The Universe and its elements : all the galaxies, stars, planets, asteroids, the Milky Way, the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and billions of other immense bodies are rotating and revolving in excellent harmony. If scrutinized in terms of cosmic, physical, mathematical and bio-chemical aspects, from micro level to macro level, the Universe proves to be supplied with the most suitable design for human life.
From the expansional rate of the Universe to the location of Earth in the Solar System, from percengates of athmospheric gases to properties of sunlight, innumerous equilibriums are sustained each second and each hour. Not even one of these arrangements may occur by chance. All obey the infallible wisdom of God exhibiting His might and art.This web site displays the evidence for the creation of the Universe and it reveals the eternal might and wisdom of God, who created this great universe from nothingness.
Vrey interesting reading indeed. I particularly liked what Steven Hawkings said :
“If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have recollapsed before it ever reached its present size.â€
This tripped me out. Either we are just one huge coincidence inevitable in the eons of time, or there is some purposefull creation of life. I think im becoming an agnostic. I cant dispell these conditioned apporaches to why we are here.
*A universe exists.
*If this universe were even infestimably diferent - no humans would exist.
*Humans exist in this universe.
–>Any universe with humans in it is always fundamentally the same.
It’s sort of like standing in awe of the tremendous planning you think your parents must have done to conceive you. Yes, you’re alive, so you think how remarkable it is, but what of the trillions of potential children who were either aborted or never conceived? They can’t ponder how odd it is that they were never born because, well, they were never born- they never existed to do so.
Coincidence or no, if the area the Universe now occupies was the site of one billion abortive “near misses” (eg a system that did instantly collapse, a cosmos that was born, aged and died never giving rise to conditions that could support life, etc), then we would never be the wiser. So perhaps the fact that we’re here is remarkable, perhaps not. If only now we finally got the chance to exist on the Universe’s thousand billionth trillionth try, then you could just as easily say “it’s about time.”
the thing is that if we were all green intelligent clouds of gas that had been created by the universe having been ever-so slightly different (and the human race, life as we know it or indeed a universe anything like the one we knoew did not exist) , we would come to the same conclusion:
this universe is perfect for our existence therefore there must be a God.
humans evolved BECAUSE of our environment. the universe happens to be the way it is and we have evolved out of these conditions and therefore are in harmony with these conditions.
so we see the universe as perfect but i don’t think it really proves anything because if the universe was any different, we would not be here to complein about it.
*A universe exists.
*If this universe were even infestimably diferent - no sentient green clouds of gas would exist.
*Sentient green clouds of gas exist in this universe.
–>Any universe with sentient green clouds of gas in it is always fundamentally the same.
No sentient green clouds of gas God required.
It’s the greencloudopomorphic principle.
*Bir Yunus vardır.
*Eğer bu yunus azcik bile farklı olsaydı, hiç insan olamzdı.
*Bu yunusda, insan vardır.
→ Her hangi bir yunus - insan varsa - temelde aynı olacaktır.
All this talk of the big bang makes me wonder if the big bang ever occured. I have always thought it a flawed theory but it would take a lot of time to explain why.
Instead I offer a quick alternative view as follows.
The universe APPEARS to be expanding and all the evidence backs that up. But suppose it was a quality of matter and energy and time that makes it look the way we see it. In other words the universe might not be expanding but appears to be doing so.
Seems very unlikely to me, THOR. I’d say the Doppler Effect is pretty conclusive evidence. That doesn’t necessarily mean there was a Big Bang, however. It could be expanding due to some other reason (Dark Energy, etc).
What is more unlikeley than the big bang?
The doppler effect is not proveable anyway its just a theory that explains what we see. What we see is a red shift in the wavelength of light when objects APPEAR to moving away from us. What I am saying is the further away things are, the more they seem to be moving away.
If the big bang happened why is the universe homogenous? Why do all points in the universe have an event horizon of 15 M light years? (or whatever). Why are there no places near the edge. The places that we see near the edge of our universe will have their own universe 15 M light years in radius. This then leads to the assumption that there must be an infinite number of universes.
We’ve proven Doppler Effect 105%. You can easily see & hear it in everyday life. Again, this has nothing to do with the Big Bang, per se. How “likely” it is isn’t really something you can base on “common sense.” The theory is widely supported because it’s the explaination that best conforms to the evidence we have. Undoubtedly future generations will have better information and will better understand the origins of the Universe. Perhaps the Big Bang is the closest to the way it truly began, perhaps not.
I’ve always failed to see the force of this argument. The fact things had to be perfect for the particular development of life in human form in no way implies a god, instead I wonder why the idea of a universe without a God is any more unlikely than one with a god.
Enlightens current theory of the creation of the universe:
First there was time, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of time and LOTS of time. The universe contained what could have started as the most basic of particles developed into more complex ones, and eventually we had all this hydrogen and whatnot. Eventually, inevitably, these particle-stuff made some reaction which caused a big bang, perhaps many big bangs, and from one of these we had the extreme good fortune to develop. Now, where these basic particles that started this building and collisions to make more complex particle and substances can only come from what we call god. God made something out of nothing, just as he has the power to make nothing out of something. Now with this sort of power, he could probably realise that eventually he would create us, the whole of creation was premeditated and controlled. Now here is where the free will and determinism debate comes in, one that I would rather not go in to. God knows everything, because he created everything. He knows what choice we will make, yet we still feel free.
Excellent harmony, indeed; the very first few events that initiated the universe are proportional to the next events, and the next, and the next, forcing the universe to exist in this “harmony.” “Chance”? Well, no; only the first few occurances could be labeled that.
If you were an intelligent amoeba with fifteen arms and twelve penises, you would have been declaring your “perfection” just as well.
But, let’s see…if, for whatever reason, our planet could NOT have supported life, then you wouldn’t be here to talk about it. The universe could have crunched a trillion times before, and this could be the very first time it supports such life. You wouldn’t be able to remember any other cases before this one, would you?
You know why this planet is perfect for our bodys? because we adapted to this planet, it created us we are part of NATURE and evolution. so we adapted to this planet perfectly not this planet was perfect for us. We didnt exist before Earth existed!??
"The known universe is estimated to be between 10 and 20 billion years old. It passed through at least 99.99997 per cent of its history to date before homo sapiens emerged on earth.
There are an estimated 30,000,000,000 galaxies in the observable universe. Our own galaxy alone contains an estimated 400,000,000,000 stars.
Estimates of the incidence of intelligent life vary enormously. Recent discoveries suggest that half of nearby stars may have gas disks which could accrete into planets, and most of these may have at least one planet with water. Space is seeded with organic molecules that could sow life on any suitable planet.
Altogether there may be as many as 20 billion planets in our own galaxy that harbour life. We have no idea how many have evolved intelligent life. The answer depends heavily on the odds we give to various probabilities. But it seems likely that there might have been between 100,000 and a billion planets in our galaxy alone which have had intelligent life at some time or other.
Assume that half the galaxies in the known universe are old enough for intelligent life to emerge. Then there would have been between 3,000,000,000,000,000 and 30,000,000,000,000,000 intelligent species in the universe so far" -