'Croc-Hunter' Steve Irwin Dead

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:frowning: What a shame. I got a kick out of the guy. He did a lot to promote conservation and raise awareness of environmental issues.

that sucks… :frowning:

i must admit, however, it’s not like we didn’t see this coming. he made a living by getting too close to deadly animals, it was only a matter of time.

True, but I always figured he’d get eaten by a croc or a lion or something. Weird to die of a ray sting to the heart! :astonished:

44 years old, hey?

Well, that’s a fair bit of time on earth. Would have been nicer to have more, but it’s definitely some.

I can’t really say that he’s “gone to a better place” now, as “he” is still in the same place… though now fragmented and dorment within metaphysical dimensions…

I can only hope that I die doing something I love half as much as he seemed to love doing his line of work.

That’s too bad…

He deserved it…
He was looking to die.
Don’t fuck with wild animals.


I got a kick out of him too… thanks for the link, WC.

RIP Steve - you were a good un.

Damn shame! Young enthusiastic man of the Wild…



Weep for this man?
I can’t believe people would even blink at news of him.


Steve Irwin is dead! OYG, the guy was hilarious too, shame… In that line of work one mistake and theres just death. He wont be dead to me, everytime i here “Crikey!” or “Strew!” or “We got a wild one here” ill think of Steve and smile.

You don’t have to be a cunt about it.

I happen to love cunts.


I loved the guy’s shows; his passion for (wild)life was contagious. Though his early demise is not surprising, it is still a shame. :frowning:

And I am personally thankful that throughout history people like him have fucked with wild animals; I wouldn’t have my cheeseburgers now if they hadn’t; after all, wild animals didn’t just domesticate themselves.

OMG, that’s so sad. :cry: It’s weird, I’ve always thought he was nuts and asking for death when I watched the show, but now that it’s happened I can’t believe it.

And of all the crazy stuff he did, a sting-ray killed him, wtf.

We’ll never see his like again :cry:

It’s better to burn out than it is to rust.

The man should have stayed on the ground… Regardless, I think the worst part was that he was doing that underwater shot for his own daughter Bindi; how do you think she feels about it? It really is sad that he went this way… it would have been so much more noble for a croc to get him… and helluva more ironic!

Thirst, there are too many assholes in the world who don’t give a fuck about ecological conservation and enviromentalism, and too few of those who do. Irwin not only made many contributions to wildlife and the enviroment, but brought exciting and dangerous creatures through television that incited a level of entertainment no one had ever before achieved; not to mention paved the way for parodies. (It’s only when you’re parodied that you know people truely love you.) That is why we weep and why you were labeled as a cunt by Duder.

The guy really loved crocs… …and aliens.

What happens when you don’t use FedEx…Aww, Crikey!