dasein and thermo-nuclear war?

The sleep, the long sleep can have only two solutions: believe simulated warfare among all the think tanks’ super duper conclusions to a tee, or risk the calamitous uncertainty which denies the early atomistic conjectures with Leibnitz’-Chamberlain’s assertions of ‘Peace in Our Time.

US ‘sleepwalking’ into WWIII, experts warn nation is underprepared: ‘We do not have our Churchill’

By Caitlin McFall, 7 hrs ago


Fox News

Verified Publisher


The U.S. is “sleepwalking” into a global war against its top adversaries united under an axis of “malign partnerships,” and experts are sounding the alarm that neither the U.S. military nor the public are prepared for World War III.

In late July, a body of non-governmental national security experts, first tasked by Congress in 2022 under the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, released an evaluation of the U.S.’ overall security strategy put forward by the Biden administration two years ago.

The commission found that after decades of post-Cold War policies that cut defense spending and reduced investments in the security sector, Washington, D.C., is “not prepared” to counter Beijing in open conflict, let alone a multi-front war against China, Iran, North Korea and Russia.


The commission, which included four Republicans and four Democrats who served under the Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama administrations, looked to make clear the lack of preparedness was not the fault of a single administration, but rather the failure of a generation of leaders to identify and counter the growing danger posed by authoritarian nations, as well as to adequately explain the threat to the American public.

The experts explained the U.S. and its allies are facing a threat not seen from global powers since WWII, as Europe is witnessing the largest land war on the continent since 1945 – a war in which Russia is receiving aid from China, Iran and North Korea.


The threat of a major war between nation states, not just rogue militants or terrorist groups, looms in the Middle East, and the potential for open conflict in the Indo-Pacific also remains a serious concern.

“There’s been a generalized failure across our political class in educating the American public of the severity of these threats and the danger that they represent,” Amb. Eric Edelman, who served as vice-chair for the 2024 commission as well as co-chair or vice chair for prior commission reports, said during a briefing to reporters hosted by JINSA this week.

“Historically, I’m sad to say, that when we’re faced with these kinds of challenges, we have typically responded after a catastrophe,” he added, referencing events like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. “Perhaps we can draw from some different lessons in history.”

The experts pointed to the decrease in defense spending – which has been in a downturn since 1952 when the U.S. allocated nearly 17% of its GDP for defense compared to the 3% allocated today – and warned this investment in security is not enough to adequately counter adversaries like China.

After reviewing unclassified war games, the commission found that even with Washington’s efforts to ramp up weapons stockpiles following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. would likely still exhaust its munitions inventories within three to four weeks if it were to engage in open conflict with Beijing.


Some munitions like anti-ship missiles are estimated to last only a few days, and once expended, it will take years to replace the munitions.

Edelman pointed out that this is not a justification for ceasing military aid to Ukraine and highlighted that a direct war against an adversary like China or Russia would be substantially more expensive, let alone a global conflict not seen since the 20th century.


Battalion 120 territorial defense takes part in training exercises near the Belarus border in Chernobyl, Ukraine, on March 16, 2024 as the war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for the last two years. Getty Images

“Preparing ourselves for defense is essentially an effort to deter conflict,” Edelman said. “Whatever the cost of defense is going to be, it’s going to be paltry in comparison to what the cost of a war would be.”

Near the end of World War II, the U.S. allocated more than 40% of its GDP for its defense budget in 1943 and 1944, and the commission warned that modern wars, as seen in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Ukraine, are lengthy engagements.

“The United States must therefore ready its forces and its industrial base for the potential of protracted conflict,” the commission’s report said.

However, the experts also warned that preparing the U.S. for a global power struggle cannot be remedied by just throwing money into the defense budget, there also needs to be a “shift in culture.”

Mara Rudman, commissioner and former deputy assistant to the president for National Security Affairs during the Clinton and Obama administrations, pointed to steps China has been taking over the last several decades that have given it an edge over the U.S., including in its technology sectors and relationship building in Latin America, Africa and recently, the Middle East.


A view shows facilities under construction, which are owned by TALCO Gold Chinese-Tajik antimony and gold mining joint venture, at the Konchoch deposit in western Tajikistan Nov. 3, 2021. TALCO Gold, jointly owned by Tajikistan’s state metals firm TALCO and China’s Tibet Huayu Mining Co, plans to begin commercial production of antimony, a metal used in batteries and fire retardants, from the Konchoch deposits by October 2022. Reuters

“They spent the last 20 years building the Belt and Road Initiative , making sure that they control processing and mining for most of the critical minerals that we need for a range of different weapon systems we have, but also for our phones and for the kinds of cars we need to build, and for the batteries that we need to have across the board,” she told reporters this week. “That’s something we need to overcome.”

There has been an increasing push in Republican circles in the U.S. to move away from international involvement, contributing to a rise in isolationism that is similar to U.S. sentiments ahead of World War II, and experts are sounding the alarm that this needs to change if Americans do not want to find themselves embroiled in another global war.


“It’s going to require leadership, and it’s going to require educating the American public,” Edelman, who served under the Bush administration, said.

The experts on the bipartisan commission were in agreement that the American people not only need to be better educated by their leadership but trusted that they can decide what is best for their nation when properly informed.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, right, meets with a delegation led by Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Sergei Shoigu on Sept. 14, 2024, just days before the Russian official traveled to Iran. Reuters Photos

Both the Biden-Harris administration and the Trump campaign were briefed by experts on the results of the commission.

While the White House and Harris campaign have not publicly commented on the findings, the former president’s response to the report seemed to run counter to what the commission urged, as former President Donald Trump called it “stupid” during a rally in late August – prompting the experts to question whether Trump had been properly briefed by his campaign.

“I really think it’s impossible to read the report that they’ve delivered and not believe that we are as a nation…sleepwalking into a great and potentially historic catastrophe,” host of the event and JINSA’s Charles & Randi Wax senior fellow, John Hannah, said. "We are not on the brink of a national crisis – in many ways, we’re already deep into a crisis.

“And we do not have our Churchill at the moment,” Hannah, who also served during the Bush administration, added. “The commission on the National Defense Strategy has fulfilled its mission. Now we need everybody else to play their part around the country and in the halls of power in Washington.”

PS maybe Trump’s naivete, has some intrinsic qualities prepossessing his , what some pen as ‘flow of consciousness styles of speaking, where others broadly define him ‘strange’

So let’s look at democracy failing in our time as an alternate reality, empirically necessitated in a new context, emerging a philosophy in a new key. (Susan Langer)

Bad signs where the so far ignored thesis that only a miracle can stop this stupid march to the unthinkable is becoming clearer by the minute; or the AI programs can only be properly augmented, where as noted in the following assertion.

The bias of Fox News maybe should be discounted by the ‘facts! Where the same outlet supports trump’s narrative supporting the idea of ‘fake news’.

So let’s the today’s take on the following;


China expert sounds alarm over ‘war signals’: ‘Xi Jinping is about to do something truly horrendous’

By Alicia Warren, 7 hrs ago


Fox Business

Verified Publisher


Chinese President Xi Jinping may be on the verge of doing something “horrendous” after sending two “war signals” within 10 days of each other, says one expert.

Gordon Chang, senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute and author of ‘ Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America,’ joined FOX Business’ “Mornings with Maria” on Thursday to discuss the U.S. adversary’s rising aggression.

His comments come after the Ministry of Defense of the People’s Republic of China announced that its military had launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Wednesday morning.

The missile, which carried a dummy warhead and was not targeting any particular nation, fell into the ocean without incident. The People’s Liberation Army’s Rocket Force claims that the launch was part of its routine military training calendar.

“That’s a war signal. That’s a second war signal that we’ve gotten from China in the last 10 days, which means that Xi Jinping is about to do something truly horrendous,” Chang warned.



Chang argued that the U.S. needs to “stop underwriting the enemy,” and that the country needs a president who will prepare Americans for “what could happen.”

“We have a Biden administration that is not willing to talk to the American people about the imminence of what China is prepared to do,” he stressed.

Chang went on to mention that Biden “opened the door” to the multiple threats the U.S. is currently facing, including from Russia.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced revisions to the country’s nuclear doctrine. The revised version of the document states that an attack against his country by a nonnuclear power with the “participation or support of a nuclear power” will be seen as a “joint attack on the Russian Federation.”

Putin “made those threats prior to invading Ukraine and Biden backed down,” Chang explained. “And so, Putin thought, ‘well, clearly, we can do more of this.’”

He went on to mention that the Chinese, as well as the North Koreans , started making new threats following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“We have China and the most rapid nuclear buildup since the Cold War,” Chang said, arguing that U.S. enemies are “thinking of coordinating nuke attacks on the United States.”

From the NYT:

Ukraine has asked to use Western long-range weapons to strike deeper into Russia for months. It argues that it needs those weapons to hit military sites that house Russian warplanes and that launch missiles into Ukrainian cities.

Those entreaties were a major topic of discussion on Friday as President Biden met with Prime Minister Keir Starmer of Britain, who is trying to nudge the United States to give more latitude to the Ukrainians. Mr. Starmer would especially like Mr. Biden’s support for Britain to allow Ukraine to use British Storm Shadow missiles to fire farther into Russia.

And now this from the NYT:

Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russia With Long-Range U.S. Missiles

With two months left in office, the president for the first time authorized the Ukrainian military to use the system known as ATACMS to help defend its forces in the Kursk region of Russia.

What’s troublesome is that Biden is no doubt still preoccupied with – and pissed off about – being driven out of the race. And I suspect he is convinced that had he been the candidate he would have won.

So, instead of the potential for being the most powerful man in world for another 4 years, it’s all over for him. What more has he got to lose over the next two months?

Who the hell really knows what is going on inside his head. Maybe it is just a response to those 10,000 North Korean soldiers. Or maybe he figures fuck it, I’ll go out with a bang.

Western civilization always had a bit of a death wish, deep down. Some associate this with Revelation and the whole cultural religious language and archetypes around the “end of days”.

Then think about zombie apocalypse movies. How popular these are. Or just any movie featuring some sort of ending of the world as we know it.

Now on top of all that, imagine the world controllers who tell Biden what to do, they have their own script they are going off of. This little window of time between Biden and Trump, clearly has a certain meaning within the context of that script. And how a controlled or directed, somewhat limited yet also devastating display of world war nuclear annihilations would serve their interests on so many fronts. Not least of which giving them something to blame the world financial collapse and impending reset on.

And then on top of that and just for fun, imagine the anger and hatred of the demoncraps like Biden and his supporters. They would rather burn the world than see trump in office.

So yeah, that is all one heck of a lot of pressures and influences in one particular direction. Good thing there are also quite weighty and powerful forces and inertias in the opposite direction. Which side will break first? Only time will tell.

From the NYT:

"On the 1,000th day of the war in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky took advantage of Washington’s new willingness to allow long-range missiles to be shot deep into Russia. Until this weekend, President Biden had declined to allow such strikes using American weapons, out of fear they could prompt World War III.

“On the same day, Russia formally announced a new nuclear doctrine that it had signaled two months ago, declaring for the first time that it would use nuclear weapons not only in response to an attack that threatened its survival, but also in response to any attack that posed a “critical threat” to its sovereignty and territorial integrity — a situation very similar to what was playing out in the Kursk region, as American-made ballistic missiles struck Russian weapons arsenals.”

Not only is Biden pissed off at how things turned out in the presidential race, but any number of folks have expressed the concern that he is not altogether of sound mind anyway. As for figuring out how far Putin can be pushed…?

And now Trump will be back in office in a couple of months.

What could go possibly go wrong then, right?

It reminds me of how they teed up the pandemic at the end of Trump’s presidency. And now they’re teeing up this mess.

Play ball!

Demoncraps be like

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Well said, lady! :clap:t3:

He negatively-hyping Putin by comparing him to an emulated Stalin…

She deeming that drawing a parallel between the Russia/Ukraine war and WW2 since the beginning of the conflict is mistake number 1, and comparing Putin with Stalin and Russia with the Soviet Union is mistake number 2… as this war is about Russia’s security and nothing more.

If the real truth of the reasons why Russia ‘invaded’ Ukraine ever came out to public light, these libtards would literally shit themselves.

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The parallels between the 1930’s and now are hideously familiar, that is why the intersection between familiarity and familiarity is obviously intransitive as that between - genetic and memetic interpretations.

This is why AI simulated programs are the only conscious features which can hope to elicit the light at the end of the tunnel. , in some opinions.

Alongside the Som of Man’s apparently duplicious review of His Father’s willed Law.

The Son of Man reviewed Moses’ allowances and certain amendments (unfaithful additions, and subtractions by tradition) to it. There is only one law against which no unlawful tradition will stand, and it boils down & adds up to self=other, which the Son of Man fulfilled in his death & resurrection, and the entire whole of maximally great compossibles.

That law (the Good) was not created. It was describing/demonstrating the whole. In part, we see as in a looking glass dimly.

Absolutely, as meno is compressed toward meno2 and that into meno 4 toward Meno ( the) , such compression, comprehension is pushed into the form of recollection, the two become inseparably One,

Creation is merely for recognition
Recognition is impossible without recollection
Recollection fades with entropy

So revision is a conditional to anomalous re-pressing - reprocessing-between levels

Stop trying to act like you know shit. Nothing you say ever makes any fucking sense, and we all know that.

Yes, if you say so, but at the same time try to recollect the common sense rule of talking to others like you would/ could expect to be talked to.

Maybe it’s a matter of comprehending the hidden aspects of communication?

Just guessing.

Dude I never talk to anyone like I expect them to talk back to me. What am I, a child?

I gave up on reciprocity long ago, after endless failures to find a mind even remotely equal and interested.

Naw… I talk to others as I see the truths they need to hear. That is it. And occasionally I just say the truth plainly and without any regard to their silly idiotic fantasies. And for that, sure, I am sorry.

Do please carry on.

Will do but the need to remember is that within each of us there fixed or hard wired permanently the child we once was and maybe stressful times of godlessness bring out that phase toward which we forever pine for

Who really knows?

dont do drugs

In this stage of evolution, most are prone to the discontent s of civilization, and most everyone is prone to mood elevators or depressors, legit or not. That problem is getting acute that we are on the brink of the impossible; that is that we simply must see eyes to eye, as a means to survive and pass through this era.

Guy I like to think I like you, even if I don’t understand the blank stared retort.

But it’s cool

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Amen brother :+1: :hugs: :banana_dance: :banana_dance: :banana_dance: :banana_dance: :banana_dance: :banana_dance: :banana_dance: