The third installment of the revolutionary counter-strike, cs:s is a great game. Using the same proven gameplay as 1.6, cs:s utilizes the source engine of hl2 and far surpasses the previous two cs installments. It offers great graphics, unheard of custimization, and a lasting appeal that has kept me coming back for 3 years. If you like FPS’s, or if you don’t, this game will make you addicted.
My computer recently broke, and I’m unable to enjoy the wonders of CS:S, so the next best thing is talking about it.
It isn’t like other online multiplayer fps’s, it’s not really a big orgy of death, or a deathmatch. Instead CS offers objectives and oddly individual team based play. One has the ability to work together with others, complete an objective, or just kill everyone on the map. Every map, which there are alot of them, has an objective. You are either terrorists trying to plant a bomb, or counter-terrorists trying to save hostages. Each side has it’s own set of weapons, and common weapons. The weapons offer a wide range of accuracies and reliability. Depending on your level of expertise, the right weapon for you is easy to find, making the game enjoyable even for beginners. In addition, the popularity of the game means that one can find servers for any skill level, which IMO is a real problem with other FPS’s.
CS:S gets 5 hostage deaths out of 5.