Is believeing in nothing just as absurd as believing in somthing? or vise versa?
Is not Christianity, just as Absurd as Islam, Or Paganism, Or Budism, Hinduism, Universalism, Judaism or Atheism?
What makes one better or more true than the other? And what makes the arguments or Oppinions of others on such matters so Absurd or Crazy or Idiotic? There are many Christian Scientist’s who disagree completely with the bible because they can PROVE that most of it is conjectured doctrinated BS.
Just as there a many Scientist’s who could provide evidence to the Oposite.
Remember there are those who think the same about your oppinion’s as you do about theirs, Otherwise there would be no argument in the first place.
What Im asking is:
What exactly are you fishing for, so to speak?
And if its the name of a Scientist, try Darwyn.
He was a devout Christian (Most do not know this) , and also the author of the theory of evolution, which in itself despite oppinions NOT discount the bibles creation myth, He was merly trying to explain how God created man “from the dust” and grew him into what he is now. It was his way of trying to understand Where and how God had made man, and What direction God had planed for man to become.
But see Science is the key to the Universe, Metaphysical and otherwise. NOT Faith. Though without Faith you wouldnt be able to fuction period.
- You drive your car because you have faith it will get you where you need to go faster.
- You walk on your floor because you have faith you wont fall through it.
- You ride in airplanes because you have faith that you not going to crash or that it’s safe.
- You eat food at a restraunt or from the store or at home because you have faith that you wont get sick from it.
What do all of these Faith things have in comen?
Science, Now lets look at somthing a little more dificult:
You believe That when you die there is somthing beyond death…Why?
A book tells you there is? You “Know” there is? Because society tells you so? Because your aprents and family Believe there is and brought you up believing so? Because to you it makes sence that their must be somthing more…Or is that just hope telling you that?
OR, Is it because:
Science can Prove it? Not what lies after Death, Just that there is “somthing” After it.
You see if Science didnt exist this would be a realm based on the metaphysical principals of what you call Magick. Not the Physical principals Science teaches.
If this was a Metaphyscialy based realm You could “see” and “Know” Rather than guess and make examples with a Physcial tool that in 50-2000 years will become obsolete…
What I am trying to say here, is that No Christian will win a conversation about science with a Scientist who isnt. Even if the Christian is a scientist.
(Unless the Scientist is ignorent in what the debate is portraying) <Most conversations in science are neutral so this would only portain to those about Creation and Religion or History, obviously if your a scientist and believe that man came from the dust into a Coporial shell in an instant at the behest of an otherworldly being whos existance canot be scientificaly proven, then your not a very good one. that or you need to re-examine your belief structure and logical thought process’s acording to the Science you were schooled in>
Why? Because Christianity has a way of thought process which blocks your ability to see through Certain aspect’s and Around certain theories in Warped logic.
Example and this is from a while back so Im not going to debate about it again:
The Universe is infinate.
You never were able to Understand anything I ment when I last debated with you on that and missed most of my points completely. Why?
Because of the above reason.
“Most” (Not all) theist are black and white individuale’s and therefore can not see the Posibilities beyond Black and white, is or isnt Arguments.
While I see evrything as infinate and can give infinite examples or reasoning on any subject, you can only give Is or Isnt examples to any subject. This is due to the above stated error in thinking.
You can remain a Christian and still be able to think and do the above reasoning, But once your able to you wont want to be a Christion anymore
Or for that matter Need a monitheistic Belief, Youll have your own theory and purpose so others will become obsolete and Not be needed any longer in your life.
Its evolution of the mind or rather spirit, you’ll get there eventualy.