Deism today!

I woak up today, and realized that I am no longer an agnostic, but a deist.

Why? I am pretty sure that it is related to my personal experiences about love (which are too personal to share)

I feel much happier, stable and balanced than before. Regardless of the universes reality, if this feels right, and it makes my life better and I feel no harm to anyone of any other conviction, can this be bad?

Love is never* a bad thing in my book.

  • Well, you know what I mean . . .

I remember I had a dream a few years ago, with was amazingly vivid and realistic. When I woke up it truly felt like it was an actual experience (that I was in a place outside the fabrication of my own imagination).

I walked around a place and saw the most magnificent rose hedge, it was beaming with golden energy. I was totally transfixed on it.

I went through a kind of session with a sort of spiritual guide, he looked like a kind of old native american shaman, but dressed very unusually… I was very excitably recounting something I had just experienced (the death of another life).

I remember waking up and feeling so refreshed and optomistic. Maybe I really was communicating with other spirits, or maybe they were all dreams where I dealt with a lot of issues in my life at the time and expelled a lot of negative energies, but DAMN did I feel ready for life that morning. I was on a mission to live.

I’m also reminded of a dream where I was led through a kind of cold, barren underworld by another spiritual guide, into the top of a mountain.
I never saw anything that reminded me of the images of that world until I saw the mountains, sky and fire in this painting by Nicholas Roerich:


Wow, that is a lot to share! I’ve had some amazing dreams, some of which kind of mesh waking life and dream in a way. They seem like the blend right into waking life. Glowing things are rare in dreams, and special. If you know what Im talking about, you understand.


I agree if we are talking about true consumate love, never ever a bad thing. Always Purity!