Dan should not continue as MODERATOR

I guess if you like drums and shouting, over concerto symphonies. Each his own I guess

All I can say is if your looking to buy washing machines, technology or cars…I’d never buy it if it said “Made in Africa.” They are wise enough to know not to even try

Only according to your silly ideals. People are both superior/inferior in terms of their deeds, and their own inner potentials to accomplish deeds.

Noone said race wasn’t about DNA and only about skin pigments. Do you think Africans have the same DNA as Indians?

Now, are you serious?
I thought it was obvious where I was not serious.

Modern music isn’t all that great, either.
Classical musics existed before a lot of this moderns stuff.

I didn’t mean that i believe such an idea, but i am saying some people do have race phobia, because of how inequality relates to race wars.

Long ago when nations fought wars, they were one race against another.

No. As time passes more and more of us become more and more different.
If things are too similar there would be birth defects more often.

Different, and usually degraded. Are purebreed stallions inferior, because they have more chance of “birth defects”?



Noone likes moderns dude. The bar is set so low that compared to modern music, a negro can be genius compared to a white dude.

You think domesticated animals are somehow better? I was stating a generalization.

The crux topic is not domestication. Thoroughbred horses are stronger and faster because they are bred to be. The remote possibility of future incest does not make their existence potentially a case for inferiority. In the past the brotherhood helped make sure the bloodlines stayed optimal, and nowadays breeding is not based on genetic traits but on who has got the most money, dumb luck, and undeserved prestige.

Of course, modern humans like to think they are some how seperate from animals, so they take offense to the notion that human genetic pairing can be compared to thouroughbreeding horses, so they spill and wet their panties with shouts of “racist!” “racist” all over the place.


by Dan~ » Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:15 pm

The problem is that blacks are chimpy and that they don’t believe it, when they should believe it, since we are supposedto be truthy moreso than chimpy.

If not for truth, then for what else should we post or think about?

Either they are going to help keep the store prices medium high for bananas and popcorn,
or if they leave the country, they will stir up antinigs elsewhere, then go on matches,
break coffee shops, eat each other, etc.

Nothing left to be said about this. Continue to keep your head in the sand.

I explained to you already.

“Either they are going to help keep the store prices medium high for bananas and popcorn,”
The above was supposedto be funny not truthful.

Anyone who couldn’t see that already shouldn’t be allowed to dictate who should be a moderator, and certainly not the socialist, bigoted, hate-mongering extremist making wild and blind accusations.

What’s so terrible about Canadian Dan?

Back Bacon and real maple syrup on your pancakes.
Corn syrup is obviously inferior to maple syrup.
Also moose are bigger than deer if you want to be up to your ass in jerky and steaks.
Go far enough north and there is still some untouched land.

( But god damn those mosquitoes. )

I am on the Canadian border myself. I know exactly what you’re talking about concerning mosquitoes.

We have elk but no moose. Have to travel a bit more north in your territories for that.

Male mooses are superior to female mooses because they are more large and strong and have horns.

Big strong man’s philosophy.

Master race.

Enlightened modern atheism / naturalism.

Straw men being stacked up in rows equipped with toy dart guns.

If a male moose could talk, he would probably say : “I’m pretty awesome. I have better older DNA than humanz.”

What is superior and inferior.
Superior things are fallic. They go to the gym every day.
Inferior things like flowers and butterflies have no power, therefor they don’t belong.
Evolution itself is all about big man strength.
If someone extincts a type of flower, that is actually good.
The more weak dies, the more the strong guys have for themselves.

What we need is strong moderators.
Strong enough to handle facts.
They need to eat more vitamines and read everything that is written.

I do not believe strength is the only factor of superiority.

For instance, strength without compassion and you end up with the world you have today, evolving backwards, people getting dumber every day, DNA degradation. Strength requires Intelligience wisdom and compassion.

That means you’re years ahead of the darwinians.

Maybe another word for wisdom and compassion is positive energy.
Positive energy has to do with the right thing at the right time.
On second thought, maybe the two terms don’t need to merge.

Yes. Too many airheads with “positive energy only” that don’t harness it the right way, degrading the species.

…you still have to visit the site as much as you can to moderate though, Dan~