Dem or Rep…any politician in charge had better come to terms with how things really are and not live in dream land…we are running out of time.
Without energy our country is open for takeover … no jets…no tanks…no transport on the ground or in the air. Luckily we will still have nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers as long as the uranium holds out. But the jets on the flattop all use jet fuel. All the supplies for those subs and carriers petroleum dependent. So long before the crude dries up the government must ‘secure a supply’ of crude for it own needs.
Other countries such as Russia that have a good supply of crude may not be so kind to keep on selling it to us and we need a ‘local and continual’ source somewhat within our borders. You see, jet fuel as well as gasoline deteriorates and cannot be stored indefinitely. So we must always be producing some of it to replace the stale stuff to supply the military. But, that’s why we elect politicians to deal with these troubles
As our world changes and our drug supply dries up, things will only get worse. And the bigger the city - the bigger the hellhole it will become.
I have not brought this up until recently, but our energy dependence bill is coming do soon. And we must all chip in to pay it.
There is no ‘simple or easy answer’ to this issue nor is there even a ‘not so simple and hard answer’ to our dilemma.
The world is in a death spiral. It is just how we have built our world over the years…too many people…and not enough supply of infinite energy.
It would be one thing if we all reverted back to rural living, burning trees for fuel and housing and living within our comfortable means allotted to us by nature, as our ancestors did back in the day. But ten billion people can’t burn the trees! (Ten billion people is a conservative estimate of world population in the not so distant future. We are at 7 people billion now.)
The World Coal Institute estimates world energy reserves as follows:
“At current production levels coal will be available for at least the next 155 years compared to 41 years for oil and 65 years for gas.” (See footnote #1 and #2) … ?PageID=21
Even though this was written a few years ago and it is based on ‘current production and consumption’ it gives the same haunting message to the generations to come.
We may not exactly see the end of our free flowing energy as we know it - but some of our descendants will in the not so distant future. This is the legacy they will inherit from us. But before the energy dries up completely massive changes in our world will have taken place.
Our population has grown to levels where it has passed the point of no return for supporting a sustainable human population as we know it today when it comes to their energy demands.
And leading the pack of over consumers is the USA. … onsumption
Consumption is ingrained in us and we know no other way. And even if we wished to amend our ways, how could all our retirement funds take the hit? America is built on borrowed money, spending and consumerism.
And what does all that consumerism lead to?
It leads to the mess we are in now and the bigger mess the world will be in once India and China pick up momentum to copycat the envious lifestyle that they have held in high esteem as the ‘American Dream’
You see, the problem is not with the earth having enough land for all its people - the problem is with earth providing ad infinitum for all the needs the people crave.
The more people born, the more heat is produced from their life and all their cravings, As such, the warmer and more polluted the earth gets and the more energy they all use and the earths resources are depleted.
Fueling the problem of consumption is the games the Federal and World banks play with interest rates. They manage the economies in ways to fuel consumption and mask the real trend. Witness the recent cries for Federal bankers to lower interest rates…so the stock market can go up…fueled by spending of the consumer.
It is drug habit that Greenspan got us hooked on and we just can’t get away from.
Our economy is not based on sustainable health - it is based low interest credit to encourage compulsive spending, debt and living a life of constant consumption with a ‘disposable mentality’ when it comes to durable goods.
All this consumption to artificially fuel our economy to make our retirement funds only go up contributes to more and more global warming and the depletion of our natural resources. Then the governments juggle the numbers to make the inflation figures seem artificially low, so everyone’s retirement portfolio will make them happy so they will continue to buy and consume more…and on it goes…IT IS ALL WE KNOW
You see, no other animal destroys its environment except mankind. We are the only ones that do not accept and live within our comfortable means. We not only debt with our finances we debt with our environment. What we are borrowing in terms of petroleum, coal and natural gas takes millions of years for nature to make. Yet we are using it all up in just a few hundred years…we can never pay it back.
And even if you are of a religious bent that think God created it all 6000 years ago. What took 6000 years will still be used up in a fraction of the time it took to create it.
Some theists say we need to pray harder to God to fix our mess. Other theists say it is Gods punishment raining down on us?
No telling since God doesn’t have much to say on this topic.
‘Why is God silent - I don’t know?’ … opic=504.0
The scary thing is China and India are just starting to bloom with their demands for fossil fuels We haven’t seen anything yet with the meteoric rise of gas, energy and over consumption.
I can see how life has degenerated in recent years in many areas from food quality to services and this is just the tip of the berg for things to come. I am not an alarmist as one lady accused me, an alarmist creates concern unnecessarily. No, this is a real problem that will touch us all someday. It is not a question of if…it is only a question of when.
Footnote #1:
Something to think about is coals dependence on crude. Our crude oil (41 years of reserves) will be depleted much sooner than our coal (155 years of reserves) This brings up certain problems of production and distribution. For instance, coal is delivered to power plants by rail. The trains are powered by diesel fuel, which is made from crude oil. Now, we may be able to resort back to old technology and start running coal fired steam locomotives to deliver the coal, but this will have a negative effect on the green house gas emissions. But even before the coal can be delivered it has to be mined and processed…and most of that mining is powered by crude as well.
Footnote #2
When we see such estimates of 41 years for our crude oil, there are many things to consider in such estimates. The first thing is estimates are notorious for not being accurate since it is a speculation of the unknown mixed with the relatively known. For instance, in the 1970,s they estimated crude supply to be gone in 20 years and that prediction was wrong.
The next thing is even if 41 years was accurate. It does not mean we can drive up to the pump to fill’er up the last day of the 41 year estimated life span of crude. Many of our foreign suppliers will have decided to keep their production for themselves as they need it at home. And far before we see the end of crude, the government would have confiscated most of the US crude supplies and refining capacity for national security and that is how it should be. We will be lucky to get a gallon or two of allotted gas for each of us now and again to fire up our Vespa’s or more likely 50cc Chinese clone.
Without energy our country is open for takeover … no jets…no tanks…no transport on the ground or in the air. Luckily we will still have nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers as long as the uranium holds out. But the jets on the flattop all use jet fuel. All the supplies for those subs and carriers petroleum dependent. So long before the crude dries up the government must ‘secure a supply’ of crude for it own needs.
Other countries such as Russia that have a good supply of crude may not be so kind to keep on selling it to us and we need a ‘local and continual’ source somewhat within our borders. You see, jet fuel as well as gasoline deteriorates and cannot be stored indefinitely. So we must always be producing some of it to replace the stale stuff to supply the military. But, that’s why we elect politicians to deal with these troubles.
The above post was taken in part from ‘Why don’t we do anything about global warming…because we can’t.’
See: … opic=718.0
Take care,
V (Male)
Agnostic Freethinker
Practical Philosopher