[b]There exists no land or nation of peace, salvation, and heaven.
All that exists is lands and nations of men who seek power over others or the natural world.[/b]
Stories of peace, hope, salvation, and redemption always remain a deception constantly told by those who prey upon other people’s dreams and desires.
To deceive men with granduer stories of peace is the ultimate form of manipulation for others will be more readily to sell themselves into bondage and slavery for such fables of peace especially when their hopes remain at other people’s disposal yet in all reality peace always remains a ridiculous fable for at every waking second, minute and hour there exists men destroying other people’s lives for their own benefit.
Where on earth has there ever remained a nation of peace that has had a lasting survival?
Amongst civilization and society there exists millions of people who profess themselves as “moral” and “good” individuals but in the great insane spectacle of “humanity” it is these same people who create the supply or demand of other people’s suffering for their own consuming purposes of seeking convenience.
One would think that these so called “virtuous souls” would isolate themselves from immoral nations and economical societies in order to follow their “absolute moral creeds” in moral considerance of other people but quite the contrary instead these so called “good” people thrive in a enviroment of exploiting others immersing themselves in mindless self indulgence of having others at their constant disposal.
Even godly priests after their sermons on mountains will often come to the market places of slaves to see what new goods can be at their disposal after preaching the sweet doctrine of equality.
Even those who called themselves, “good”, “just”, “virtuous”, “moral” and “innocent” are reduced to a rubble of deceiving hypocrites for they prey upon others for their own needs all the same.
With those who would call call themselves “virtuous” and “moral” the inclinations always remain the same[b]:
“Do as I say,Not as I do.”
In otherwords: “Follow my fictional moral ethics but should I act contrary to my own proclamations do not follow my lead.”[/b]
How many so called moral and ethical nations does there exist amongst us who pronounce to act in accordance with tolerance or freedom but always remain constantly immoral in their actions?
In nations of so called peace and tolerance nothing really has changed at all except that men have become increasingly more clever in their manipulating of others.
Classism, poverty, hypocrisy, oppression, privation, exploitation, and all the other malign dispositions of men still exist in these nations yet how clever it remains that such actions remain endorsed ironically by that which we call “moral” law.
How many men who call themselves “good” or “moral” remain surrounded by the services of slaves the very things which they proclaim to be against?
It is always such priestly hypocrites who preach liberty, equality, and freedom only to take other people’s lives in disposal for their own selfish pleasures all at once simultaneously.
How can we at all call these people moral on the account of their own ideology? Are not these so called “moral” people being immoral in disguise?
In the end civilization’s attempt at moralization is reduced to mass immoral behavior and there exists no better deception at civilization’s disposal other than to justify it’s immoral behavior by that of moral superstitions or religious ethos.
As a consequence of civilization masking its immoral behavior under moral superstitions and religious ethos it constantly seeks to destroy individual acts of immorality in order to keep its immoral absolutism intact by the fiction of moral law.
Moral law manipulates others from not seeing it’s immoral presence and through fear or superstition it enacts on all people that it itself is obviously “better”.
Civilization seeks the abolishment of individual acts of immorality in order to protect its immoral interests for if individuals should become absolutely unrestrained in their own right it would completely destroy civilization’s fictitious charade of “moral order” that enables its immoral acts in the first place as it must constantly seek to make itself look as the fictitious “protector” of the meek in order to keep its own immoral power.
The individual must never act immorally of their own accord but instead must ask permission of the state to act immorally through the fictions of “moral law”!
Only through the fictions of “moral law” is one allowed to act immorally via the state and incidently it is the fictions of “moral law” which allows the state to act immorally for its own interests without consequence.
Just like religion amongst the state it becomes an atrocity to act immorally without moral “consensus” but once one has “sacred” permission only then can one slaughter all they want for when one is passed by the sanctimonious hand it shall be forever known that the “divine” good of “justice” was served.
To act immorally individually is to be sinfully selfish but to act immoral for the state under the fictions of “moral law” is every man, women and child’s civic “responsibility” and “duty”.
With the permission of the state under the pretensions of "moral law one can die with a “pure” conscience upon the understanding that they themselves are doing god’s work.
With the permission of the state under the fictions of “moral law” one can act immorally as they please for should one get “sacred” permission to , kick people out of their homes, sell people in degrading low paying jobs that resembles slavery, liquidate other people’s personal assets, forcibly remove people, murder others, arrest people by taking away their freedom, keeping people in bondage with famous catch words like responsibility; only then does it remain lawful.
In the end it is so called moral nations that creates large portions of suffering for their own selfish aims.
And should any so called “moral” or “virtuous” man deny the usage of slaves in their lives they are always empty blowhards reduced to lieing.
Morality simply doesn’t exist as it is reduced to yet another immoral utility or manipulation no different from other deceiving crooks.
There is no lands of peace and there remains no heavenly existence of god to save us.
Life is war and chaos with men reduced to being no different than the rest of the immoral creatures that comprises this earth.
Men who speak of “goodness”, “morality”, “virtue”, “justice”, and “equality” need not be regarded as anything beyond the hypocrites that they are.
Such men speak of love one moment condemning anything “unloving” only to slaughter others later during the dung heap of history.