
Hello F(r)iends,

If something is so evident to most, why do others disagree?
Why can’t we agree: about politics, about philosophy, about religion, about life, etc.?
Is it because there are no universal truths?
Is it because the educational level of the world’s population is low?
Is it because each culture shapes our critical thinking skills with nearly predictable results?
Is there any philosophy that attempts to incorporate everything?
In other words, what is the Unified Field Theory of philosophy, if any?
Is it our inability to communicate effectively that has hindered our efforts to understanding?


I seem to ask myself the exact same questions everyday, and not just about philosophy. So far I’ve come up with

Because human perspective is logically flawed, as none of our five senses, which most are so reliant on, give any real knowledge of the world around them. Add that to the overwhelming diversity of our race, and our frankly ludicrous level of immpresionability, it’s no suprising that with so many outside variables the truth is damn near impossible to reach by everyone.

There probably are. But they can never be seen, or at least agreed upon, by anything with conciousness.

Yes. Oh god yes. A thousand times yes. Cultural conformity is possibly the most obvious pheomenon in history to observe. There are so many examples, but lets take patrionism. A completely unnatural and ridiculous concept. Yet from a young age you are taught to distinguish between You and Everyone else, that there is an actual line between America and Canada. Which is bullshit of course, but it is bought into by practically 90% of the worlds population.

I wouldn’t say that, but there is the problem of apathy, limited resources and misguided priorities. Nearly everyone could get a degree if they could just be arsed and had access to a school.

Now what would be the fun in that? It’s also kinda hard trying to get, say, a diehard nihilist and a hardcore creationist to find a common ground. I truly believe it’s simply not possible for one human to understand anything. It’s all about making as much sense as possible, and trying to get your ideas heard to help the next generation. Philosophy is very much a task for humanity rather than a single person. Actually it’s not about any of us, but hell, A hyperbolicious delusion of grandeur is what makes us human.


“In other words, what is the Unified Field Theory of philosophy, if any?”

We agree to disagree, which a more unifying and important point than most might directly acknowledge. :slight_smile:


Well, isn’t that what we are trying to do here? Convincing everyone to agree :laughing:

The reason why people disagree is because the circumstances that formed them are different and left marks at various points on their minds, body and soul. All they are doing is rereading these dissimilar imprints of the past and forming their opinions.


“Well, isn’t that what we are trying to do here? Convincing everyone to agree”

Yes. But the “here” here is the Unified Field of philosophy, the commonness of ground upon which differences are made.


No, we’re trying to come to a greater understanding by joining all our ideas together, something greater than each of us can presently perceive.



“…we’re trying to come to a greater understanding by joining all our ideas together, something greater than each of us can presently perceive.”

This is something with which I would perfectly agree. Nicely said.


A few of us, perhaps.

It’s important to know where we place ourselves. It is important to be introspective, to know our own intentions. If we are focussed on the others’ intentions, we are merely speculating and although philosophy is speculation, wisdom only comes when we are able to explore the others’ offerings through observing our own mind. Observing our own mind allows us to open our mind and then anything can enter - we expand.


I don’t think that’s what everyone is trying to do. And I’m not sure that joining all our ideas together will let us come to a greater understanding.

I’m an idealist Curry. Not everyone has an ideal idea, but theirs is valuable nontheless and certainly reflects the collective mindset.


I feel there can’t be any Unified Field Theory, if there was, it wouldn’t be philosophy because of no reason to really think about it. Not even “agree to disagree” is one because you don’t agree with someone’s disagreement, if you did, you wouldn’t be agruing or conversing about it.

Plus the communication and education shouldn’t be an issue because of the human capability to increase both with time, learning more rapidly. There is a gap between a kid and an adult, but shouldn’t the higher educated be able to decrease is communication ability to talk to the less educated. (Lamen’s Terms)

I feel that everything has a universal truth, and the only thing that stops us as humans to know MOST of them is time. We started from scratch and we all have are own ideas and ideals, which we all communicate. In do time, a lot of time, and with much more investigation and understanding of our world, many of these disagreements will be solved.

We disagree because we think we are right, but it’s in our disagreements and talks that the truth will be found in do time.

We cannot be content with agreement simply because it denies half the purpose of knowing right and wrong.

arguments cool down and things become more harmonious and people actually learn from eachother when people dig down and say what they really feel, the real reasons why they believe something or prefer something, rather than trying to force or prove their points.