Define Freedom please.

Piffle, Freedom is being able to sleep without fear, worry, stress, anger, doubt, sadness or greed.

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.

That would mean death is the closest to freedom anyone can get, which is probably true. I for one, am not ready to test that. :laughing:

Understandable, but I think if you look at the youth of today, they tend to go to extremes of trying to test this hypothesis, and very often with fatal or near fatal consequences.

I think in the actions of the young, we are seeing a rebellion against growing oppression of freedoms, whether they are aware of it themselves, or not.

It might be , but, I lean more towards lack of new frontiers for that. All things now require a higher education and unfortunately most youth can’t afford it or even have the patience for it. If we threw a frontier open to the youth we would see a change.

Do you fear death, or just not wish to die sooner than later?

I don’t fear death. I just want to spend as much time as possible with my husband. Death is no more scary than sleep. I do that every night.

LOL Its the dying part that can be painful. :laughing:

I think that is what most people fear the dying not the death. For me, I have lived with physical pain all of my life so what the heck, I figure its going to hurt but, it won’t last long. so no big deal. :smiley:

If you have to ask for a definition you obviously don’t know what it is.

good to see you back Joker, your post is correct. Few people do have a full grasp of what freedom is. Or how they want freedom to be. thats why its disscussed, we do tend to get lost in our own worlds and lose track of reality or others. What may make me free may harm another. Can there be a balance of freedoms?