Current government

Yeah I don’t like the Bush administration as the next person but they shouldn’t be taking the heat for everybody. No this is not another bullshit rant about the Iraq war; we’ve all heard more than enough about that situation. My main concern is some of the biggest problems our society is facing right now, maybe even the biggest of our lifetimes:

  1. Global Warming
  2. The Energy Crisis

Why is it that the White House and both houses have failed to address either of these problems? These are major problems that will impact our society greatly. Why are ex-politicians (mainly Clinton and Gore) the only ones doing something about this? Do the republicans think it’s some kind of political game? Even so, the Democrats don’t seem to be doing a whole lot about it either. What’s the deal?

Why is it that the White House and both houses have failed to address either of these problems? These are major problems that will impact our society greatly. Why are ex-politicians (mainly Clinton and Gore) the only ones doing something about this? Do the republicans think it’s some kind of political game? Even so, the Democrats don’t seem to be doing a whole lot about it either. What’s the deal?"

K: The GOPhers have had control of all three branches of
government for 6 years and during the Clinton years controlled
the house and senate. If you don’t have control of congress
and the presidency, there isn’t much you can do.


So why does the GOP continue to ignore this problem. Do they think it’s not a threat?

P.S. They won’t have control for much longer. Mid-term elections are soon. Thank god.

“Do they think it’s not a threat?”

Your question – first requires an estimation that ‘they think’…?

All failures are lack of consciousness.

Haha, very amusing. But honestly, I just cannot figure it out. It poses such a huge threat but they just seem to completely ignore the problem. I am just baffled, how the hell do these people get elected? I guess that says something about American voters…

Handicap is inability.

Ability is finite.

Once incapabale of something on their own, they may become dependant upon that which compensates.

She needs a wheel chair now, for example.

Dependancy is a weakness, though.

Once a system becomes dependant on an unnatural substance, it may get unhealthy, and may have a very hard time breaking the dependancy, which is an addiction.

Today, many people are addicted to unnatural, overly processed foods, entertainment, narcotics, and various products.

This addiction also exists and happens on an economic level, with unnatural means of production and unnatural means of consumption.

Smoking is an example of human addiction which is unreasonable and unhealthy, but it’s been in humanity for thousands of years.

Bad kinds of culture, religion, government and economics have also been with humanity for thousands of years, but humans are too handicapped or retarded to fix it, as the parasite or addiction has become so deeply imbeded.

Parasites are everywhere on earth.

They are in the water, the air, the food, the bodies and the dirt.

Parasites are both attracted to, and cause/worsen weaknesses.

In society, there are many parasites, who exploit people and are unloving, unfair.

In the same way as animal immune systems cannot extinct parasites, humanity cannot extinct evil and injustice.

Healthy animals have strong immune systems.

Healthy societies have strong justice systems.

Good post, Dan~


This is exactly why we need a revolution.


This is what’s going on…

Gore and Clinton are going around doing their thing -because- Bush isn’t doing anything. They’re supposed to look like ‘the good guys’ that will travel around to save us.

Well they won’t.

Clinton, Gore, (and more will join) will continue their crusade and continue to gain more and more power.

Let me tell you something: The Global Warming issue is not what you’ve been told it is. That movie with Gore is a complete lie.

Keep your minds open in the coming years.

Thanks cutey.

How so? Does it have anything to do with the “pole shift”?

Insofar as I can tell, yes, it does.

Which is then in turn the tip of the iceberg for the 2012 business.

The point is that ‘they’ are actively trying to cover this up, something which is fucking moronic to even attempt in my mind. ‘They’ are quite primative mentally, to the average person though; their thought processes, in the way that these elites develop their thinking, is cut off from higher evolutionary processes which the world will begin to feel soon. That is, provided that they are receptive enough.

To make a long story short, the pole shift will eventually change the world dramatically. Economically and geographically.

Hopefully ‘the system’ ( will be revealed and a new world will await.

Thanks, I’ll give the video a look.

Can you please expand on this pole shift theory? Is this what is causing the sudden climate change attributed to global warming? If you have a link, that would be excellent.

Are they aware of this pole shift theory and trying to cover it up or do they actually think global warming is real?

global warming is a lie.

the only energy crisis is the environmentalist wackos try to block domestic drilling, building refineries, building nuke plants and the like. want to solve the energy problem? get rid of environmentalists.

the incas predicted the end of the world in 2012 and low and behold, the current “science” is predicting a pole shift that will destroy the planet

the sky is falling, the sky is falling!


What Imp’s 70’s logic translates to is that we should keep an eye on everyone, cause global warming is a lie.

No one said the world was going to end.

The Mayans made their predictions about 2012 THOUSANDS of years ago. The fact that this date coincides with many other theories isn’t accidental, it’s indicative.

Current science isn’t predicting anything about the poles because no one is reporting on it. It’s not that it’s a lie, it’s that ‘global warming because of cars’ is a lie.

No one except for a few wackos are actually saying the world will end.

There are geographical poles (the imaginaary place where Santa lives) and then there are the actual electromagnetic poles which float in space around where the geographical poles are (they move a bit). But every once and a while the poles change, completely; this is a scientifically recognized phenomena.

Lately this movement has been considerable and it doesn’t seem to be stopping. This is in part caused by the solar flares which have also increased in frequency (something which is also not reported on; in fact the solar observer satelite has been taken out of the public domain.).

What all this means is that 2012 is coming up. It’s a natural cosmic progression that -is- going to change the world for the better. The only problem is that the elites don’t want this change because it will mean the end of their power. So yes… they are essentially trying to keep everyone unreceptive…

This stuff is all over the net… like, just google ‘pole shift’ and get started. It’s hard for me to post a link because I’m not sure which of the stuff out there is reliable (yet).

Gotta read between the lines a bit.

Alot of the sites I’ve visited don’t seem all that reliable. I have yet to find any scientific evidence to back up any of their claims. I have heard of the Mayan calender and the date Dec. 21 2012 or something like that, which is the last date they recorded. The only science I found backing up these claims were: something to do with sunspot cycles and the solar wind associated with that. If enough solar wind comes our way, it can disrupt the magnetic poles. There is evidence of magnetic pole shifts in the past, but they happened very gradually. I don’t really buy into this pole shift theory that will supposedly happen within a few hours creating catastrophe on earth. Seems like a little too farfetched of an idea.

Few hours?


Here… this one is alright.

You have to remember that what is ‘credible’ is a useless question these days. You will not find this stuff in the NY Times or any corporate owned media organ.

No OG, it’s not the photon belt, let me explain:

NoelyG, PhD, MSc, DDS, OOS, Hgs:

In the year 2032, which is the REAL end of the Mayan calender, the solar system will pass through a quark orb of oscillating cosmic frequencies. The date 2012 is an erroneous lie, propagated by CIA agents and/or reptilian overlords. This high energy quark orb is centered on the Betelguese star system, one of only 200 star systems whose electromagnetic energy is high enough to ‘bare’ the otherwise unobservable quarks. The solar system orbits this star system every 30000 years, residing in the quark orb for 2 years in every cycle.

When the Earth’s magnetic field interacts with the quark orb, it will cause the poles to oscillate in what first appears to be a random manner. However, the poles will quickly settle down into a cycle of frequencies which will cause the Earth to emit the melody of Aqua’s “Barbie Girl”. While initially this will be a novelty for all those on Earth, it will eventually drive weaker individuals to madness, and civilisation will collapse in an orgy of violence and disco dancing. Only a selected few will survive this.

When the Earth finally leaves the quark orb, in an act of cosmic irony, all those still surviving will have their DNA altered, and be morphed into evil immortal reptillian overlords. Their primary goal will be to propagate the photon belt myth in another 30000 years time.

I have intuitively channeled this, and therefore it must be the truth. You have been warned…

I sense a hint of sarcasm…