Dissent as a Higher Form of Patriotism

I found this speech by J. William Fulbright in a book called Against the Grain. and thought is was very relevant to America’s situation today.

Thanks for this important article. Do you know when this was published, by chance?

As I have been accused of anti-patriotism for my critique of our international relations, I related deeply. It seems so simple to me… We began this country through a wave of dissent; it’s something that I, personally, believe should be understood as an integral attribute of the ideal American citizen. If I’m being herded towards assured slaughter, I’m going to balk. It’s impossible, and always will be, for me to trust any government completely. I am glad, not proud, that we have organizations such as the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) to garner information for those, such as myself, that lie on the outskirts of the influence of Washington.

Thanks again,

I agree.

Dissent is a higher form of patriotism only if I love and respect those with whom I dissent.

Dissent in hate of whom I dissent is just as low as the patriotism of those who are partiots in hate of other countries or nations.

Patriotism in hate of terrorists just breeds more terrorists whose basis was hate in the first place.

love and respect,

Hi zacharia and iloveu-

I have also been accussed of anti-patriotism and being “unloyal” to my President, especially at this time. I heavily criticize this Administration and its foreign relations and how it manages a tragic event (9-11 for ex). I believe it is our civic duty to point out the mistakes of our government. I believe we shouldn’t be machines (entities unable to think for their own) to the government. This country is about admiring our natural rights-freedom and expression, and when we feel something is wrong (our government may be taking a wrong course of action), it is not necessary for us to be silent. It is not necessary to be oppressed by the status-quo and a bunch of flag wavers. I am also glad we have organizations such as the ACLU to represent our civil liberties and they keep an eye out for civil liberties that may be surrendured due to extreme national security measures.

It was published/edited by people who were there to witness his speech during the Vietnam era in response to the Hawks

I agree.

I especially find it heart-shocking that many people who are supposedly “patriotic” would also stand in full support by the recent torture scandals in Abu Grahib and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I guess that is what it takes to be “patriotic” :angry:


John Stuart Mill had a few valuable words on this in On Liberty:

Hi Aquarian,

I don’t find it shocking that people who hate and so in hate condemn terrorists for torturing our people then turn around and not only do the same thing but support those who do!

I hope you find this self-awaring:

Hatred of others is based on hatred of self.
Love of others is based on Love of self.

That Love and that Hate for myself is all based on what words i love or hate me as.

So I who love self as certain words must also love others as self as those words.
And, I who hate others as certain words must also hate myself as those others as those words.

So I have a Love-Hate attitude for myself that I then use this way:
Love for me and Hate for you,
by which I then fool myself into thinking that i love ONLY me, and I Hate Only you!

This hatred for myself as a torturer then leads to me hate you for torturing me,
and to condemn the torturing,
and then to torture you and either give me a free pass in Love of myself or to condemn myself in Hate for doing to you the same thing i condemned you for.

My hatred for you then re-justifies you, if you still hate yourself as a torturer, for doing the same to me in the future, and it never stops.

Then if I hate me as disloyal and as unpatriotic, I am already disloyal and unpatriotic to myself since hatred of myself is the first disloyalty and the first unpatriotism, and so I will also hate those who are disloyal and unpatriotic as myself, and must deny that I am disloyal and must be offended when others call me disloyal, and can’t defend myself when accused of being disloyal and unpatriotic.

But look at this:

I love and respect myself as disloyal and as unpatriotic and as a critic and so always am disloyal in Love, unpatriotic in Love and criticise in Love.

I automatically love you as disloyal, as unpatriotic and as as a critic as myself,
and so can show you that worse than being disloyal is to hate yourself as disloyal,
and which will help you love and respect you as disloyal,
so you can really see that the underlying reason for the wrongs and the problems in govt is that the Govt, those in govt do have the wrong attitude and the attitude-problem of NOT loving themselves as wrong and as in error and as problems! So when they run into problems, their hateful attitude is re-activated and they first want to deny and then avoid and to resist acknowledging that there is a problem, then if forced, will first try to suppress the problem or blame someone else, and here we go.

That Love for you as each word and its opposite will then enable you to do your civic duty and heavily criticise with Love and Respect those whom you want to convince, and to call them every name, without over-alienating them.

does this make sense?

Here are 2 great Presidential quotes for you:

If there be any who would disturb this union [of pure Love], let them stand as massive monuments to the extent to which the error [of Hate for error] may be tolerated wherever [the] truth [of Love] is left free to combat it.
Tom Jefferson.

What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independence?
It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling sea coasts, our army and our navy.
These are not our reliance against tyranny.
All of these may be turned against us without making us weaker for the struggle.
Our reliance is in [the] Liberty [of Love], which God has planted in us.
Our defense is in [the] Spirit [of Love], which has primed Liberty as the heritage of all men in all lands everywhere.
Abraham Lincoln, Sept 13, 1858 Speech at Edwardsville.

all love and respect,

Hi iloveu,

I just find it abhorrent the image we are giving to the rest of the world, because the United States is supposed to be a “leader” of a free world. The United States is supposed to be one who embraces human rights.

I have heard of this before, but I have a question.

Can you meet someone and feel that you have ‘dislike’ for them for some reason not related to you?

Oh, I agree. The chain of tension increases.

Anger, Fear, Distrust, and obviously Hate do build up in our psychological minds.

And thank you for the Presidential Quotes, for they are really reassuring :slight_smile:
