Do I have a spec of artistic ability in me?

I coudln’t tell you what it means, but I can tell you that I was high while I drew it

edit: gramatical error

we can all express ourselfes.

looks good to me! i wish i was good at drawing but all i’ve shown any talent for is photography.

i’ve always found drawning is the best way to start.

and believe it or not it can really effect trhe wya to set up shots and organize pictures in photography.

right on man.

you’ll be a dead head yet

Man, from what I can see, you have “line”. Is not a puffy one, is continuous, and you have some proportion skills too. Don’t know if you will become a comic-books drafter, but you can draw.

Maybe you could have a career in art. You should fill out the form & send it to Art Institute.

mushrooms are such phallic symbols.

(good drawing though.)


I am no visual artist myself, but I don’t see anything I would classify as “raw talent” in that picture. You should fool around some more, and post your results, becuase it is pretty hard to judge a persons artistic abilities, based on a picture of a mushroom with pot leaves poking out the top

i have drew/painted some amazing things when high before, especially in the middle of the night.

mushrooms are so wonderful :smiley:

Why not tackle deeper subject matter and see where it leads? You could be on to something. Thanks for sharing.

That is a fine rendering of a mushroom!

art is ability