New to the subject, very intrigued by it, and I always see you guys talking about quantum physics, etc so I am sure you can help, at least I hope.
Here is what I know:
Our physical world, as of now, seems to consist of 4 dimensions. The first 3 being the dimensions of space (up-down, left-right, forward-back) and the fourth time. I also know that all this is a waste of time and we can’t really be sure, but thinking about it, to me, is fun.
What I want to know is what exactly is a dimension? Also, if the first 3 dimensions pertain to mass and length, then what exactly is time and how is it connected with the first 3 dimensions? I have also come across some interesting theories on a 5th dimension, so if you could possibly include some of your theories of additional dimensions that would be of help, too.
Basically, I am looking for a good explanation on the subject of dimensions.
Should check out string theory. Many physicists now believe that our universe is composed of 11 dimensions, 10 space, and one of time.
Basically you can describe any point on our globe, or in our universe by using three numbers. The three spatial dimensions. Yet if you want to describe an event, you need to add time, and there you have the 4 dimensions.
Its what our universe seems to be composed of. Lenght, width, height, all moving through time. Its how we describe an event…
Sorry but I’m off to bed, or I might have thought of an analogy or something. Maybe someone else can explain it better.
You might want to do a search for a book called “flatland”, its about 2 dimensional beings living on a piece of paper, in our 3 dimensional world, it describes what a 3 dimensional world would look like to 2 dimensional beings. Also Rudy Rucker wrote a book I think its called “hypercube”, which shows how we would view a four dimensional world. I think the book was meant to be a tribute to “flatland”.
indeed, just as the 2 deminsional people wouldnt know and couldnt find a 3rd deminsion, for us, knowing 3 spacial deminsions, it would be equaly as difficult for us to know, or even concieve any more.
Anymore info on the topic? I am reading a lot on quantum consciousness, quantum mechanics, and the quantum dimension after reseaching the topic of dimensions on the net. I am learning much, but I have still failed to get a good explanation of what a dimension is or how dimensions tie into eachother. I can visualize the first 3 tieing into eachother but not time. As of now, I picture a bubble expanding in a fluid. As the mass expands in 3 dimensions it takes up time. The bigger the mass the slower time is. Correct? Why is time slower as mass expands? etc
Also I would like some opinions on time itself. I believe it to be cyclical. I don’t know why I think it to be this way, so I can’t back it up, but maybe if I hear your opinions it will help me out clear it up. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
PS. - Read the string theory link. Very exciting information. It reminds me of a series of books I read. I also mentioned something about people being about to see these strings of energy directly after years of training and meditation in another topic I created a little bit back. I think Rounder got involved with that one. I can’t quite picture it, yet. But, then again, my brow chakra doesnt really start developing until around 21.
Okay, we are all traveling through time at the speed of light. Think of the speed of light as being the maximum amount of energy being allowed in any dimension.
So this is hypothetical… I’m going to try to paint a picture, although I’m not the best at it. So lets work with only 2 dimensions of space, and one of time. So we have three dimensions. So in the spatial dimensions, I can travel, left, right, forward, and backward. North, south, east, west. To start, we are moving through time at the speed of light, and are completely at rest. Once we begin to move we use energy, the energy that was previously being used in the tempral dimensions (moving at the speed of light) part of that is now being used to travel foward. So time slows down for us, because some of our energy is being used to move through the North, south dimension. Lets say we are travelling at 50 mph. If we begin to slide a bit, we begin to travel through both the north south, and the east west dimensions. If we did not utilize more energy, then our speed through the north south dimension would slow down, we would be travelling at say 40 mph, because part of it is being used to travel the east, west dimension. If we increased our speed to account for this, more energy would be needed, slowing down our movement through time. Taking the energy being used in the time dimension, and bringing us back to 50 mph.
The speed of light, is like the maximum energy alotted, to any dimension. This is why photons don’t age, because all of their energy is in the spatial dimensions, and they do not travel through the tempral dimesion.
Okay so now you take into account that E equals mc^2. So a vast amount of mass also distort the tempral dimension. The more mass there is, the more it effects the warping of space time, and the slower atomic processes become.
As for the other dimensions. You have a pretty good idea in your head what they are, you don’t need a description. Its our universe, its how you visualize things. You visualise in three dimensions. Its impossible to visualize other dimensions, but that may be just because they are so small.
I think the universe may be cylical, not returning to the exact configurations it previously was, but big bang leads to big crunch etc. But talking about time in such a way seems to me as giving it an absolute quality.
Well the majority of these strings would only begin to be visable at the planck length. As an analogy, picture the entire universe… okay now on our little blue planet the size of an average tree would represent planck length.
That being said, it is possible although not probable, for huge strings to emerge. In string theory it would be possible for a string to be an enormous size, one that we would be able to view with our telescopes.