Controlled capitalism:

Controlled capitalism – ensures more of an equal distribution of things, whislt almost completely decentralizing the whole system. In a socialism, it is centralized, and sadly, all too often, socialisms are dictatorships, instead of democratic ruling parties which have many persons from many places, equally representing the people.

In a controlled capitalism, it is rather simple. To stop monopolization, the amount one is actually able to own – is reduced, and it is illegal to have more money or property than X number of value.

This could prevent all sorts of corporate centralization, and equalize power/control very much.

What do you think about this?

trust the benevolent democratically elected liberal controllers to make your life better. they will tell you what is fair, what is your cut, what you earned, what you can and can’t do, what you can and can’t eat, drink or smoke, they’ll tell you when you get medicine, when you can have a baby or an abortion, they’ll tell you exactly how to live your life like any good priest.

yes’m masser

fuck that.


Sounds cool.

Controlled caitalism is what we have now.

Its working really great isnt it?

unrealist has said it. Though, it isn’t totally controlled. One can own as much land and resources as they can afford in this society.

and I also agree with imp. No good.
plus, capitalism is dependant on rampant consumerism and a lower working class to exploit which I disagree with, no matter how “fair” it proclaims itself.

I think an economy can live without big business and corporations.

Money is not bad in itself, it’s what is done with it that is important. What capitalism needs, imovho, is to paraphrase Bergson, a supplement of soul.

What capitalism needs is to go away.

No, it doesn’t need that.


And rampant consumerism will destroy the world and everything in it, including the ‘soul’ of man.

Dictatorships often claim to be socialisms, where the society supposedly controlls and owns the means to production, BUT, if these leaders are not democratically elected, it’s not really the people who are in control.