crystal maze

you know the watery section of the crystal maze, where some of the rooms have water in and you have to go underwater and do crazy things. a lot of them have submarine motifs (shudder, submarines) anyhoo, jane and i were discussing this just a minute ago and … do you think that the water in those rooms is really really cold? or is it quite warm? because i think it would really affect your ability, and therefore the difficulty of the room, if it was really freezing.

i dunno about the water, but Richard O’Brien is, was, and always will be a God. how come he was SO bald, not alittle, but there wasn’t any stubble at all.

thats very true, actually. he really was SO bald. i used to have nightmares about him despite thinking him fab. and then that goon replaced him and the show went downhill … they should’ve known.

i went to a crystal maze thing somewhere in kent, i think. it was batty. but i always really wanted to go on that show. the crystals were so pretty. and he was soooooo bald.
that other batty made it all bad.

is anyone else sensing that i am only posting this rubbish so that i get to be a philosopher?

[This message has been edited by Lena (edited 14 March 2002).]

My bro’s mate’s uncle was that really bald bloke Richard O’brien or whatever his name was.

Talking about connections, my cousin’s friend’s friend is a minor porn star who slept with the actor who played Legolas in Lord of the Rings on Millenium eve (the first one!)

OK, so I’m not sure how reliable the second connection was, but the uncle bit was true.

anyone seen that crystal maze rip off on channel 5 ‘fort boyard?’ with mellinda messinger? who by the way, ben has met and had a huge hug off?

“on Millenium eve (the first one!)”

Wow. your cousin’s friend’s friend must be very old to have slept with Legolas on the first Millennium eve. Granted, the elf would have been around at the turn of the year 1000 but unlikely the pornstar was.

oh how I amuse myself. Yes i’ve seen fort boyard which was clearly inferior to the Crystal Maze. Can’t really compete with richard o’ brien on his harmonica and mumsy with her crystal ball. To be fair I reckon the guy after O’brien, Ed Tudor Pole was fairly good. Considering he had a tough act to follow I think he did it rather well.

And Mick Jagger came to look round my school today, but i REALLY don’t want to talk about that.

what about X-Fire, truely a displicable show. i hang my head in shame when people think paintballing is like that.

The first Crystal Maze was pure quality, well thought out puzzles, genuine suspense and of course the bald bloke. Fort Boyard is just a cheap rip-off of the original French show, but it would be vastly improved if the lions actually had a chance of getting the contestants, now that would up the tempo a bit!

nicky and i went on that too lena!!! it was really shabby and we had miriam in our group. on another point - yes, how come he was SO bald? maybe it was like a genetic thing or something… like, he never had any hair at all. crazyness. do you think the set is still around somewhere? probably not, but it’s a nice/scary thought…

By the way ben, I had a feeling that the “first millenium eve” thing would confuse people, but I meant the dawn of 2000 rather than 2001. But yes, according to pyscho-biologists who have been studying early pornstar droppings dating back to 0 BC, this particular person was around on the first millenium eve. As were Elfs, evidently.

Jane…do you think he had eyebrows and eyelashes? maybe he was one of those people who have no hair anywhere at all…scary.

i met cat deeley…now, there’s a REALLY hairy person.

i win. i’ve met eddie izzard AND john boy walton.

with the first one you win. but the second one cancels it out, you saddo.

Ralph Fiennes stayed in my hotel, as did Bianca from eastenders and Murray Walker. Of course I didn’t meet any of them and the hotel’s a dive, so really, I couldn’t have said anything less exciting.

As for that bald chap, he probably had alopecia. Proper slaphead, he was…

As an afterthought: Tiffins folk:

Remember the Crystal Maze game on the school computers? Soooo good, although you could never find that cardboard thing that you needed to get the password to even start the game.

Not as good as Fervour, though. Christ, the addiction … remember Rooster level? SO HARD

i love how its YOUR hotel, nic … that crystal maze game was a bit shit, lets be honest. not as bad as the thing with the rescue helicopters. fervour was god (see, philosophical link there … i can be intelligent and philosophical too )

i don’t think anyone in the world got further than the first tower of that stupid nemesis game. the one with the fireballs which just came up from underneath and burnt you if you were about to win.

Hello all

In reponse to my brothers request I am posting a message on his board.He in turn promised to sign my guestbook on my website so Ben I will be keeping an eye…
Anyway back to my response-The Crystal Maze was a truly great programme and I would have given anything to be on that programme.After all they let some truly stupid people on that show so I would have had some sort of chance. Sadly we never got to the show but we did however get the next best thing.Yes folks we went to the cyberdrome versions (all four within the united kingdom). They were mainly computer games with a rollerball control but Ben was rather good at some of the physical games such as the snake pit and spiders web. We also had the board game and computer game which were both good in their won way but nothing beats the real thing.
Oh one last thing Richard O’Brien is 62!!! Can you believe it I couldnt when I heard.Bye for now

was he the one who did rocky horror?

62!!! wow. he’s probably managed to outbald himself by now.

i think someone in my house is being sick. eurgh.