Discussions On Abortion

Yes, yes, that’s something of an accusation I would expect from a hypocrite like you.

Time for you to go back to smoking weed and unsophisticated watching BET. Stick with what you know.

It’s just that you have this tendency, like Ucc, where you pin whatever dreamed up personality and belief set onto whoever you don’t like, and you try and force them into definitions and ideologies that just don’t fit.

Like right now everyone is a moron liberal to you. Next year, everyone will be a moron conservative. None of us have changed.

You’ve got all the different kinds of anarchism and all these socialisms and shit that you can’t stop talking about, as if there’s anything all that complex about them. Then you got yourself convinced that you’re a smart guy because you’ve memorized all your isms, and you think people who won’t play that game with you are dumb. You’re basically a nerd. But the bad kind. Like the video game, comic book, learned some big words but isn’t very smart kind of nerd. Like those guys who act tough but when they start talking about the 40 subgenres of heavy metal get all chubby in their undies.

The way you try and frame everyone as though they must be functioning on an ideology that’s counter to yours is just incorrect. Yours isn’t even coherent, let alone one that anyone would bother concocting a rebuttal for.

When I say, “You are actually delusional”, what I mean is, that what you think about what other people think is wrong. And, I mean that what you think about how the world works is wrong.

Now you’ve got more than a 1 liner, and you’ll do a 1 liner, and if I drag this out, I’ll get you to do your whole, “you’ll see one day when it all collapses” trick. You’re totally trained man.

BZZZ… wrong.

You said it right there. Murder is terminating life. Abortion is stopping future human beings. The two are not the same.

Ergo… you get it. No further explanation needed. Just read your own post if this does not make sense to you.

If you were right… and terminating future potential human beings is the same as murder… then every time you jerk off (you or anyone else) you (general you, not specifically just you, Merlin) commit murder.

Stop him!! Arrest him! Hang him!! He just let his wad spill on the ground!! MURDERER!!

To me anybody that can’t see the world for what it is a moron conservative, liberal (Marxist), or otherwise even a person such as yourself. I am speaking about liberals because I view the threat of internationalism (global liberal Marxism) as a threat upon this world and this is becoming abundantly clear by a variety of groups in the United States presently.

I can be a nerd but there is more to me than meets the eye. Certainly more to me than there is to you that’s for sure concerning substance.

You’re just upset because you are not apt at understanding all the isms. We all here know that philosophy isn’t your strong suit.

Life begins in a uterus not in masturbatory ejaculation.

I have made the very same argument myself with respect to masturbation and it is completely ridiculous. A classic example
of reductio ad absurdum. Just because sperm creates life does not mean it is sacred. There is nothing sacred about it at all
As both a nihilist and atheist I reject any notion that treats human beings as special. We are evolved from three and half to
four billion year old bacteria like every other animal which has ever existed. Our sperm is no more sacred than any of theirs

That’s right. I’m referring to the second part. You are just reiterating yourself. Life begins not in masturbatory ejaculation - masturbatory ejaculation is where the potential of future life ends. Same as in aborting a fetus. You already said that.

No matter how many times more you will say that, you are saying the same thing. And I’ve already pointed out to you how “ending future potential life” is not murder. So please stop labouring the point.

On the first part of your statement: “Life begins in a uterus”. Prove it. Don’t just state an opinion, yours or someone else’s; but prove it.

Life only exists after the seed is planted not before hand. [It’s called gestation]

Nice try at bullshit smoke and mirrors.

Life only exists after the seed is planted… why do you say that? As if I did not agree? You are getting more and more into a quagmire which is muddling your thinking. Of course life starts after the seed is planted not before hand! You said that as if I had said the opposite.

You are putting words into my mouth, your words, then you accuse me of bullshitting smoke and mirrors.

Your logic, argumenting style, ability to follow a discourse, and remembering your own words ALL need improvement.


One liner like a trained parrot.

Turd’s sock puppet I see.

You lost by a 2/3 majority on these last couple of posts.

Mr gets six votes. That’s 2/3 right there.

(what I just said in my thread “reality is realistic”)

Life is LIFE… that is what it will forever come down to, and our psychopathic society is fragmenting people’s minds to no end. It is okay to bomb countries and okay to push abortion irrationally precisely goes hand by hand. This notion of necessary evil is caused by moral relativism, and what will engulf us all at some point.

The bottom line is that premise of the abortion debate is itself deeply flawed. Teaching the respect for Life starts in kindergarten, I am afraid. The educational system? What educational system?

Yes. Of course. You are absolutely right.

Yes, with abortion there are actual facts.

But then…

…when in fact does this new life become a “human being”?

…and, having determined that [if in fact it can be], is it in fact moral or immoral to destroy this life?

It would seem [to me] at this point philosophers are stumped.

Or “the facts” become the assumptions [political prejudices] that they accumulate “in their heads”.


How would you define abortion, especially under extreme measures?

In the United States most abortions are performed during the initial 14 weeks but some states allow abortions up to 24 weeks. If you go to an ultrasound at a clinic and they say you are too far along to receive an abortion you can ask if there is another location that will perform the procedure if you would still like one. In the United States abortions performed after 24 weeks are only performed due to health complications or else the procedure is considered intent to murder. Laws in this case vary from state to state.

newhealthguide.org/Latest-Ti … rtion.html

24 week fetus.jpg

Could you, would you, consider this murder - look at that unborn child, the intent IS to kill, to end the life of, is it not?

What is the difference between abortion under these circumstances and going out and deliberately ending a life?
I’m just asking.

Murder is generally a legal term. As such the law can stipulate that abortion is murder at any point along the line from conception to actual birth.

And, by and large, we make things illegal because enough folks come together [politically] to proscribe a behavior that they deem to be wrong — immoral.

My problem of course is this: that I believe both sides make reasonable arguments here. They bring up points the arguments of the other side don’t make go away.

Thus we can’t live in a world where, if pregnant women are forced to give birth, the unborn are not killed. And we can’t live in a world where, if women have the right to choose abortion, the unborn are not killed.

Conflicting goods.

But, again, whether you call this murder or not would seem to revolve more around a legal description.