Do physicists understand physics?

All the sources of physics are created on abstract ideas:
inertial motion, inertial reference system, ideal gas,
absolute black body,
negative four-dimensional (Minkowski) space,
“a method of renormalization”, etc.

G. Galileo has shown that natural motion is ‘inertial’
but nobody knows what is ‘ inertial motion’.
J. Maxwell aspired to explain electromagnetic processes from
mechanical point of view, using cogwheels and wheels.
L, Boltzmann admired the equations of Maxwell and he tried
to improve Maxwell,s mechanical model.
H. Hertz practically discovered electromagnetic waves
but he has declared in writing that the electromagnetic
waves have no practical importance.
Later, he wrote about the equation of Maxwell:
“…that they are wiser than we ourselves,
even wiser than their first-discovers…”
“We did more than have understood”.
M. Planck almost for 20 years searched arguments
against his theory of the light quanta.
“The more successes the quantum physics gains,
the more senseless it looks”.
Everything is getting along, but the deep grounds remain unclear".
/Sommerfeld /
“I think I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics”.
What the fine structure constant ‘a’ means nobody knows
and on Feynman,s expression this quantity is
‘by the god given damnation to all physicists’.
Robert Milliken told, that he knew nothing
about “last essence of electron”.
This remains unknown also today.

How do the physicists want to solve these problems?
They try to create new theories.
But if the base of the first floor (classic)
and second floor (quantum) of physics is abstract
what can we expect from the new theories?
They try to find the first, initial particle.

In 1906, Lord Rutherford studied internal structure of atoms,
bombarding them with high energy a- particles.
This idea helped him to understand the structure of atom.
But the clever Devil interfered and gave advice to physicists:
‘ Bomb them stronger’.
And physicists created huge cannon-accelerators of particles.
And they began to bomb micro particles in the vacuum,
in hoping to understand their inner structure.
And they were surprised with the results of this bombing.
Several hundreds of completely new strange particles appeared.
They lived for a very little time and do not relate to our world.
Our Earth needs another constants of nature.
But physicists are proud of their work. They say:
we study the inner structure of the particles.
The clever and artful Devil is glad. He again has deceived man.
Physicists think, that an accelerator is first of all
the presence of huge energy. And the Devil laughs.
He knows that an accelerator is first of all the Vacuum.
But this, he has withheld from man.
He has not explained that the Vacuum is infinite and inexhaustible.
And in infinity an infinite variety of particles is contained .
And by bombing the vacuum, one can find centaurs and sphinxes.
But my God, save us from their presence on Earth.

E. Rutherford was right.
His followers are mistaken.
Imagine, that I want to plant a small apple- tree.
For this purpose I will dig out a hole of 1 meter width
and 1,20 m depth. It is normal.
But if to plant a small apple- tree, I will begin to dig
a base for a huge building (skyscraper),
or if to begin to drill ground with 11 km. depth,
will you call me a normal man?

Imagine a man who breaks watches on the wall.
And then he tries to understand the mechanism of the watches
collecting cogwheels, springs and small screws, throwing ewerywhere.
Does he have many chances to succeed?
As many as the scientists who aspire to understand the
inner structure of electron by breaking them into accelerators.
If not to take into account the initial conditions of Genesis,
the fantasies of the scientists may be unlimited.

Great physicists didn,t ashamed admit that they
couldn,t understand the base of physics.
The ‘small’ physicists understand the physics on 100%.
The ‘small’ physicists teach physics as dogmatically
as the priests teach theology.
There are a few men who understand that we already
live in Orwell,s ‘1984’ world.

By definition, yes.

It’s like asking “Do Dog Groomers understand dog grooming?”.