Definiton of Faith-Based Belief

For the thread “Would changing a belief have an effect on one’s actions”, it seems to me a clearer definition of faith-based belief is needed.

My thesis: A faith-based belief must be unfalsifyable. It cannot be proven, nor can any logical evidence for it or against it be found. As a result, humans choose religious beliefs on evolutionally pragmatic grounds.

Well, get busy annihilating it. … hmode=none

Religions are not all about, and do not always require blind faith.

Are you echoing Dawkins’s pideon-hole argument fallacies, or what? … hmode=none

“Religious” “Faith” – is the act – of trusting – human – ideas – deeply…

Sorry, I meant a definition of faith-based belief. I’ll edit the title.


I see preaching as one of the greatest violations of free speech, in that they turn a liberty – into a curse.

It would be so difficult now, to filter the “good” information from the “bad”.

Freedoms just lead to non-freedoms, it seems…

As the freedom of religion – is used to enforce, not liberate, spirituality, in America, all too often.

In my opinion, religion destroys spirituality all too often in America. This is not a conscious decesion but just a by product of blind believers.

Ethanol and Tobacco – are not the most toxic, popular and dumbing in human history.

Stupidity and retardation of the one thing which controls the whole body – is seen somehow as a liberation, and a freedom… an escape, and a relaxation.

The means to unconsciousness… so often…


Just out of curiosity…what religions exist that are based on science?

Scientology? :laughing:

So, do you agree with my definition of faith based belief? Why does no one read my threads? Just Dan~, lovable, squiggley Dan~.

I agree with your definition, if that means anything. =P

But you’re preaching to the choir.

Muah. :wink:


The kinds of religions – whom are ‘faith based’, in that they cannot prove some things, should be modest. They should say: “This was our best guess, but we do not have solid proof.”

The problem is, that bad products can still get sold…

I made the example of tobacco, as it is NOT “good” in any way, but it can be chemically indoctrinated, into a sort of dependancy, and it usedto be legal to advertize it, etc.

This also applies to religions. The harmful religions are allowed to advertize themselves, and they do what ever they can to get more members, for more power, control, money, pleasure, satisfaction, whatever.

Once certain religious orginizations are studied and statistics are taken about how healthy or unhealthy they are, if they are unhealthy/harmful, they should be illegalized, in the same way that tobacco should be illegalized.

Ofcourse, this is merely my ideal…
A world without nihlism.
A world in which the unhealthy things are removed, and the beings all become vibrant…

In our world, faith based beliefs shouldn’t exist…especially not religious ones.

The problem only resides with incorrect faith-based beliefs. Who cares about the process if the conclusions are correct? The validity of processes are determined by their conclusions.

But, in theory, there is no way to weed the bad-consequence-causing faith-based beliefs from the good-consequence ones, so the only way to get rid of the bad ones is to take them all out.

Dorky, perhaps you should start to appreciate your opponent’s points. After all, for somebody to believe them they have to have some benefit, right?[/i]