Existence revolves around life and death. Without life there is no death. Without procreation there is no life. Sex then is the Holy Grail of Existence and the mating ritual can be considered as a sacred act and the bedrock of male and female relationships. In order to ensure the continued evolution of life so that the religion of death can unfold, thereby enhancing the Sacred, Nature has made sure that sex is the most pleasurable organic experience in existence.

For mankind, sex is no longer simply a physical affair. The mind and the effect that the mind has over the emotions is a crucial factor in sustaining the initial physical attraction. With over half the marriages in the U.S. failing and homes broken apart, we have to accept that the courtship rituals and Holy vows of matrimony that cement a marriage, the sacred mating ritual of our specie is no longer as sublime as it should be.

This fact must be of deep concern to all of us – for it is upon the family and its fundamental values that our national character is forged. If these traditonal values, which determine a universal commonalty of purpose do not remain constant among all nations, then any hope for the future unity of the globe will be impossible.

When the mind allows sex to become stale between husband and wife, the marriage no longer rests on the natural bedrock of their relationship and thus an artifcially manufactured sense of failure looms. So the question is; how can a married pair keep the sex act pleasurable and sacred throughout their lives? The answer is profoundly important. For this reason I am willing to transcend private intimacy and share a simple sexual resolution that works for our family relationship, and which I am sure is practiced by many others .

For the past twenty five years my wife and I have made Friday our Date Night.

On the surface it may seem that by setting a time and place for sex once a week, much of the spontaneity and romance is taken out of the mating ritual.
We have not found it so.
The pluses far outweigh the vagaries of spontaneity.
We are all creatures of habit. When we set our minds to do anything in life that decision evokes a deep ethical response that disciplines us to do as we say and think
Sex once a week sustains an ethical sense of moderation.
The creation of a set family ritual removes the individual need for wondering and questioning - and all the self-doubts and miscommunications about each others feelings that can bedevil any relationship
The anticipation of a pleasurable certainty creates its own level of sexual excitement.
The ritual completion of our conjugal rights sustains the mutual respect we have for our marriage.
The weekly ritual reassures our children that our family is sound - and it also instills within them respect for the responsibilities of a marriage

Whatever works for you. I don’t think I’d want consistence, you just gotta have more passion or lust. Never been in that situation, but I’m probably a lover of the flesh.

Was that way myself when a teenager. :wink:
Now I am a lovetr of my wife and family. :smiley:

Date night? I’d just be happy for a date one night :confused:

Maggie, if I was’nt married I’d take you up on that. Where would you like to spend it?

Your reply put a smile on my face / I would spend it talking over tea/coffee: for a first meet…

Okay, so now you gotta date. Here I am sitting on my side of the pond, sipping my tea. Right off the bat, I wanna know why a nice-sounding girl like you is having a hard time finding a date? What is it? Physical? Mental? .Soulful? :frowning:
Start talking - that is if you don’t mind eaves droppers. Me? I am an upfront guy. Transparent as all hell. I have nothing to hide. Well, almost nothing.:smiley:

Er, ok…

(Tea in hand) I feel that no-one deserves to be with me: if all truth be told - their too easy/ too charming/ too eager to jump into bed/ too… get the picture?

Plus, what with my esoteric life-style n all: they may not understaqnd the things that happen around me, and that’s not good for my happiness and well-being.

So, some-one’s gotta deserve to be with me, and understand my world - 2 important factors for me.

I have a theory - based on a shamanic idea - that there are three levels of attraction: sexual, emotional, and spiritual.

Many if not most relationships in the modern West are based only on sexual attraction. If you look at (young) women you will see that in most cases, they primarily seek to arouse sexual attraction in men. Some girls arouse emotional attraction, though. These are women that are - willingly or unwillingly - sweet.

Meeting people in real life means that the first impression is usually only a physical impression: do you like his or her looks? Are you attracted to him or her physically?

On a medium like the internet, on the other hand, the first impression is usually a spiritual/intellectual (German geistig) impression. If two people are spiritually attracted to each other (for instance, through mutual understanding - which fulfills the human need to be understood), this spiritual attachment may then arouse emotional attraction.

Thus the attraction deepens. From an affair of the head, it becomes an affair of the heart. And emotional attachment - love - may in turn arouse sexual attraction. Only one to whom you are both spiritually, emotionally and sexually attracted is a worthy match.

Only too well. But you have to admit that sexual attraction is the base of a good start. So you have to accept that as a compliment. Now the trick is to get Romeo to hold back on the orgy and try to get that sexual energy to reach his heart.

If the date is under 42, your chances are slim. Generally speaking, boys do not become men until male menopause. Only then are they thinking of fatherhood. That said; if the sexual attraction is strong enough, a mature male looking for a loyal wife and good mother, should be willing (at least for a reasonable while) to give abstinance a try and see if by controlling his sexual energy the rise can stimulate genuine feelings for you in his heart.

This is where you have to use the female charms that nature endowed you with to keep him at bay long enough to become interested in your soul. If ther energy has reached his heart - it can more easily be attracted further up into his inner eye and gve him a vision of your future together.

Now, to get the ball rolling, why not give my astological opening gambit a try? :smiley:

I believe in natural attraction/what will be will be, and all that… I just hope I start attracting my kinda male :wink:

I have no patience/energy for anything else, but that…

We all have a soul mate, Shiva and Shakti. Hope you meet yours in this life.

Thank you - I hope so too :confused:

I’d actually rather be without a body before I venture to find a soul mate. There are too many distractions with the physical, and no sufficiant way to see someone’s soul.

Just a guy with similar ideals: who I’m attracted to, would suffice! otherwise I am destined to be alone: save for a few boyfriends along the way…

A soul-mate with a soul, but no body - what fun would that be. :sunglasses: