Dark Energy

Can somebody explain to me why dark energy cannot possibly be Plato’s Ether? It would appear that the only argument against this is that Plato couldn’t possibly have known about it. This is pure arrogance.

Can somebody explain to me why dark energy cannot possibly be Plato’s Ether? It would appear that the only argument against this is that Plato couldn’t possibly have known about it. This is pure arrogance.

Exotic “dark energy /mass”.

To solve some difficult problem the physicists
create a simple abstract model.
Beginning from this simple model they learned
to solve practical and difficult tasks.
In that time it was the right way to solve that problem.
Take, for example, the theory of “ideal gas “.
The " ideal gas " represents one theoretical model of gas
and the physicists say it does not exist in nature.
It was found, that properties of real gases are very close
to “ideal gas”. The result “ very close “ was quite satisfied
for physicists. But from time of creation the theory of
" ideal gas " about 100 years have passed and the
quantum theory was created. And from the quantum theory
we know that to use the expression “very close” it is impossible.
Because very small (insignificant) changes in the microworld
is a cause of radical transformation in system.
We must be very cautious, using words
"very close …, almost equally”.
I offer to consider model “ideal gas” as real model of the vacuum.
Because the temperature of " ideal gas " is equal to -273 degrees.
And temperature of pure vacuum is the same.
Now it is considered that the Universe,
as an absolute frame of reference is in a condition of T = 2,7K
(rests of relic radiation of the Big Bang ).
But, the relic radiation is extended and in the future will change
and decrease down to Т=0К, isn’t it?
Now everyone knows, that absolute temperature T=0K
cannot be reached. But is it enough reason to think
that space T=0K doesn’t exist?
If Columbus did not discover America,
there was not America, was it?
We have all theoretical and logical rights to investigate
the vacuum T=0K.

Einstein said,
“… we have not proven that the Aether does not exist, we
have merely proven that we do not need it (for computations)”
This is correct.
The vacuum does not have influence on the behaviour of particles.
Therefore we will say nothing about vacuum.
What is it possible to say about particles in vacuum?
The first question: “ Can they have volume?”
Because according to J. Charles law ( 1787),
when the temperature falls down on 1 degree
the volume decreases on 1/273. And when the
temperature reaches -273 degree the volume
disappears. The physicists say, if the particle
has completely lost its volume then:
the substance, matter disappears
the physical parameters of particles becomes infinite.
But such statement contradicts the
“Law of conservation and transformation energy”.
And then we must understand what the sense of the
“Law of conservation and transformation energy” is,
we should understand and accept that
when volume of the particles disappear
they become "indefinitely flat figures ".
What do "indefinitely flat figures " mean?
They mean, that we cannot reach Absolute Vacuum T=0K
and we also cannot reach density of the particle in the T=0K.
The “ Charles law” was confirmed by other physicists:
Gay-Lussac ( 1802), W. Nernst ( 1910), A. Einstein ( 1925) .
These "indefinitely flat figures " have the geometrical form
of a circle, as from all flat figures the circle has the most
optimal form: C/D=pi= 3,14.
We can see the same situation in quantum theory too,
when electron interacts with vacuum, its physical parameters
become infinite. We see the “relay race” of misunderstanding
in the physics, which goes from one generation to another one,
only because at the beginning the " ideal gas " wasn’t understood.
Let us take some area of Vacuum and mark it with letter R.
The number of particles in this area we will mark with letter N.
Then every particle of this area has gravity/ mass of rest: R/N= k.
Classic physics asserts, that in a Vacuum T=0K the motion
of particles stops, and the energy of Vacuum is equal to zero.
The quantum physics asserts, that in a Vacuum T=0K there is
motion of particles, and the energy of Vacuum is not zero.
Therefore, let us take some energy area of Vacuum and
mark it with letter E.
The mass of this energy area of Vacuum we will
mark with letter M.
Then every particle of this area has energy/mass of rest:
E/M= c^2, ( E=Mc^2, M=Ec^2.)
As these particles are in the state of rest condition
their impulse is equal to zero ( h=0).
Mathematical point.
In mathematics, such condition of the particles in Vacuum
is characterized with the imaginary quantity : i^2 = -1.

Now we have the whole bouquet of formulas to begin
to paint the picture of creating the Existence.
The quantum physics approves that “virtual particles”
exist in Vacuum
Astrophysics approve that “ latent mass, invisible
particles, dark matter ” exist in Vacuum.
Everything was created from them.
But nobody knows what they are.
Now maybe somebody will understand these
“virtual, invisible, latent “particles.