there’s probably a lot more going on there than a few dodgy videos and Shock-Rock. Your average sociopath is born heading in that direction, and given a helping hand all the way down from those that have influence over them. A reassuringly rare convergence of negatives.

No - I was more on about truncated childhoods - okay, there’s some evidence that better nutrition is causing accelerated maturity in our children - they reach adolescence faster than I/we (how old are you Zeno…?) used to, so the abysses and elation of teenage sexuality begins all the sooner… But the more unusual hardcore porn, and some of the nastier, realer, darker flicks don’t help. Ken Park, for example. Henry - Portrait of a serial killer for example. Man bites Dog for example. And the last two are from years ago - I’m not into arthouse/film noire as much as I used to be - I don’t keep up with the minor films - but God only knows what a media producer of such an ambition would have to portray to shock in these jaded days. See
this thread
for what I and others thought of hardcore porn’s effects on the young.

I don’t know - call me old-fashioned or completely unrealistic if you like, but I think kids get exposed to the grubbier sides of life, before they’ve had chance to experience the nicer sides of life for themselves. Life allows us little time to be innocent as it is, why not protect that of the young a little longer…? I mean - what have we really got to lose…? Do you like to see some of the shit that gets shown on TV/cinemas/DVD…?, would you miss it…? Would you be a lesser person for it…? I know when it comes to the idea of censorship - every liberal minded adult’s bullshit detector starts beeping - but it isn’t us that pays the price of fighting for this particular right to view anything and everything the human imagination’s darker side can dream up… Is it…? - We’re grown up, full of swagger - “Bring it on - we can take it - you bastards” we say somewhere deep down, “I’m hard.” And we’re right. But children, however much they might think they are - however much they wish to be, aren’t. They’re soft - malleable, and the things they see, get right into their heads and stay.

I look at a pretty blonde schoolgirl - and I see, a pretty blonde schoolgirl. But little John Doe 12, who accidently watched “Stabfest High” on his brother’s DVD player when he was 7, he looks at a pretty blonde schoolgirl, and though most of him sees the reality, a little part of him, the part of him that wet his pants when the nasty guy in the hood cut off the pretty blonde schoolgirl’s head and then did something weird with her corpse, that only now he realizes was sex, sees a flashback to that scene. Nice way to start out on sexuality’s rocky path to the plateau of lurve…

I know it’s out of the bag. And too late to put it back in. But we could at least make it harder to get, and make people in general, not just parents - more aware of what kids absorb from the world around them.

Crap - anti-censorship’ers all harp on about their right to choose, their right to watch anything they wish… But the thing is - if I go out and make the nastiest, darkest, most hopeless exploititive porn/slasher reallity-TV flick imaginable… And don’t advertize it all over the broadsheets as “Hey shitheads - I dare you to see this film” - just let it lie, dissappear, like the video from “The Ring” - It is not those anti-censorship people who will seek it out, now is it…? They/you/we are only argueing against censorship for the principle of the thing - as you say - we don’t like the idea of an ‘appointed’ other to effect what we can experience.

And once we’ve finally defeated the firewall of censorship, even in the last tattered and sheepish format existant today, we will go back to our nice suburban houses, have a cheese and wine party and clap ourselves on the back… “Oh Quentin - aren’t we so right-on…? We won one for the people there didn’t we, one in the eye for the MAN…!” Ho-ho-hee-hee.

Then 10 years later, and they’re sitting with their heads in their hands, wondering why little Johnny seems so fucked up - well, it won’t even cross their tiny minds that maybe they helped him on his way…