Damn, never thought I'd feel sorry for the guy.

Damn, never thought I’d feel sorry for the guy.

I guess Stalin had it right, that the deal of one is a tragedy but the death of a thousand is a statistic.

Dude definately deserved to get taken care of, but damn, I just feel unright about it. Feel like freakin’ King Xuan. Ain’t right, ain’t right.

He created pain and suffering everywhere he went, called for revolution and the overthrow of the U.S. government and abused his power but, if you really are upset by his demise, you might find detrop on that ‘other’ forum under the pseudonym of Zoot Allures. (:D)


If Saddam deserves to die then that’s a shitty punishment for being different than every other US president only in that he didn’t know/care about hiding bodies.

Every US President? Most of 'em lived and died well before there was even such as thing as nerve gas to use on your own people.

On a serious note: anyone wonder why Saddam was charged and hung with the lesser charge of killing 148 Shia Iraqis in 1982 and not the more heinous ‘gassing of Kurds’ we’re continually thumped over the head with?

Well, a trial on the Kurd gassing would have delved into the U.S’s compliance and supply of chemical weapons to Saddam and would not gone well for neocon propaganda. It would have dug up Rumsfeld’s dealings with Saddam and his response to hearing that Kurds were gassed which was to blame the Iranians. It may have also shed light on the U.S’s attempt to down play what happened. All in all, we may have learned too much.

“Granted he was a brutal dictator, but he was our dictator” – a rare glimmer of truth in the cesspool of lies.

PS I’m not against doing deals with dictators per se (sometimes it might save a lot of bloodshed) I just get sick and tired of the grand efforts to down play their brutality when the US/West is getting something out of it then exaggerating the threat to a ridiculous level when they no longer need him.


I think it has far more to do with political realities in Iraq than ties to the US. There’s also a “fallback position” mentality used in American trials- you try one only a part of the litany of crimes so that if the person is aquitted of them you can try him on the others. You don’t put all your eggs in one basket, so to speak.

Anyway, you throw all the accusations and partisan politics around as you will. At the end of the day you still have a really bad fucking guy dangling at the end of a rope. He was a peice of shit. The fact that he’s not the only peice of shit in the world doesn’t alter that fact.

Ok maybe not every.

Clinton yes.

Bullshit. Clinton killed plenty of people, too. Even if you don’t count the American’s his thugs killed, there’s still the plethora of cruise missiles he rained down on “enemies”, plus the troops he deployed (particularly to Africa), plus all the dirty deals you have no clue about.

I was thinking more about the ones a century or two before you were born. And no, they didn’t all kill the Indians off.

Umm… what? I think you’re agreeing with me about Clinton.

As for the natives, I agree… I take back the ‘Every’ comment. Still, quite a few presidents over the years I’d say almost all of them except for two. The only ones who stood up the Europeans Bankers and their orders, Lincoln and JFK, were shot. Depending on the year the order may not have always been to hire some mercenary army to annihilate some place or another, but the point here is that the US spearheading a campaign to bring ‘justice’ to their man Saddam is fucking ridiculous and hypocritical at best. It’s like a mob boss going to the Mayor crying about how some kid stole his bike.

He looked remarkably composed with all those hooded men standing around him. The gallows looked like shoddy D.I.Y to me.

It’s all MURDER to me.

Violence begets violence.

Strategic uncertainty. Deliberate destabilisation. Come on, we all know what game is being played here.

This clip stops before the actual hanging (thank heavens):
cnn.com/video/player/player. … ution.affl but even seeing this makes me sick to the stomach. There’s NO difference between him doing this to others and others doing it to him.

The death penalty is repulsive in the extreme and nature’s law of justice dictates that for every material body you kill, you also kill a part of yourself. In fact, you’re killing the most precious part of yourself – your soul, your humanity – and leaving only a hollow animal.

Saddam deserved this 100,000 times over but I’m only concerned with what we deserve, not Saddam. We deserve better. We should not let him reduce us to his level - that of cold-blooded killers.


they should have sawed off his head with a knife…

but I guess they only do that to americans…

watch the berg video again and tell me saddam was treated worse…


I agree with km. The death penalty is horrible. It’s not about what we deserve, because Saddam DID deserve that. In saying that Saddam deserved to have his head cut off with a knife, there’s a great sense of nationalistic pride. Bush probably deserves it too, but if he was hung there’d be an outcry from more than the 36% or whatever of people who like him (including me.) The death penalty is absolutely the worst way to go.

Saddam may have been a ruthless mass murdering dog of a pig dictator, but he was our ruthless mass murdering dog of a pig dictator.

I can’t help but feel a sense of lOss for all the helpful assIstance he provided us over the years untiL the stress of wearing all those strings finally took its toll on him.

Indeed, he should have been spared by appeal to puppetular insanity.

Instead, his strings were cut and he was left dangling in true rope-a-dope fashion.

We should be ashamed.

No way. That can’t have anything to do with it. I refuse to believe it. :slight_smile:

Although Saddam proved to be somewhat sadistic during his regime…at least he took it like a man. I doubt you’d find many world leaders today that would be able to do that.

In truth, I think the oil issue is something of a detour. That’s more about appeasing the section of the mass media owned by energy concerns so they’d support the military action than a principle motive. One can get easily lost in the world of oil industry conspiracy theories, but one just as easily overlooks the dozen other key motives. The West seizing control of middle Eastern oil and gas reserves is only a small part of the sizeable reasons for the Afghani/Iraqi wars.

In the article below they decided to publish a photo of saddam hanged. I thought publishing a photo of a dead man hanging was a bit full-on for the main local rag… after all, kids are going to see it etc etc. I’m not sure how I feel about it? Is it too much?

smh.com.au/articles/2007/01/ … ?from=top5

EDIT: Damn, they changed the picture. This is the main photo on the article before they changed it.
img478.imageshack.us/img478/3776 … 830xx2.jpg


I watched the clip from noose to drop on TV. One interesting thing.

Saddam was a Suni, they believe Mohamed was the true prophet. The executioners were shiite, believing rather, in his relation Ali as prophet.

As he was staning in the noose, Saddam repeated what equivocates to the ‘last rites’ of islam, in arabic. The final word should end with the name of the prophet - That said to seal the rite and guarrentee a place in heaven. It differs between the two factions.

They let him get right up to the second from last word, and dropped him before he could say it.

Looks like Saddam will be going down.