Crappy IQ thread

Here’s a place for your IQ’s.

However, put down 3 ones.

Your actual IQ, what you want your IQ to be, and then another random one.

Oh, and don’t put them in any order. I don’t want to know.

Here are mine:

100, 126, and 145.

I need a free online test. I’ve never had a real one done.

That’s what I did mine with.

The IQ chart I recieved after having a session with the educational psychologist at the university I attended, resembled, a mountain peak, that dipped down into a large valley! (No, not abyss, or void, or emptiness…haha! But a valley…a fertile crescent!)

141, 141, 62.

I really like colinsign’s depiction there. Perhaps that’s a good description of the common growth.

Children are born with more intelligence than adults. But the applied intelligence is minimal, so their IQ is low. Growing into preteens, they gain impressive IQs because they’re peaking in certain applications. But into late teenage years, with puberty and exposure to a frightening world, they may dip down in anxiety and nihilism, reducing IQ. So long as their upbringing is fairly healthy, they retain a “second wind” and advance in business and education. Finally, after many many years they begin to retire and dwindle. But a pleasant time is spent in fairly low IQ until that last slope which is not far from death.

167, 167, 6,451,290

I’m sure you can guess which is which…

149, 149, pi

(This was from some online test though, I’ve never taken an official hard-copy IQ test).

I wonder what I would have scored if I wasn’t so hopelessly right-brained (I have the vocabulary of an eight year old).

By the way, the meaning of the IQ score depends on the test. A score for one test is not (always, at least) equal to the same score for another test.



That’s fucked. I only got 2 wrong out of 30 and it gave me 135.


I reckon I would have done better without the meds, too.

I had them all right, but I took the full fifteen minutes, because it took me some time to realise they actually expected me to know that x^0 = 1. Also, I am your elder by ten years or so.

128, 9999, 845.

I had 160 on one a long time ago. It was a cheesy fake one, I think.

This seems to have d/evolved to a braggathon 2007. Of course, I’m not thinking straight right now, so I could be wrong…

False modesty may be even more arrogant than honest vanity.

By the way, this might interest you:

“It wasn’t simply that no one believed you could derive IQ scores from brainwaves–it was that nobody wanted to believe it could be done. Nobody wanted to believe that human brainpower is… that hardwired . Nobody wanted to learn in a flash that… the genetic fix is in . Nobody wanted to learn that he was… a hardwired genetic mediocrity …and that the best he could hope for in this Trough of Mortal Error was to live out his mediocre life as a stress-free dim bulb. Barry Sterman of UCLA, chief scientist for a firm called Cognitive Neurometrics, who has devised his own brain-wave technology for market research and focus groups, regards brain-wave IQ testing as possible–but in the current atmosphere you “wouldn’t have a Chinaman’s chance of getting a grant” to develop it.” … ulDied.php

153 - 199 - 1127

Does anyone actually believe that pure analytical ability is enough to create intelligence or wisdom?

What about the E.Q. or the psychological disposition to accept the conclusions of this analytical ability and perception of patterns?
What of experience, to help process and categorize them or evaluate their significance?
What of emotional detachment to learn from one’s own errors by accepting one’s own responsibilities in producing them, and to try to see the world as it is and not as you would like it to be?

Some of the smartest people I known seem to make the most childish errors in judgment.

This obsession with I.Q. tests is usually a symptom of this desire to appear or to prove one’s own intellectual prowess without ever having to prove it practically.
It’s like:
“Hey, I’m 7 feet tall…therefore I can play basketball.”

Not really.
There’s more to playing basketball than just being tall…although it does help.

Satyr - did you score that on the test shaneytiger linked to?

As for EQ, you do have a point, but it is often an excuse for unintelligent people to be content with themselves: EQ as “social intelligence”, the ability to conform… Feminine, very feminine.

It may just be society’s obsession with quanitifable qualifications. If you want to show you know/understand/are able to in any case you need some form of ‘proof’ beside the ability itself. I think the I.Q. tests are just a fall-out of the need people feel to prove they are smart, as opposed to simply being smart and allowing people to form their own opinions.

As for how useful I.Q. is, I am quite skeptical about how useful it is. The main effect seems to simply be exposure to the tests pre-test. For example, in the language section if you miss a certain number of questions the test ends: in a case with a poor score the language section may have merely introduced words you do not understand although your vocabulary is needlessly complete. From what I have seen and read of them it seems to be very culturally- and academically-biased, I am not conivinced they are a useful tool.

Also, like the SATs, who do you honestly think tells the truth of them anyways?
