We all die. I will die. It has to happen, and it does, often sooner than later. I need to prepare, beginning right now.
What I want to do before I die, is not really an accomplishment. But, I want to write a long, extended philosophical work, that will raise the bar of human excellence. One thing I’ve always wanted, especially when I was young, was mentorship. I wanted a teacher or professor who was really wise, and could challenge me philosophically. I never found that. I have never found that, in my life, even to now. One time, I thought I did, but realized it was not. I have given up. I have surrendered this hope, for a mentor, for somebody above me, for a philosopher.
Instead, now, I want to leave behind an extensive work, perhaps a collaboration, to give this gift to some other kid out there, who may yearn for the same thing as I had when I was young. I want to fill this need I had, in case some other young boy has that same overwhelming curiosity and need to know about the universe. I’m going to write toward this end, and this purpose. After I complete this work, then I feel as though I can step into my grave peacefully and without too much resistance. If I can complete this, then I expect to be ready for death.
This work needs to be comprehensive, a whole list of human knowledge, that can be passed onto a child, who is actually curious about the universe. There has to be one, out there, somewhere. There has to be one with that insatiable drive to know, and to acquire, wisdom. Maybe I’m wrong. I could be. There may not exist a child out of 7000000000 humans, who I ought to speak to, now during my lifetime. But, if not now, then in the future. If this child does not exist today, and he may not, then maybe he will exist in the future.
I’ve finally found an audience for the deepest depth of my philosophy. I’ve finally found somebody worth writing to, and about, and for, and of.
You can help me, if you want to. And if you don’t want to help me, then that’s fine too.
The first thing I need help with is–where to begin? Where does curiosity begin? Where does the need to know, to acquire wisdom, philosophy, begin? Where is this lack and need, coming from? It is a complete lack of knowledge, certainty, and belief. Complete agnosticism, completely devoid of knowledge. Why does this lack, this need, why is this void, crevice, and gap discovered in some children, and not others? Why does one child, one specific, very rare child, have it, while none of the others do? Why are human beings not curious, in general? Why are they so unwilling to search, and risk, to know? Why are human beings so complacent and “sufficiently knowing”?
Is it not religion? Doesn’t religion trick humanity into thinking we know things, when in fact, we do not? Maybe I should start with curiosity, gnosticism, and religion. What do you recommend?