Conspiracy Theories

JFK was assassinated by the mob, possibly in connection with the CIA, Oswald was the fall guy.

The moon landing was taped on Earth, it was probably filmed in parts of the Nevada desert.

Your thoughts?

I’d love to debate these topics.

JFK was assassinated by

The moon landing never took place. See Capricorn One.

Why have I wasted all this time in school, and reading history books? (Gnash-gnash). I just haven’t been watching the right movies.

(The mob did JFK, though. They got him “elected” and he turned on them. Stupid - those guys have guns.)

I have no doubt that any govt. conspires and covers up things . Duh, They would have to. It is a prudent action at times. sometimes it is the best course of action. Sometimes it is done just to protect someone’s butt.

That being said: JFK is dead He died before I was born and most likely anyone attached to that death is either dead or dieing . If no one went to the moon who cares. I got to get out of school that day to watch it on TV so hey, it works for me.

Now to the important conspiracies highly relevant to our time. Why is the news media allowed to broadcast their country’s weaknesses?(USA has big time news problem with that) They seem to take great joy in pointing out these weaknesses and how to get past them. Why? the media is rather bloodthirsty about certain subjects too, it seems they enjoy antagonizing, so why are they allowed to do this?

i think the theory of conspiracy theories is just a Govt conspiracy.

Conspiracists have too much time on their hands, especially the ones that think we didn’t land on the moon. That is pretty rediculous, nobody could keep their mouths shut about that for that long.

Ahh, thats what it was called!

The attraction to, so called, conspiracy theories is an interesting one.

Why are some so taken with discussing alternative explanations to given, historical dogma?

Is there a search for a NEO in them selves, a knower of what few do or being special and unique?
The theory doesn’t even have to make sense of posses a reasonable motive behind it, it simply has to contradict history.


Conspiracists are the metaphysicians of politics, as the religious are the politicians of metaphysics.

Hey, google the Zepruder tape and tell me if ‘the mob’ could turn a presidential vehicle, in a presidential parade from a route in which there were people lined up 6 PEOPLE DEEP onto a newly revisioned street which had 10, maybe 15 people scattered about.

JFK’s assasination was an example of what it looks like with true power makes a decision.

My one-time associate, Albert “Gumby” Gumbalino (who, ironically, had virtually no teeth) could make any crowd thin out. He was huge, ugly, unkempt, his breath smelled like a minty kerosene, his hair smelled like shoe polish, and he was crosseyed. You never really knew if he was talking to you or someone else. Since he was usually giving someone minutes to live, you just sort of avoided him. No need getting all worked up if it turned out he was shaking down someone standing three feet away from you. He and I got along, mainly because we shared an interest in stamp-collecting and the local highschool’s field hockey team.

He died in the late 'eighties, of complications during surgery to remove jumper cables from his testicles. After a thorough investigation, his death was ruled “accidental”.

You tell me.

some people have conspiracy thoeries because they have reason to,

but often if people have a lot of them, I think they may suffer from some mental ordeal, maybe paranoya etc,

Most conspiracy theories seem bogus to me personally. I like to look at some things critical, but there is a difference between thinking critical and begging the question.

Yeah, no-one walked on the moon. uh-hum. So all those thousands of people working for NASA were just bullshiting us . . . it was actually filmed on Charles Barklees head with tiny figurines, and then played in slow motion. Damn!

sirswedish - if you know something, tell us. I haven’t heard the Barkely angle. Maybe that’s why he says so many stupid things - government mind control!

Thousands? What thousands?

As has been covered time and time again - for a conspiracy to be effective not everyone involved in it needs to know the truth. ‘National Security’…

Actually if you look at Roswell you will see just how long people can keep a secret. It is a functioning site under scrutiny all the time yet still there has never been verification of what actually is in are 51. The military is very adept at keeping secrets.

Did any of you watch that news show it was 20/20 or its equivalent. where they pointed out all of USA’s weaknesses, It was about a month ago or less. Trains, subways, airports, ball fields, seaports, water plants, borders, malls and Nuclear power plants. They pointed out all the weaknesses how it can be destroyed and when the people are most likely to be there ,etc… it really was bizarre. I could not believe they did that, I believe in freedom of the press but, that was like they were pointing out places for terrorists to attack. I think I will avoid crowded areas for a good long while and be grateful we have our own well.

You speak of conspiracies what about that as one. Why are they pointing this out and the Gov’t. not stopping it. They gave enough information to make a terrorist rub their hands with glee. I may be naive and missing something so maybe you all could point it out to me. I would truly appreciate knowing why the media felt it was wise to tell the world how to kill us.

Kris - I didn’t see that program, and so am relying on your description. I think everyone already knows that we have nuclear power plants and ballfields. Foreign terrorists do not rely on sattelite television feeds - they rely on agents within this country to pick targets.

As for Area 51 - the motive usually given for the government’s silence about extraterrestrials is that the populace would panic if we knew. I find this difficult to believe. What would this panic consist of? A run on batteries and milk? Running around in circles screaming? I never got that. On one hand, conspiracists suggest that the goverment wants to keep us in a constant state of fear, and on the other, they suggest that the government is covering this up so we won’t be afraid. Can anyone explain this to me?


Didn’t think so.

By the way, nice use of irony in a two-letter word.

The biggest government conspiracy is to generate government conspiracy theories. This keeps the population suspended in midair, piling conjecture on top of conjecture and there is no end to it. A little disinformation here and there and the plots go on forever. At least in ancient Rome the governed received bread and circuses. Now all we get is a bag of hot air…

No, the biggest government conspiracy is to make you think they’re generating government conspiracy theories.

I am surprised that you can be so naive, tentative.