Did god really condemn mankind? Is god a just god?

I would not say that we forgot. I would say that the insane literalist reading of their myth has them thinking stupidly and immorally.


:smiley: :smiley:

On the contrary. We embrace our biases, both positive and negative.

Our negative bias goes against those who discriminate without a just cause. Those include the misogynous and homophobic.

For evil to grow and all that.


Baby! ??

Are you talking about my retaining the genocidal and infanticidal baby prick named Yahweh?

Do you read him as a good god?



The product refined is always refined to be purified and kept.

The product of souls, according to scriptures, is to be it’s destruction and not refined and retained.


Myths have to be fought with myths.

We do not care about how we got here. Who cares?

It is our morals and ethics while here that is important to us.

What do you hold as most important?


Historian Bart Ehrman on five things you didn’t know about Heaven and Hell:
youtube.com/watch?v=L0-tFah … 2vGAhV%3A6

He makes some good points, but I would just point out that the concept of a soul predates Plato. We see this idea of a soul hinted at in Homer’s “The Odyssey”. In it, Odysseus visits Hades and gets these apparitions of old acquaintances. We know these apparitions are not meant to represent the reanimated remains of Odysseus’ old friends, for one of the apparitions, a recently killed crew member, complains to Odysseus that they had left his body unburied. So not only do we get the beginnings of this idea of a soul, but also the idea of the soul and body being intimately linked, even after death. This soul body linkage is something that has survived, even into modern day Christianity, with its supposed emphasis on the soul. Of course, The Odyssey is a work of fiction, and was never meant to be taken literally; nevertheless, we can see this concept of a soul forming as early as 8th century BC, in Greek theology.

That Hell is an even later invention meant to scare people into converting should be obvious to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of Judaism, upon which Christianity is based. It is also apparent in “Gone with the Wind”, or as I like to call it, the “real Bible” for those understand its deeper meaning:


A good find.

The carrot stick thinking is ancient in man. Cause and effect.
We are learning scientifically that when we use corporeal force on our children, we do not reap the best end.
Punishment, to be worthy, should target the mind and change it before other means are attempted.
You would not want me to punish your body. You would harbor deep resentment. So do our children when we beat them.
