We are raped or beat down,… thus we decide that we cannot love.
We then find a motivation to drive us (greed), and prioretize this motivation over the people that are in our lives.
We have given up, and thus further perpetuate the problem.
There are some animals that are more loving than humans are, to their own kind, etc. And for them, it’s not really a problem of giving up, or specific logic, it’s mostly in their DNA… Also, for them, kind or helpful actions unto their own flock, children or colony/hive – does not even necissarily require an emotion, or love, etc. So fluently is some benificiary nature, that it requires no motivation.
So animals posses the ability to love? Not just exsibit certain side effects of love?
I have felt the warmth of love from a human, but have yet to feel it from an animal.
Animals are domesticated by our spiritual influance over them. Where when they have no predisposition to this spiritual influance, they merely react to the outside force.
I guess I am an animal right now (if you believe science alone).
Yet, there is no love hormone gland.
Animals trust eachother(the main aspect of love being trust). Yet, they don’t love eachother. They don’t exsibit love to me, yet, they react to my love of them.
Love is a spiritual thing, for it doesn’t come from within like a hormone.
In fact it isn’t up to the perspectiv of the user, for if I am indifferent toward the individual that is loveing me, I still feel their love,… but may be sickened by it. Or if I hate the individual loveing me, I get pissed that they do it. Or if I don’t trust the person loving me, I get depressed,… but still feel the love just the same. The love is merely overlayed with my own feelings. Thus it shows that it is an energy that passes through the giver and into the reciever,… void of physical cause and effect.
The Human Body is spacifically designed to react to spiritual energies. Spiritual energies are an energy independent of matter, but have side effects in matter.