Cormac McCarthy

I’m starting a mission here to get as many people as possible to read this book:

You know how ILP has its fair share of nihilists, amoralists, immoralists, fans of violence, generally fun type people? Well this should appeal to these people. I hope the description sells it to you, I can promise you trees with dead babies hung from branches, the brutal murder and scalping of woman and children, a few rapes, more murders than you could possibly count, imbeciles stuck in cages flinging shit around and none of it morally condemned by anybody of any account and all of it eloquently defended by the terrifying Judge Holden who basically goes around orchestrating violence and killing anyone who dares cross him.

Hell, it’s like the stuff Joker used to post but with better words.

Are you equating amoral people with nihilists and fans of violence?

That’s a bit of a generalisation.

Luckily, I’m thick-skinned.

I read The Road and liked it very much. I think I’ve probably mentioned that before. I’ll get round to this eventually, no doubt.

Nah I’m just lumping together enough categories so that most of the people who post on here can be included.

Get the idea?

Oh, the good ole days! :laughing:

Thank goodness for civility and human rights, aye? well, in the parts of the globe where some crazed dictator ain’t running the country…