Does Dark Matter Mean Ordinary & Extraordinary Materialism?
These are legitimate questions, not crackpot spam as some misinformed, disinformed and willfully ignorant scientists/physicists who are so nervous about losing their not-so-remarkable academic standing would like to label.
How can mind invisibly function in the visible physical
relam? -
Can mind be physical?
Can Dark Matter, (perhaps the axions of neglible mass) have
Dark Chemistry? -
Can there be Dark Chemical Bonds involving Axion
configurations (Duets, Octets) and Axion spins? -
Will gravitons (negative and positive) substitute for
electric charges -
Could there be three different Axions (Types I, II & III),
corresponding to electron, proton and neutron? -
Could it be that plants have only Type I Axion, and animals
only Types I & II? -
Could it be that Humans have all the three Types of Axions
such that a perfect Axion hierarchy of atoms,
molecules, cells, organs and the axion body coupled parallel
to the visible body? -
Could it be that the dark axion bodies in animals is less
perfect and the least perfect in plants? -
Could this be the reason that plants emit the most number of
biophotons and humans the least? -
Could this be an evidence for the theory that axions
interact with ordinary attoms to produce coherent loww
energy photons? -
Could it then be surmised that there is a an INVISIBLE
HOMOSAPIEN coupled parallel to the visible human body? -
Could that be an adequate explanation of extensively
reported paranormal and psychic phenomena in humans and
their absence in plants and animals? -
Could it be that Humans can influence/communicate plants
and animals through the axion interactions? -
Could this explain the vast taxonomic differences inspite
of the close genomic similarities? -
Could ordinary DNA and Dark DNA exist with integrated processes?
How can there be an artificial intelligence/consciousness since pure
material structures do not have axion bodies and DNA regulators? -
Are the following references meaningful?
Chemical bonds and ordinary chemistries involve not only charges, but spin and configurations (Octet,Duet) of electrons
Axions are Dark Matter particles of negligible mass. Three types of axions with three different masses may exist each corresponding to electron, proton and neutron. Possibly with negative and positive gravitons(or an unknown force)and spins these axions may lead to a Dark Aufbau and dark Chemistry. A Dark Hierarchy may exist consisting of Dark Atoms, Dark Molecules, Dark Compounds, Dark Cells and Dark Organisms.
The clearly observable taxonomic differences inspite of the close genomic similarities may be accounted for as follows: Type 1 Axions may be universally present across the taxa. Type II Axions may be present in animals and humans only, not in plants. Type III Axions may be present only in Humans.
Thus, only humans will have a complete hierarchy of Dark Bodies resulting in the INVISIBLE HOMO SAPIENS existing parallel to the visible human body. Animals will have less complete and plants the least complete form of Dark Bodies. Biophoton Emission seems to support this, plants emitting about 10 times more than animals. There are theoretical grounds to show that biophoton emission is a consequence of dark matter interaction with elementary particles. The binding capcity of axions to the visible atoms may exponentially increase with each addition of the axion type, making human dark cells 3^3 = 9 times more stable than plant dark cells.
These findings have been published in recent Noetic Journal and NeuroQuantology Journal cited below.
- Mind Matter 2. Dark Chemistry or Psychic Spin Pixels?
- Dark Matter& Dark Chemistry
Can AI/ComputerBrain be conscious?
Can Animals and Plants be Conscious?
NeuroQuantology Journal, June, 2007 Dark Chemistry or Psychic Spin Pixels, ibid September, 2007, for Dark Matter & Dark Chemistry).
Noetic Journal (Vol 4, # 4, October 03, Nobelist Sir John Eccles Centennial Edition).
Panpsychism is inevitable in ORDINARY MATERIALISM, if consciousness is a product of ORDINARY MATTER, because ordinary matter is ubiquitous. Panpsychism is not necessarily inevitable in EXTRAORDINARY MATERIALISM where consciousness is a joint product of EXTRAORDINARY MATTER (dark matter for example) interacting with ORDINARY MATTER. Here there is the possibility that plants can differ from animals and animals from humans, in their dark-matter compositions. Such differences are empirically observable.
The Platonic ineffable form will not be adequate to explain consciousness. However, there is no need to separate the engine from the energy, or Piaget’s cognitive constructs from actual physical structures, if the Aristotelian forms are real. There seems to be a scientific basis for the reality of these forms (as invisible but real physical configurations, if dark matter and possibly dark chemistry are also taken into consideration), which is brought out in a recent Noetic Journal article (Vol 4, # 4, October 03, (Neuro Scientist & Nobelist Sir John Eccles Centennial Edition).
and for Periodic Table of Personalities