This is very old information written before the first world war, and may be as wrong as my idea that oil is essential to all industrial economies, and that he who controls oil, controls the world. But some might be curious enough to read this.
First Charles Saralea explains how political power follows the railroad. Then he says…
He goes on to explain Germany’s plans to consume Austria-Hungery and Turkey. You know, the Turks that Britain armed the Arabs to fight. Britian promised the Arabs control of their land, and promised The Jewish banker Rothschild land for Israel, in exchange for the money to train and arm the Arabs.
Might this history have something to do with what is happening today?
half assed? hardly… iraq is turning around much to the chagrin of the left… but we’ll escalate it (GWOT) soon when israel bombs iran because the totalitarian socialist pseudo pacifists here would never let bush do it on his own…
Iraq is turning around? Well, if spinning in its own shit is turning around, then perhaps you’re right. Bombing Iran… Be careful what you wish for. Interrupt the oil flow of the middle east and the world economy tanks. If that happens, we’ll be damned close to the bottom - and it won’t make any difference whether you’re a liberal or a conservative.
It would be amusing to see D.C. on bicycles though.
I kind of want to pursue my train of thought, because like Greenspan who is so wrong about the importance of oil to economy, I like to keep learning, and I haven’t explored this train of thought before.
In the rather long explanation of history we come to the first mention of the military importance of this oil
Toluene, which is similar to benzene, is produced due to military demands. Production was organized in three Baku factories - the "Neftegaz" Joint Stock Company, the Benkendorf and the Military Industry Committee.
You are not being funny. There are some who believe Bush intends to attack Iran. We would not be the only country paying a higher price for oil, and I don’t think Europe would like us a whole lot if made matters worse for them. I do not think Europe’s loyalty to the US would endure another bad move by the US. I am afraid the Euro is enabling Europe to become independent of the US.
You forgot the part where we helped “Sodom” get into power and then armed him to wage war against Persia (for you 300 fans out there), a nation whose revolution removed the despot we installed there back in the 50’s because they had the arrogance to ask for an 80-20 split of their oil profits instead of a 90-10.
Now the British were using the Jews to secure British control of the area, especially the Suez Canel. That Rothschild wanted land for Israel, worked well with the British intentions. Things went well, until the Palistinians realized they were beginning to loose control of the area. The British tried to stop the flood of Jewish immigrants, but could not. The Palestinians requested democratic government, before the Jews out numbered them, but the British failed to make this happen. Eventual the
conflict between the British’s effort to keep peace and the Zionist effort to establish a strong Israel, resulted in the Zionist attacking the British and the British withdrew.
When the British withdrew the US stepped in, and armed Israel and began giving Israel and Egypt foriegn aid, to get its foot in the door and keep it there. Saddam among other things, was supporting the Palestinians in their desparate fight for their land. Is a Palestinian suicide bomber a terrorist and a defender of the home land? Who are the invaders and who are the defenders?
Don’t forget that there were terroist attacks on Palastinains during British rule by Jewish settlers - ie. The King David Hotel bombing (July 22, 1946) was a bombing attack against the British government of Palestine by members of Irgun — a militant Zionist organization.
Thank you for your relevant addition. Worse than this attack was the two towns of Palestinians massacred by Zionist. It was falsely roamered that woman were raped, leading to the mass exodus of Palestinians, and War of 1948 in which the Zionist were better armed their enemies. The United Nation has said those who fled this war have the right to return, but Israel has never respected this UN mandate. I think this makes the Palestinians the defenders?
Arab countries have sided with the Palestinians and the US sided with Israel, because it wanted a foot hold in the region. Because of these relationships, Israel continues to be much better armed than its neighbors, including violating agreements and having nuclear weapons. Now who is at fault in escalating war in this region?
When Reagan took office, his adminstration granted arms to mid east countries with US tax payers’ dollars, while the domestic budget was slashed to pay for this militarization of the mid east and build up of our own military during a time of peace. Are we working with this information when we discuss things like the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the possibility of attacking Iran?