do men really only want younger women?

is it a myth that men want them young? does a woman over 35 stand a chance?

In my life, I have only dated one woman (Well, girl at the time, but I was a boy at the time) younger than me.

My wife is 8 months older than me.

Between the ages of 18-21 I had a relationship, or at least went out multiple times with, three women over the age of thirty and one was thrity-five and one was thirty-seven.

Of course, I haven’t been on the market for a little over two and a half years, but I am sure there are plenty of us young bucks out there with just enough sense to know that experience is the greatest teacher… :wink:

When I was young I liked my women a little older. The last GF I’ve had is 12 years younger, though.

I’m 29 and my g/f is 21. I’d fuck a 40 year old in a heartbeat, and I’d stay with the 40 year old if she supported me financially.

Can the same not be said for the 21 year old?

Financial support was not a factor in me dating older women when I was younger. I’ve always had a pretty hard-core work ethic and have considered myself self-sufficient in other aspects of life, as well.

I go for older women. To me, younger girls tend to be less confident, less experienced, less mature… hell, less fun

However, bare in mind that when I say ‘older’ it is entirely from my perspective; I mean around 25 :smiley:

It’s not about age… it’s about how hot you are…

we can’t help it if women tend to get ugly with age… blame God…

I’m middle-aged, not rich and not pretty.

I pretty much take what I can get.

Faced with two women identical in character, circumstance and hotness all guys will go with the younger.

But what if the older looks the same age as the younger? or are you boiling it down to numbers rather than the older supposedly looking the more mature…

Maybe wisdom is much, much more attractive than a billion stupid-pretty faces?

Has anybody ever considered that in their lifetime?

Amen! If you can’t see past the superficial, gravity always wins and you always lose! What a crappy life to have to live, fearing and hating the inevitable!

I prefer younger women

but I must say, my friend’s mother looks amazing at age 54…

I wouldn’t mind getting with her even if it meant losing a friend

Age isn’t all that important to me. I like wisdom, wit and intellect but that doesn’t always equate to a woman being older. Within reason I guess I must admit I like younger women. They’re less jaded and cynical, and sometimes much sweeter. Plus, they appreciate an older man much of the time.

Of course, there’s a lot to be said for an older woman, too.

No. Nobody has ever thought of that except for you. Ever.

But where should one look for an older woman?

Of course, if people are going to base anything on physical attractiveness (on the average) younger women almost have to win out, but where are you going to meet these young or older women, that’s what really counts.

Let me tell you this, I generally regard someone as at least reasonably intelligent if they are smart enough to take care of their body (That is not to say that those who let their bodies go are not intelligent) so if you want an attractive woman who is reasonably intelligent and older, you go to a organic food store. A forty year old divorced soccer Mom that takes care of herself will give any young girl two years removed from being a high school prom queen a run for her money any day of the week.

I’d say it’s based on attraction rather than anything else, as some women might look younger than they are, so the matter of age may not be a factor in that particular getting-together of that couple - I always seem to date/attract younger guys, but if they are waaay too much younger, then I don’t!