Dilettantes and ILP

Shh :-$ , I won’t have you talking bad about yourself, you’re one of the few ones here I find interesting.

Us working class peasants and stiffs apparently. Let me guess, internet delivery? That’s extremely lazy, then again, that seems to be all the popularity of the upper classes these days who feel they’re too good to intermingle with the common little people. It boosts their ego and self importance level where they love bragging about it on the internet. It’s so in vogue and typical modern Americana society, don’t you know?

l sicut dolor

Cue the yak yak yak clowns. Not that they are dilettantes of course. :sunglasses:

Oh, yeah. I’m a hardcore polemicist.

This part:

Which is derived from this:

He was like a man who wanted to change all; and could not; so burned with his impotence; and had only me, an infinitely small microcosm to convert or detest. John Fowles

Only I have never really been able to pin down with any degree of precision why.

Still, in my view, this has little or nothing to do with the yak, yak, yak, social media crowd – crowd – here. When they are not just chit-chatting, they seem more intent on simply disparaging and mocking those who don’t think exactly like they do about everything. Or, for some, it’s like ILP was just another Facebook or Twitter.

Again, my own fixation is less on the arguments that people make and more on the existential trajectory of their lives…an accumulation of experiences that predisposed them to one set of political prejudices rather than another.

In particular, how this plays out given what I call the “psychology of objectivism” on this thread: ilovephilosophy.com/viewtop … 5&t=185296

What’s up with all the Latin Meno, did you join the priesthood? What’s that like? Celibacy? I couldn’t do it. :-k

“Hi, my name is Biggie as it says on this greeting sticker on my shirt, I’m a nihilist who doesn’t believe in objectivism, however, I’m going to tell you why political neo-liberalism along with advice of today’s medical professionals is right and why you’re absolutely wrong, that’s what we nihilists do you know. Now please, watch me drink this pumpkin spice latte. It appears I got the latte cream on top of my neck beard here, awkward.”


A neck beard, Biggie?

“Hi, my name is Peter, I’m a part time cashier at Costco and a registered democrat, my favorite book is Das Kapital by Karl Marx, but I don’t publicly call myself a communist you silly goose. In between my work breaks I like to talk about the democratic party and all the good it is going to do in the United States, Joe Biden voter here. Golly, we need to get that Trump out of office, he’s literally Hitler. Conservatives are literally Nazis. I’m so excited about my new workplace position today, I’m a Covid19 mask enforcer, I guess you can say I’m super important now at my job.”


Once again, on the philosophy board, we get this enormously stupid dreck from one of the Kids.

Then it only becomes a matter of pinning down which of them is the least embarrassed to keep posting it.

Wendy, another poll please.

“I’m such an intellectual elderly nihilist where you need to respect me, you damn kids, get off my lawn!”

Sure, whatever you say Biggie. yawns

i dont get groceries delivered i just get food at restaurants

i mean like if someone wants to cook something i can go into a grocery store and get the things to cook but who really does that? on the way to any given grocery store there are places that you can just stop and eat. i could understand if you had a bunch of kids or something so you need pop tarts and cookies and milk and all that but a regular person i dunno

Must be nice to eat filet mignon everyday, you’re definitely one of us common folk to be sure. :sunglasses:

I bet life must be really hard for you.

He pays taxes extra hard so he doesn’t feel bad about it.

And notices when the cook is black.

i dont eat filet mignon every day i eat different stuff all the time

Lol hahahahaha he pays taxes on drug deals.

It’s the single greatest thing I ever heard. It’s like a novel in itself.

Does he tip extra if the cook is black? What if the cook is White though, he’ll have to explain that. :-k