
Heres the lowdown…

I’ve been having some unexplainable dreams last few nights and i was curious if anyone could maybe explain why so i can at least say my sanity is something i have control of.

Last night i dreamt? of a dishwasher, a really nice one. Instead of the ol’ lay the plates length ways facing the side of each wall, this dishwasher had a top rack for each playre and they faced outwards of the diswasher. This however may sound iregular but logic because you can stack more plates this way.

It wasn’t till however i opened my dishwasher this morning i remembered brief parts of my dream.

So can anyone explain why i am dreaming about dishwashers?

Thanking you in advance,


There, I fixed it for you. Carry on…

LMFAO Ditto! change Apple it is you wanting changing or going through change. I am sure its a little more deep then this but its a start.

Maybe your subconcious is feeling guilty, so you’re displancing your feelings of guilt into the dishwasher dream. You’re dreaming of something to make yourself clean (the dishwasher), because you’re subconciously feeling guilty about something.

Or the famed dishwasher archetype is welling up in you.

I have no idea, those are just my thoughts.

Yeah really, there’s no definate, ah, dishwasher archetype to refer to here.

We’d really have to know more about you in general to possibly make any kind of connection.

I’m kidding about the dishwasher archetype, I’m busting on Jung, with his collective unconcious and archetypes and shadows and personas and all that jazz…

I’ll defintely agree to that.

Don’t knock Jung now. He knows what he’s talkin bout.


Try to remember the feelings behind the images in the dream, then work from there. Sometimes dream concepts can be very abstract.

Oh please, she changed the places of the plates to make it more effiecient, a disherwasher is a closed box, the plates go in the box and get cleaned the more you fit the better it is, the less you have to turn it on. Clearly it is change and generally change for the better, not guilt.

Nothing is ever clear in dream interpretation, Kris…

I second this motion.^

Jung was great, a genius, except for that bit about the collective unconcious.

It’s real.

At least, the collective unconsciousness told me so in a dream.

This isn’t the first dream interpretation thread and it won’t be the last. Apple, your dream could have been nothing more than one too many cookies, or the second bowl of ice cream. The temperature in the room could have been too hot or too cold. In short, it’s like throwing spit wads at the wall. Amusing and harmless fun but means nothing in particular.This will irritate the paranoid people who are suspicious that their unconcious mind is trying to tell them something, but so be it. For all the dream interpretation stuff out there, no one has provided anything but conjecture. It is no different than tarot or reading teas leaves. If it seems to give you a line of thought, then go with it, but you might get the same line of thinking from flies buzzing around the room.

Myself, I prefer reading tea leaves… At least I get the tea.

No, Jung was right about the collective unconcious. The really crazy stuff he came up with is synchronicity.

Anyway Tent, almost everything in psychology is conjecture. It’s less a strict science than feeling around in the dark.


Agreed. One simply needs to be careful assigning meaning to dreams. There may be some connection between unconscious and conscious states, but if there is, no one has shown me more than guessing or reading into. This may be my suspicious sceptical nature, though.


It appears that your subconsious mind is asking for purification. Dishes because in normal waking life, we use dishes to eat off. Eating is nourishment. Purifying the vessel, ultimately your body, serves to nourish your higher mind (consciousness). Your dream dishwasher was better, more logical than the primitive ones in reality, indicating that there is a deeper Reality available to you, one that makes more sense. And if you nourish yourself through purification, you gain access to this Reality.


The subconscious is not unconscious. Dreaming invites conscious awareness, a wholeness where the sum of the parts of a human being begin to function together. When dreaming ceases, really ceases, then one’s mind is at peace. I’m not talking about not remembering dreams, I’m talking about not dreaming. Then the mind is one.

Indeed you are sceptical but it is not your nature to be so. Your scepticism is born from your mind and not your heart.


See? I wasn’t that far off the first time.

Start another thread if you want to continue on with Jung/collective unconcious business, TheQuestion.


Guilt is not neccessarily functioning here. A call to purification is more an alignment with inherent truth. The ancients insisted that one could only perceive the Truth if one’s mind was pure. When the mind is purified the only thing that remains is the Truth. Guilt is a very destructive emotion, we punish ourselves by feeling guilty. But when we nurture ourselves, our minds and our bodies, it is a very positive process. There is no need to feel guilty for anything, if we do not fall (and hurt ourselves) we do not know that the pain exists. It is through pain that we grow, this is nature. If we never experience pain there are two things. One is we are enlightened. Two is we are dead. Deadened to the pain, asleep, unaware. We have to go through it in order to understand its purpose. Purification is a very useful nurturing process.