Corona Virus Outbreak from Turd

“Publicly, President Trump says he will not be tested for the coronavirus, although last weekend he met with and took a picture standing next to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s communications secretary, Fabio Wajngarten, who tested positive on Thursday. Trump also attended last month’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where he came in contact with people who were exposed to a person who later tested positive. In short, we can’t know for sure whether or not the president is carrying the virus. If he is, he could potentially spread it to others, including people in high-risk categories (the elderly, which includes many senators, and those with compromised immune systems).”

Jennifer Rubin

You’d think it would be mandatory for high level government officials to be tested.

What in the world is he thinking?

Excerpts from Italy…

Monica Maggioni WP 3/13/2020

“Now I find myself confined in a place where time is suspended. All the shops are closed, except for groceries and pharmacies. All the bars and restaurants are shuttered. Every tiny sign of life has disappeared. The streets are totally empty; it is forbidden even to take a walk unless you carry a document that explains to authorities why you have left your house. The lockdown that began here in Lombardy now extends to the entire country.”

"Now, the ancient wooden doors of all the little churches in all the villages are closed. Older people here in Lombardy remember that even in wartime, the churches were a shelter for all, a place of shared relief. Now the idea that even funerals cannot be celebrated is a source of further anguish. These days, in Italy, you die in silence and you’ll be buried in silence.

And the quiet is everywhere. For this is a silent war: no bombs, no shooting, no screams. No cars, no motorbikes, no children playing in the street. Most of your normal daily activities are simply forbidden. "

“I know, of course, that what is happening here could happen next in Rome, or a week later in France or in Germany. The United States might be a week or two behind that. It looks as if the same shifts in perception, the same shifts in political discourse, are taking place everywhere, delayed or accelerated only by a country’s ability to face the facts.”

The orange man is doing the right thing. If he did have it, and we found out, he’d become vulnerable to seditious criticism and his ability to govern would be in question. Then the goddamn communists might attack.


Apparently his smug ego makes him think he is invulnerable and invincible.

All it is going to take is several thousand people dead in the United States for the government, stock market, and economy to collapse for good. The irony for a majority of Americans is that we somehow think we’re special, unique, and invincible, we’re about to find out that we’re not. When this occurs the fallout or repercussions will be spectacular to observe. I give it one to three weeks before everything spirals out of control by my own calculations.


The NYT is now providing free access re the corona virus outbreak. You know, if you can stomach their liberal swill. :wink: … e=Homepage

At this point I don’t trust any government affiliation no matter which political party it comes from or serves.

That’s it, down to primary pre-deprive affiliation , reckoning on the only rule known: that of tribal-national affiliation.

Tribal and economic class affiliation, I don’t trust the upper middle class or wealthy either even if they’re racially white.

They’re just as fucking crazy and insane like the rest. Their huge egos will be cut down to size, the ground, and reality soon enough.

But then, what will happen to our small egos, cause ours is determined at least in part, when t he NWO takes the v variables, of other egos into consideration?

That will multiply the problem many fold.

“When officials in Washington State chose two locations to house people exposed to the virus, they picked areas in mostly low-income neighborhoods, drawing ire from local officials who noted that the communities had not yet experienced any cases. Dana Ralph, the mayor of Kent, south of Seattle, said residents wondered if their neighborhoods were being sacrificed to protect wealthier ones.”

Wow, I’ll bet you didn’t see that coming!

Wow! indeed… anyone who gets infected should sue. Why didn’t they house the infected in a derelict town or building, or a prefab new build?

All those in China should have remained in China, and been quarantined there before going back to their respective countries. Lessons learned for next time? I doubt it. :neutral_face:

I, myself, am mostly staying in… supping on rum and ginger daiquiris, eating Organic fare and downing my usual daily dose of multi-vitamins & minerals, doing weights, and regularly taking my temperature… which has remained at normal. For once, my ninja-style face mask is not drawing attention to me, but no-one else where I live is wearing one, despite cases in London soaring.

It’s no secret in the United States we have a culture of hating the poor, down trodden, and lower income to the point where we believe their lives are entirely disposable or worthless. So in this regard not very surprising at all.

I’m sure if it was made legal to go around killing and slaughtering the poor in mass for sport a good chunk of the American population would be all for it where many would volunteer to do just that which says a lot about our nation and how it is fundamentally organized.

[b]ROME — Italy on Sunday announced a 25 percent spike in its coronavirus death toll, reporting 368 deaths in the deadliest 24-hour span to date.

The country has seen its death roll rise at an alarming rate: In each of the past three days, at least 200 people have been reported dead because of the virus. It was only three weeks ago that Italy had its first reported deaths from the virus. Now, more than 1,800 people have died.[/b] WP

Imagine then if this becomes the reality here in America.

In the center of the universe that is Trumpworld!!

Just imagine what the stock market will be tomorrow morning… :sunglasses:

One possible sign of what is in store for America as Trumpworld “takes on” the virus: … -pandemic/

A grown man fabricating a story that I deliberately picked on him is ridiculous attention-seeking tripe, and anyone else here who has claimed likewise… I have better things to do with my time and IQ, and annoying others for sport is not one of them.

I knew it was going to happen… my winter sports holiday has been postponed as of yesterday until next Winter, but new plans for a Summer holiday has put the smile back on my face. :slight_smile:

And then this part… … e=Homepage

How each of us as individuals make our calculations in regard to the “conflicting goods” embedded in our reactions – overreactions? – to the coronavirus.

[b]“Calculating the economic costs of curtailing social interaction compared with the lives saved, he agreed, might yield a useful metric for policymakers. The U.S. government routinely performs such analyses when assessing new regulations, with the ‘statistical value of life’ currently pegged by one government agency at about $9 million.”

“No one wants to be seen as prioritizing profit or, say, youth soccer over saving lives. But in recent days, a group of contrarian political leaders, ethicists and ordinary Americans have bridled at what they saw as a tendency to dismiss the complex trade-offs that the measures collectively known as “social distancing” entail.”

"Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the recent plunge in value to their stock portfolios, some Silicon Valley figures have taken to social media to underscore the economic impact of social distancing. iThe fear is far worse than the virus,’ tweeted Tim Draper, a venture capitalist, using the hashtags #corona #dustbowl, #food, #clothing and #shelter. ‘The governments have it wrong. Stay open for business.’”

"Images that illustrate how slowing the transmission rate could avert a surge in cases that would overwhelm the health system — as they did in Italy — have circulated widely for several weeks under variations of the hashtag #FlattenTheCurve.
‘Cancel everything,’ concluded one political scientist, writing in The Atlantic. ‘Now.’”[/b]

How are these discussions and behaviors and reactions to both not basically a reflection of how I construe “I” in my signature threads?

Situational ethics in a nutshell.

If a 90 year old man catches a cold, or an AIDS or stage 4 cancer patient, then dies within several weeks, are we going to say, the cold killed them?

Or are we going to say they died of old age, AIDS and caner, that the cold was incidental, or at worst, one of many factors that contributed to their deaths?

This cold kills hardly anyone all by itself.

It can only kill you in conjunction with many other factors.

It only kills the severely immunodeficient.