Hehheh…good one!
You could have made more sense if you had better grammar. “The way you phrase your thoughts” is an incomplete sentence and has no relevance to the matter. As for your second sentence, you apparentely failed to really read my comments and understand them, which is supported by the fact that you have failed to answer my question: “Do you even know what an aethiest is?”
It’s interesting how you attempt to try to make it look like my fault, when it was you who made the questionable comments in the first place. Changing the subject will not give you an advantage in this forum.
Making assumptions? Hardly. I’ve already made it very clear as a fact that you tend to not make much sense out of what you’re saying.
From your religious point of view, it seems that you take the bible pretty seriously eh? You sure have a knack for saying things that people already know…it makes you look like a fool. The sooner you get that fact, the sooner you can fix it. Which reminds me, Nietzsche said: “There are no truths, only interpretations.” Do you agree?
Which other country is this that you speak of?
Wow, first you spend all your time trying to make me look bad by calling me a stereotyper, not to mention calling me and Future Man people who hate another’s ideas, and then you proclaim your intentions to make yourself out as the very plague you accuse us to be. Sad…you are a fool, but in hope that you change your ways, I forgive you.
By the way, the next set of comments you made is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read on this forum. It’s too bad you let your religious arrogance get the best of you on this…
“Every?” Are you sure? You sure are making yourself out to be one of the most narrow-minded people that has ever graced this forum.
I’m not sure I understand what this question is suppose to mean.
Is it? Hmmm…gee…I guess you’ve never heard of Hinduism. That’s too bad.
That one comment is going to get you flammed for the duration of your time on this forum, I gaurentee it.
You really need to rephrase this in a more grammatical sense. Your speech pattern is becoming a real confusing factor in your arguments.