Demonic Consciousness

The venom is so bad
One dare not look at it.
One step closer
And you’re finished.

Here’s how the “good” mind works:
“Ignore the worst.
Do the little good that you can.
Aim for the weaker enemies,
And for the battles which can be won.”

The “good” ones:
They aim low,
And they feed upon their own children.

Police don’t arrest
Bankers and dictators.

They pretend to keep the peace.

What peace?

The one that doesn’t exist.

Demons have the truth.
Darkness has the light [because black absorbs white].

Truth is a horrible weapon,
That the “good” guys threw away,
Because they were scared.

Truth is more dangerous than a nuke.
It reveals all forms of weakness.
It reveals all of the weakest areas.
It reveals all of the greatest dangers.

Anyone who finds the whole truth
Will go to hell.

Far, farther down.
So much hell.
“Hell” has a candy-ass, in the bible, and in the brain.
Stupid apes, haven’t even been there yet.
It’s inside the heart of every evil being.
It twists every good intention, and makes all things poisonous.

You need forty thousand armies
To protect one child
From a few demons.
Even then,
You may fail.


The ultimate weapon
Is highly conscious.

Some smart-ass,
Got that idea,
Long ago,
And look where it went!

The unidemon was the very most dangerous part of the WarLord’s existence.
Later, he gave that part a body, and a rapid reproductive capacity.

Concentual sex is forbidden to practice.
Non-mutilated, non-tortured flesh is forbidden to eat.
Water is forbidden. Only blood is for drinking, there.
To help more than to harm, is also forbidden.

This keeps them razor sharp.
This makes people want to die, just by knowing such things exist.
This keeps the sheep so dumb, that they close their eyes, and fall over.

God made it that way.
God made slaves, to eat.
God wanted cattle.
God couldn’t feed itself.
It’s not “God”.
It’s the worst thing ever…

Destruction is creation, here.
It fucks the whole universe,
Really, really hard.

Some crazy people
Thought that it loves them.
They lived crazy.
They died crazy.
They thought that it loves them.
They lie like hammered parrots,
In tiny cages,
Repeating simple tautologies,
Again and again and again.

Over and over.
Fucked so hard.
It broke the soul.
Nothing left but a slow understanding
Of doom.
It only gets worse, if someone forgets how bad it is, too.

The sheep are surrounded by rainbow paint.
They’re hypnotized
By movies where the heros always win.
They play games
Where they pretend to overcome monsters.
Constantly, every day, pretending to win.
They’re killed by
Gradual decay
And “oops”.

Hopelessly comforted and sublimated
Into a false sense of meaningful existence.
Overdosed with all forms of half-truth.

Everything is just a game and a tool,
From up-top.

They love it.
They love the joy of ignorance, so hard.
They love it all day.
They reach out, and grab-hold.
That really fucked word: “They”.
A swarm of flies around shit.
“They know what’s right for them.”

It all came from chaos.

This physical world was more.
The universe was more.
The eggs and the seeds were split,
By a foreign invader.

Damned… No defense.
When the universe got fucked, it wasn’t concentual.
Every part of it was destroyed, and broken.
Physicists call it “the big bang”.

“Superiority” comes out of the barrel of a gun.
Super-powers simply have more weapons,
And sharper dicks.