Could The Atomesphere Be Expanding?

I dreamt this idea up yesternoon.

The population is increasing; the urban blocks are rising…

Could the atomesphere be expanding? If not, where does the air go. Or the intensity is the only thing changing, due to gravititial pull down? whichever might the case be, what are the implications? Are they significant enough to be taken into consideration? Or are they spreading their huge effects in a way that we are ignorant of? I currently have no anwsers to those questions.

If you’re suggesting that the material we use to construct our buildings is displacing air in such a way that it would push the atmosphere out then no, our actions would be negligible – the matter has the same volume whether it’s in the ground or out. The volume change due to altering chemistries during construction would be negligible.

If you’re talking about combustion of vast quantities of solid matter subsequently turning it into gas then you may have a point. We produce vast quantities of gas from liquid hydrocarbons, coal, wood, etc. I’m not sure how much of that the earth sinks back into solid matter in the form of vegetation and whatnot, so it may or may not balance out. We’re devastating our forests at an incredible rate, so I’d say that we are producing more gas than is sunk. I read an article just the other day about the increasing amounts of particulate we are putting in to the atmosphere and how it is absorbing more sunlight before it reaches the surface of the planet. This article states that over the course of the last century, the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth has reduced by about 22%.

If there is more solid matter in the air, it will absorb great deals of energy, thus increasing the ambient temperature of the gasses upon which it is borne.  This will cause expansion on a massive scale.  If there is enough particulate in the Earth’s atmosphere it would increase the magnitude of every weather event due to the increased volume required for same amount of mass, and also the amount of physical energy release during heat exchange.  Another effect of air particulate is to increase the temperature differential between the atmosphere and the actual planet.  More particulate means more energy in the atmosphere which means more energy exchange between the atmosphere and the lithosphere, which will also alter weather patterns.  More particulate in the air also means water condenses more easily, more weather changes.

We are not only changing matter in to gas, we are releasing a great deal of thermal energy along with it.  The smog that hangs over vast urban centres entered our atmosphere and literally hundreds of degrees.  There are so many factors.

We’re all going to hell.

Humanity is not yet responsible enough to handle democracy.

as a kind of compliment to this thread, ive read recently that taking oil and gas out of the crust makes it collapse and quake. there is a gigantic natural gas extraction facility near the site of the 9.0 quake that tidal waved indonesia. im pretty sure people have documented that oil wells certainly caused earthquakes up to about 4.5. certainly they have some large effect facilitating natural earthquakes if they have this verified small effect.

that’s very informing, my gratitude gents.

I think I remember reading something along the lines of hot air expands and cold air contracts. I guess if global warming is an issue, then maybe the atmosphere can expand. I probably just committed some sort of fallacy in proposing that, oh well.


Maybe the air becomes thinner when it expands, hence the result in the ozone depletion. Maybe we are aware of the results, I mean thinner atmosphere means that we will be exposed to direct rays of the sun and thus the problem with skin cancer. Energy can not be created or destroyed, just transferred.

Maybe from what futureman had said about

, we can ponder. Here’s what I ponder:

Maybe the energy/atoms are transferred into those pockets in the earth’s crust which was caused by extracting minerals. However, the earth’s core is suppose to be extemely hot and so maybe those atoms get extemely active as particles move faster when exposed to heat. Hence a build up in pressure over time and this results in earhquakes, tidal waves, etc…


The amount of atmosphere is controlled by the earth’s gravitational and magnetic fields. There might be tiny fluctuations, but the solar winds would quickly strip away any atmosphere not protected by the magnetic field. So no, the atmosphere is not expanding in any appreciable way. The composition of the atmosphere does change by both natural and man-made causes.


Actually our atmosphere is decreasing and not growing.
One of the most recent theorys says that the atmosphere is decreaing and that one of the most evidencial proofs we have are our extint Dinossaurs. Millions years ago all animals in the surface of the earth were much bigger than now. the explanation is that if our atmosphere were bigger we would have a bigger protection of the sun radiations and, consequently, our bodies wouldnt have to have a natural protection to protect us from those radiations. Our atmosphere is decreasing and with a tendence to decrease much more fast now that we are attacking our atmosphere! The ozone holes we are creating allows sun radiations to evaporate many of the gases, but that´s only now.
The earth atmosphere is decreasing most probably because our orbital translation around the sun is changing. The changes are making the earth orbit decrease also, which cause a “small” increase of the intensity and temperature of the radiations that are in contact with our exterior atmosphere. The evaporation process increase and more gases are sent to space!

I think thats all about the theory o saw.

Thanks for the imput TREKKIE!

np :wink: :smiley: