Dawkins and Abortion as a Moral Mandate

The reality IS that the law within parameters does give us the right to abort unborn children and human beings give themselves that right too.

What was the cause? What were the causes which changed the law and made abortion legal? Loss of life to those girls and women who were butchered and died as a result of an abortion? Finances? A new, liberal morality based on giving the people what they wanted, what was their right - though the unborn child was given no rights, barring certain parameters. It became more of a privilege for a child to be born, rather than a human right?

Why is it, in some states (?) that an unborn child who loses his life through his mother being murdered (two Counts of murder) or attacked seems to have more of a “right” to life than the unborn child whose mother deliberately decides to have her child aborted?
It is called MURDER in the former and simply ABORTION in the latter.
How can this distinction be so set up in this way?
An “unwanted” unborn child simply becomes a slave to do with what one wishes and a wanted unborn child has all of the inalienable rights and priviledges set up by the Declaration of Independence? Why is that so?

But I wonder what those unborn children, if they had the voices to speak out, would say to their parents, if they could know their futures? I wonder what, if any difference at all, it would make.
I wonder what many adults with Down Syndrome today would say to their parents. Would they thank them for not aborting them - how many of the grateful ones would there be? Would they condemn their parents for not aborting them?

Abortion as a Moral Mandate? For who? The child or the parents? Where is the moral mandate in that?
For me, the only place where it would be would be within the complete lack of a quality of life for their unborn child, as in knowing that so much brain damage would make that impossible.
I think that sometimes the word “morality” in this case is just a substitute for comfort, convenience, a lack of courage and insight and the list goes on…all on the side of the parents.

Why aren’t there ever easy answers to the important questions? Maybe because many people do not see them as important.
But why?

Who writes the code? Where does it come from? What are its origins?

What is inherent in this code?

The least amount of harm? Laughable and doubtful.


  1. we don’t know if/when solutions to genetic disorders will become available.
  2. Killing a foetus because it doesn’t feel, is essentially the same as killing someone [who’s not a foetus] who’s under anaesthetic. maybe a human under anaesthetic could be a cancer sufferer or any such thing, so one could end their suffering too. its a debate about killing humans, and so - it is a debate about killing humans!

You can’t make utility based decisions when you don’t have the complete schemata ~ what composes the said utility. I find it is nearly always the case that utility based decisions are deeply flawed when it comes to how we treat each other, as that is a complex human thing with constantly changing permutations.

If a condition is going to cause perpetual pain and trauma, then its a human issue and not one of utility. Down’s syndrome is not that, at least not til near the end.

Come to think of it, utility based ethics have been the whole problem with the politics of last century especially.

Utilitarianism is interesting, isn’t it?

I’m pretty much with Amorphos on this. Utilitarianism is mostly useful overwhelmed babysitters and lazy bureaucrats. It can inform serious social philosophy but isn’t the full package. Social groups can assign moral rights to peat moss if they like. There is nothing special about fetuses in this regard. And trying to decide some “objective” measure of well-being to plug into a utilitarian equation is, after all attempts that have been made, now comedic.

The root word of utilitarianism utility is an interesting one basically reducing human social interaction to function as if we’re all a bunch of automatons to be toyed around with and manipulated.

It has always struck me as a very authoritarian philosophy.

Of course reducing everyone to utilities you inevitably create a top down moral pyramidal scheme concerning enacting laws for everyone.

There is something very special about babies Faust, we were all one at a point in our lives, that’s very special. From conception till some point when we arbitrarily say we are adults, we are children in a matrix of actions and identities.

I can just as easily disregard the need to keep Faust or Shieldmaiden alive as they can support infanticide. I need a kidney, why not take Faust’s? ISIS does just this.

Under calculations such as these, we’ve isolated logic from reason. We can look at societies that didn’t have as much concern.

For example, Shieldmsiden claims murder is a mothers prerogative, no one elses. For some magically shamaic reason, there is a logic bubble around a woman’s supreme right to kill another human. None shall penetrate it, inviolable.

Romans built up another such logic bubble, but it wasn’t the mothers right, but the father… actually, the oldest male alive the father was descended from… so grandpop had the right to come in and tummy punch his daughter-in-laws stomach against her objections. He can come in and snap the neck of the child once born. He could kill it as a adolescent, as a adult, when he got married.

Same for his male descendants. He could also sell them into slavery. He also could enslave a great number of classes of people, or buy slaves, or liberate them.

Carthage practiced infanticide on a grand scale for religious purposes. Child had to consent to being sacrificed, much like a goat in vedic ritual… how well do you think a child can reason this?

ISIS regularly practices human sacrifices, and does forced human organ surgeries from unwilling captives to fund their war efforts.

The Nazis didn’t hesitate to gas a large portion if it’s population in parallel to the prescriptions of that Nietzschean philosophers, George Bernard Shaw.

So yes, we can reduce our thought to a point where we can eliminate the value of any life, delineating a behavioral scheme to follow. Identifying “them” as people or non-people, as some sort of on off switch, hasn’t been seen as a aspect of cruelity by them, ever. We all possess a latent capacity to do this. Many, apparently, are quite selective about what is disturbing (Shiekdmaiden despises KTS for manipulating young men into perversion, yet has no worries about killing a child), (Joker willingly advocates murder of others, but doesn’t want it in return, and 99% inverts this reasoning to +Me, -Others). I support killing terrorists in a strategic calculas, based on Utilitarian principles. We all do this, but few really do the comparison of their ideas to others, figure out how to stagger Actions to Categorical Imperatives. They do exist, it’s the law of the US Military, our rules of engagement is always based on it.

Its why Shieldmaiden and psychospaths like her are prohibited from late birth abortions, are stopped by police when the mother tries to drive her children into water to drown them when they are emotionally upset. Its why we build prisons, to house guts like Joker, so they can only harm themselves and like minded individuals, bring largely lost to living in a population dense, civilized nation. Its why guys like Faust were defeated in WW2, no regard for human life.

I gotta blame Aristotle’s Modality for this, he nails how we juxtaposition facts and contradictions, but it’s purely objective. It lacks subjective characteristics involved in identifying multiplicities as mutually interdependent and similar. Isn’t able to explain Heraclitian Flux in our ability to see and know a thing, and relate to a thing in all it’s kinds and types of knowing. How well do we really know anything, at a glance, without fallback to discursive recall, and how well can we apply Aristotle’s presumptions then?

I am a great many things, including the foetal, to thus day. The girls my fetal me had is my jaw. Synthetic Cholesterols is what forms the division and symmetry of the organs, the left from the right. In cases of Down Syndrome, it’s distinctive… we all see it instantly. Same goes for other similar disorders.

So it’s more than just chromosomal issues. I believe we will be able to solve the DNA and RNA issues of Down Syndrome within ten years, even in advanced adults, we have to take a stem cell from their marrow, inject functioning genes, chemo the old bone marrow, inject the new cells. Within 7 years (every cell in the body regenerates within 7 years), that person no longer has down syndrome on the cellular level. But that’s not going to change the aesthetics, cholesterol that carves the shape of our organs. The stuff that shapes are hair and nails is what holds the shape of our organs, it’s not cellular based. Likewise, you will have to retrain these guys to think, they spent their lives retarded, it will come as a bewildering shock to find they are starting to think in other ways.

A lot of retarded people today will opt out, or not be able to get this sort of treatment, especially the older ones, but I think governments will more or less force this on our current younger ones, who are already alive. Will they be full humans as far as being able to reproduce? I have my doubts, DS patients are sterile, I have no clue. But, I know the principle has already been shown for other disorders. We will be seeing it soon. I see no reason to kill them.

Children born with only a brain stem, whatever, hamsters have more than a life, but a great many disorders in the currently living are very, very close to change. Bone marrow stem cell manipulation offers this option, it’s not science fiction, we have a few cases of it naturally occurring with select disorders. Its the exciting thing.

When we get into debates like this, and find some people support half of a moral proposition, but not the other half, others a quarter, some in full, a few able to carry it farther than all, others inverting it, we need to be very careful in acting rashly. Just because your position makes sense to you, and you can’t see beyond it, you shouldn’t arbitrarily sign off on killing another person, permanently writing their life off, just cause as of 2015, you were a shithead and couldn’t think in that other cognitive style. The brain doesn’t produce false logic, if we accept a sense of economy to long term evolution… styles to thinking are limited, part of the puzzle, but mutually interdependent. They exist today, make sense within schools of thought, because the hardware that thinks them deserves to exist, is essential for our survival, is a part of being human. It is philosophy. You can’t reverse a death, no coming back from a murder, war, or genocide, so we need to be really thought out before we serve that death sentence on a individual.

The societies I mentioned earlier, the Roman and Cartheginian Empires, Nazis Empire… I could if listed many, including my own… could be immensely cruel. Life was brutal. They could also be compassionate and full of humanity. I have a expectation that a large, largely self sufficient state should grow in it’s ability to combine concepts of humanity, identifying their interlocking functions, and increasingly make it their law, while identifying what makes life cruel and intolerable, increasing the lethality threat to existence, to the dust bin. I don’t think we will be the civilization that full solves this, but we should make every effort in trying to do so.

If Joker can accept the worth of his own life, the injustices launched against him seemingly, and cry to others about it, we can presume there is a larger, modular structure to this, others can do the same, and there is a stable, natural way to map thus out. He laughs at it being in space or time, nothingness, but holds to it stronger none the less than anyone one else here. He is the forums mist religious believer in morality, merely inverts it cynically.

We really should apply ourselves to being more honest about ourselves too. The suggestions given so far suggests we value others less in the same qualities as we value ourselves. In China, they aborted more females than boys selectively, as if being female was a disorder. Now, it has millions of frustrated males. We can ask the question of Should on a Either/Or basis, but we are missing the sanity of even asking it… it’s a society of individuals trying to decide how best to kill other members of a society, which pattern is most pleasing. Its a unsound question to be asking unless there was some overriding imperative that people had to die in the first place (sinking heavy boatc some must get out so others may live)… it’s when Ethics clash with the Law of Identity. If such a scenerio doesn’t exist, it’s unwise for a society to selectively kill segments off on a gamble of a vote. Its a society only because of needs, introducing threats and fear will unravel such a society (which Joker is all for, as long as it doesn’t backfire on him).

Its akin to cannibalism, and in thus case not even out of necessity, but style. If you don’t want children, don’t reproduce. Consequences come from reproduction, but a disorder doesn’t make your child useless. We live in the dark ages of education, but most mentally disabled children can be taught well beyond what they currently are. As parents, capable of reading a philosophy forum, you need to apply yourself a bit more. We are toying with forever concepts here, in a ignorant age, coming out rapidly with new discoveries, well within reason to be accessed by children born today with disorders in the future. When you hold other life in high esteem, you hold your own as well too. Lets try to educate ourselves in the mind, and philosophy, to do the vice versa. Our brains are indeed set up for this in the left hemisphere, it’s why utilitarian thought exists, why multiple civilizations independently have developed it, it’s why aspects of it the world around works. What doesn’t work too well us taking the opposite shitheaded attitude… you end up with Somalia, Eritrea, ISIS.

AS far as I can see most nations do this. They may not do it so personally as ISIS does, but to further their own needs they will allow for the deaths of civilians in other nations. And not just to save their own lives, but to improve the quality of them. If this is taken as meaning I think ISIS is fine and dandy or that all actions are the same or that I want The Khmer Rouge to run my local assembly, this is a poor read. I do think however that people in general, left, right, whatever, find it easy to see the sins of others and always have a huge blind spot for their own sins of the sins of those they root for.

Turd, you got to catch me in the act of something first before throwing me in prison. Good luck. I won’t go willingly. :smiley:

Inverted cynical morality? Is that all people get from me? That’s insulting and a very poor understanding of my perspective viewpoints.

Agreed (moreno), it’s one of the reasons why I don’t think we will be the civilization that completes this task, but perhaps we may.

In lazy thinking, we equate Christianity with ending the Roman Gladiatorial fights, but it started earlier than that with pagan philosophers, but Christianity can take a lot of credit. Yet, both societies were Roman, same civilization.

I think we will have to undergo as drastic as a shift within a few centuries, intellectually, we still subdivide mental processes on the bases of schools from the 17th to early 20th century, alot of it is sensible to brain regions, functions of the mind, and we all choose a partisan position, because we all have dominate personality types, we happen to see the world a little bit more in that way sensibly than other ways. Its easy for us, straight forward. But we produce children and grandchildren who don’t think like we do, same with neighbors, heck, we often don’t even have similar spouses… opposites attract.

Now… taking up the identity issue, yes… you are choosing the Khmer Rouge to be your school’s superintendents, you are letting Nazis run your medical institutions +certainly our universities). They used a lot of the ideas and thought processes we do. They carried it further than we are willing. It doesn’t occur to us we are oftentimes wrong. That’s why in military tactics, under modern Just War Theory, we out such a high priority on the minimal use of non-lethal force. The best skilled commanders get the job done with minimal to zero casualties. Why? Cause you kill a guy, he isn’t coming back. If he has kids, he can’t support them, that family becomes impoverished, likely for multi a generations. They become a underclass with good reason to perpetually hate us, maintaining a dialectic of violence.

Its going to take a lot of philosophers a while to complete demolish political narratives of ideological imperatives… Marxism is built upon Utilitarian thought, but is also highly destructive and downright delusional and malfunctioning at times (Soviet Union went bye-bye for a reason). Utilitarianism can turn pointlessly hedonistic very fast, and a country can grow lazy and dependent on other countries for it’s viability (Europe and Canada deeply dependent on US military, most nations dependent on foreign importsmilitary… not the highest ideal for a truly sovereign and independent state).

We ate going to be in the business of taking the wrecking ball to multiple schools of thought, pointing out how each aspect of philosophy reacts to what, what caused past civilizations to rise and fall at any era of history in respect to another. Some of the ground work has been done, but just some, and I can’t predict what of it will survive.

We regularly appoint lunatics to positions of power. We never really see just how harmful our own ideas are, or how silly or contradicting they are… on a personal level. Harder to judge on a sociatal level. In this thread, we are debating killing people on both a personal and societal level.

Now, do I think Dawkings is alienated from his humanity? No, he has some valid, functional aspects clearly humming. He can clearly think sequentially, painting cause and effects to historical and biological landscapes, painting a pretty picture. He makes the human capacity to think in such terms seem certainly and obviously the proof of evolution, to the point it seems incredulous that people can reasonably think otherwise. But he is clearly lacking and struggling badly in other areas.

One example being, his emphasis in reply to doing harmful, unethical acts as a Athiest… “I am culturally Christian”.

I have no idea what this actually means. I am a Christian but I am Culturally American. I’m going to differ from a Christian who was Culturally Roman, or Culturally Byzantine, or Culturally Persian, Chinese, etc… by century and location. A lot of Christians did some nasty stuff… a lot of people don’t know, but the largest Christian state in the muddle ages was in the Mongol Empire… a lot of Mongol civilians and aristocrats were Christian, but the philosophy of the Golden Rule didn’t apparently seep through. I am a Christian, because my Ethics are closely informed by Christ. But I can also be many other things. I am also a Machiavellian. A Boydian. A Cynic, a Stoic, a Mohist.

Why? I’ve found ways to make them all connect. My personality type can lateralize in the mind, so I’m unlikely to come to rest under any single school… but I recognize in any singke school, you can do some nasty stuff, go bat shit crazy if you carry any pecularity of the mind too far without reference to the balance of other functions.

So when I look at military strategy, Im asking myself jyst war questions. Yes… clearly ISIS is batshit crazy. Why? Lack of knowledge? No… they are a Madhhab, a school of jurisprudence, who have standards of heurmeunetics derived from philosophical inquiry. They can quote Plato and Aristotle as well as Dawkings the Athirst or I can in our own philosophies, as good as any western lawyer can. They aren’t stupid, just not aware of the full range of consequences of their actions from choosing such a limited way of thinking.

We all do this, all of us, when we vote. When we lay down the law in our households. When we point our rifles in war. I just have the privledge of bring better aquainted with most that there is a cause and effect disturbance being played here. Both contemporary and across history. I don’t gave the expectation of a historic dialectic that will carry us forward by some sort of consciousness of stages… we can so very easily break down further into political schizophrenia, screaming for principled socialism at any and all cost, or expanding our borders to make us great again, or the imperative everyone needs to move into space tomorrow because we are hurting Gaia… these are extreme cases, but we do them daily, mixtures, irrational and self destructive. Its unlikely going to be how philosophers will see things in 1000 years, but looking back, they will see aspects of our divergents philosophies spread like jam through their own.

I’m just very aware the cost of killing someone. Its very final. Can we reform a genocidal terrorist, are we better off just killing them? Maybe… but it’s not universally a rule, but based on a realistic capacity of our world civilization to incorporate and reform such individuals. We kinda suck in this department. Doesn’t mean we don’t in part keep trying.

Same with killing. A brain dead individual… pulling the plug is certainly killing them, but I have yet to see a way of returning brain function to brain dead individuals. So I don’t oppose pulling the plug, but it doesn’t mean always give up… I’m sure someday people will figure it out, how to reactivate it, and you gotta try now to get to that point someday.

In regards to abortions… they are coming. Life already begun, it’s exactly the way it’s supposed to be… dividing cells, growing. Mammals, heck, anaimals have done this for how long? In a abortion, your going in to kill, no different from pulking a trigger in war, gassing a jew in a concentration camp, dropping a guillotine in the french revolution, nsiling a prisoner in a crucifixion in Rome, switching the electric switch on death row… its murder, your interfering with life. These people would still be alive if left alone. In many of these cases, these societies were clueless in knowing how to handle the situation otherwise. They felt they really needed to do it this way, otherwise society itself was at risk. Later civilizations, not so much. Some current countries think they have the anwsers to all of these (doubtful). But in regards to abortions, as a damn near universal rule, especially when not a clear and present danger to the mothers survival… its next to never justified. A baby doesnt destroy society… the continuation of life doesnt. Its what we have always done, likely always will, its how we all started, every society owes its existence to this. Damn if I understand this pressing narrative regarding the need to kill children.

A better argument is given for killing disabled kids over non-disabled children, but it doesnt usually past muster. Most of these chikdren are still wuite functional, and today with the current state of gene therapy, and stem cells present in every person… its not right to write most off anymore.

And regarding pain management… regarding somatic delusions or real pain, I would definitely go the route if neural plasticity testing or seeing if your a candidate for a very selective brain lesion prior to choosing euthanasia. A lot if advocates for Euthanasia put too much emphasis on the right to die, and not on the medical responsibility of doctors to explore all the possibilities of keeping their patient alive. You can knock out pain in the mind with surgery selectively… just they will come off like a person with leprosy after the fact for that part. It will be numb, prone to injury because you won’t be aware it’s being hurt till you see it. Doctors still have medical oaths, if it’s just a pain management issue, other practices prior to euthanasia should of been explored.

As you have mentioned you have a Catholic background, so it stands to reason that you would object to abortion. The Roman Catholic church makes this argument immoral when it could be a moral one, by saying that contraception is not to be allowed, by saying contraception is the moral equivalent of abortion, in other words to say that contraception is also murder, which is a nonsensical and disproportionate position and by making absurd arguments as it has done in the past where Aquinas believed that every single sperm contained a micro embryo inside it and thus if you like, hand jobs are genocide.

This is superstition and immoral and prevents people from thinking seriously for themselves.

If you insist of being personal, why go fight in Iraq, or any country, with the expectation that killing is what you are trained for and killing is what you must do.

Why did you not take the stand of a conscientious objector and claim the right to refuse to perform this murderous military service.

You are a hypocrite.

I’m actually a pro life atheist. Not joking on that either surprisingly.

He’s not arguing for retroactive abortion, but Dawkins’ problem is that he’s arguing that we should fold unpromising hands, and also that unpromising hands that turned out well shouldn’t have been folded. As a system of guidance and judgement, this fails on any cursory check for consistency: happy people with Downs syndrome are clearly a good thing, but we have a moral duty to ensure that there are no more of them in the future?

But let’s grant him the argument that a bad hand can turn out good. If a bad hand can turn out to be good, it’s also much more likely to turn out bad. More often than not, really, which is why it’s a bad hand. Two aces are better than 2-8 of different suits, for obvious reasons. So even if you allow him to be saying that the happy, accomplished DS sufferer should not have been aborted, with our retroactive wisdom, the majority are not in this category and should have been - otherwise why on earth would you have a moral duty to abort them as foetuses?

One could (as a modern egalitarian type) refuse on the basis that the drawing depicts a certain race as inherently monstrous or evil, though. It’s not about rights, but about the attitudes that our actions and decisions express. A lot of opposition to abortion rests not on the physical suffering of the foetus, but on the attitude to life that it expresses, and so abortion in cases of rape is deemed more acceptable than when done as a casual form of anticonception.

It’s far closer to virtue ethics than utilitarianism, and that is the root of the complaint against Dawkins - his judgement speaks more about his attitude towards the disabled than it illuminates any utilitarian considerations.

It is generous to use the pronoun ‘we’ or perhaps you are aligned with these choices. I use we sometimes, even when it is not really my choice, since to someone in another country or section of the world my ‘individuated’ status may seem trivial. But reading that we, I notice my general irritation at ‘we’ use. Am I in the We that decides to declare war? Or is this decision made by a group within my nation that I am not part of and that does not give shit about me and makes the decision based not on my needs or even our needs, but on their desires. Hence I say it is generous to use we. It leaves open the possibility that one cannot simply say, Hey, I didn’t want that, but that one gets sucked in or could have done more to resist, etc.

I wasn’t thinking so much of war, though there too. I was thinking more of corporate behavior and the way they use government agencies, including the military, CIA and more, to support their desires in other countries. Much quibbling can go on but there are many examples where no national interest was involved, but ATT or some banana corp., set up the killing, dislocation, loss of land and livlihood of foreign citizens, not because these were communists ready to domino into Texas, but because money might not get into certain hands.

Its going to take a lot of philosophers a while to complete demolish political narratives of ideological imperatives… Marxism is built upon Utilitarian thought, but is also highly destructive and downright delusional and malfunctioning at times (Soviet Union went bye-bye for a reason). Utilitarianism can turn pointlessly hedonistic very fast, and a country can grow lazy and dependent on other countries for it’s viability (Europe and Canada deeply dependent on US military, most nations dependent on foreign importsmilitary… not the highest ideal for a truly sovereign and independent state).

That said, any war will cause abortions. Any war including just ones will allow for the deaths of innocent fetuses, so consequentialism is a tool in everyone’s justifications set up and there are not absolutes around abortion except for, say, Quaker pro-lifers and the like.

You can try, but you will not succeed, and out of the womb children are going down also, of course.

Of course intention matters for something. I think it can excuse the pilot for some degree and the soldier on the ground returning fire on a house and ends up taking out a pregant women in the process. But the choice to go to war entails a calculation and a decision to allow however many thousands of abortions to be caused by the paper signing of the executive order (these days).

Animals, at least some, have the ability to simply absorb back their fetuses when the conditions are not suitable. Hard for me to imagine a deity having a problem with that. Humans, well, there is so much we have lost, we are nearly inanimate, and for a pantheist like myself, managing to make yourself inanimate is a kind of negative miracle.

The way I regard Dawkins’ stance is why I think philosophy as an intellectual discipline will eventually go down the drain.

Killing will forever remain immoral, unless one life’s is immediately threatened. Just like self-defense. Or in cases of rape/emotional abuse. Abortion is thus sometimes an option. As I stated in another thread about the topic, Dawkins would get a much more positive attention if he targeted the parents instead and questioned the immorality of not getting genetically screened before deciding to have a child. Society has normalized disrespect for life and many go through abortion without any remorse, hence not thinking of the consequences before intercourse. This is placing the cart before the horse.

Also I like to draw the attention that when not endorsing a pro-life stance from the start, our competitive society will turn death into a business. This is simply abhorrent. Going down this road also will irrevocably condone any mass killings.

Dawkins doesnt think much about the human race. And that’s the bottom line. He is a total disgrace.

YOur argument is a fallacy, sir.

Yours is a case of slippery slope paranoid mania. In my tools thread I addressed your complaints.

A tool can be used for good or evil.

Richard Dawkins is not the agent of mass killings, he is actually for animal rights and a better world. He hates religion because of all the killing.

I will not deraii this thread but need to interject that there are NO just war… war is always irrational, all are the result of giving away one’s consent and blindly following orders. War is cultural marxism.

Then he sustains paradoxes, dualism or contradictions that do not serve society. I do not like religions either but understand why a pro-life stance should remain paramount in any train of thought. My argument to compel parents to go through whatever possible screening as a preventive action would be much better received than encouraging the abortion of a child with birth defects, whatever they might be. The approach of an issue determines the ensuing conflict it sends into motion. Thought is cause and consequence.

I am not paranoid and could prove this with several links - but I think this is for another thread.

Already of thought of that with my DNA scanner idea. It scans and converts genetic data and tells you the probability if your baby will have a low iq or a high iq. If predicts a low iq it plays an alert messages and recommends you get a second scan to see if the machine is faulty. If the machine isn’t faulty, it recommends you dump your date. Problem is, no corporate fag will make my dna scanner or dna machine, because they are too stupid and lazy to.

no solution offers 100% guarantee, but being pro active is always the best ethical behavior and should be encouraged. that was my point. I generally resist threads dealing with abortion because they lead nowhere. I’d rather discuss the ethics of self-responsibility. But I do see your point, and dont think corporate fags are that stupid nor lazy at a higher level. But addressing this starts with the education system which urgently needs to go through a massive revamp.