Design Your Curriculum.

You are designing a curriculum from scratch- for a school system all the way from elementary to high school. What’s a rough outline for your curriculum?

Here’s my ideas . . .

(1) Ethics / philosophy: Begins with an established set of “can and cannot do.” In further grades, it extends to argument for why these rules are established, and wheather they should remain. This extends into basic essay writing, then short introduction to epistemology before graduation.

(2) Math: Dispense entirely with textbooks and make it interactive. The introduction in early grades should avoid the actual number crunching and work on exhibiting the wonders of “math art” is probably a shining example for the authoritative resource. Basic math should also extend to discrete mathematics such as propositional logic.

(3) Science: Initially grounded in biology, to help us appreciate life. Spreads into earth sciences and toward astronomy.

(4) Phys-ed: Should apply basic kinesiology lessons as well. Keep it in sync with what’s being learned in biology.