I have a mild squabble with this point, Ned. If the way into Heaven is the adoption of a belief or a belief system, it is only natural to expect that belief or belief system to be [i]appealing[/i]- we should be able to look at it and see that we ought to adopt it.*
So, I agree with you that something does not need to be appealing to be true, and I agree that there may be aspects of Christianity that seem less appealing than what we can come up with in our individual imagination- we're all drawn to the notion of a God that excuses our most treasured sin. However, we cannot disregard the concept of appeal entirely- Jesus and His message should have a fundamental attractiveness to human nature, when properly understood.
I have more to say about the whole “Goodness as a fair standard” thing that I’m holding back on, so I hope you found the first bit interesting!
*- Yes, I’m operating under an assumption of fairness, and yes, you’ll tell me that God has no obligation to be fair.
I think we have to be careful here because intellectual attractiveness is only one facet of the gospel message. Some come by this route (CS Lewis for example), but many people come to Christ who are initially repulsed by the gospel message (Paul being a good example). Indeed, the early gospel message in Acts seems to attarct people mostly based on displays of power (healings, deliverance, tongues etc…) rather than intellectual appeal. People come to Christ for many reasons, sometimes simply because they fear hell. I do not think it neccessary that the gospel be appealing or even for it to be understood for it to be effective. But I agree that sometimes this can be important.
The only disagreement I have is that I would say it's not important for the individuals to [i]find[/i] it appealing in all cases, but that ultimately it should be appealing when properly understood by a good person. Assuming that God desires people to end up in Heaven, it would be irrational for Him to have the standard be acceptance of a system that a wise, good person would find repulsive, right?
If Christianity means following Jesus teachings then I consider myself a Christian but I’m not sure about Jesus as my saviour and I do not really understand when Christians say “I am saved” or “Jesus is my saviour”–saved from what? sins? I believe that he “died for our sins”, to me it means he had an earthly existence–there was a thread “all formulations are wrong” about how God (crown) (kether) became Malkuth (man)(earthly)-- so he can be an example to mankind (John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life"). But I do not believe that Jesus will be able to save me if I sin. Only me can save myself and only me and the object of my sin (maybe another person) suffer from my evil intent. I do not fear judgment. I reap what I sow.
Let me bring it down to a really basic question that you might have a hard time answering.
Ucci and Ned,
What about a person who has never read a book, lived a reclusive lifestyle and never had the opportunity to be saved? Is this person automatically sent to hell?
Hmmm. Do you see where I am going here?
Good and bad is relative, but if Mother Theresa ( give her a 10) is good and Charlie Manson (give him a 1) is bad… where is the line crossed? Aren’t you a little concerned that there is a line at all? A forgiving god would probably forgive Charlie completely and invite Squeeky for cocktails on a cloud. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see it. I want to see it, but I don’t.
Doggone, I don’t have the Bible verses to back me up here, but the Bible has just about anything in it, and one can twist it and turn it the way they like. (No disrespect intended here) but it is kind of true, don’t you think?
(I am convinced that Jesus likes me, but it doesn’t matter. I think I am tangling with the wrong ILP twosome on this one… eeek)
Everyone has opportunity to be saved since the truth about God is evident in nature. But if any given individual is not following Christ I believe they will certainly go to hell. There is no other way, and it’s no more than we deserve.
I think I do, yes. First, let me point out that nobody here on ILP is in that position. So it must remain in the abstract for [i]us[/i]. But let me answer your question with a question:
What about a person who was raised to be a racist, a cannibal, or a killer? A person who lead a reclusive lifestyle and never learned to be anything like what we would call a ‘good person’? If the standard of acceptance by God was whether or not you were a good person, Christianity would be obilgated to define what a good person was. No doubt, some aspects of that would be controversial- and someone could ask “What about people who have never had a chance to hear the controversial Christian message of what makes a good person?” and we’d be right back where we are now, right?
No, I don't either. Have you ever played a game in school as a child where the winner gets a candy bar, and then like five minutes later, everybody else gets a candy bar too? Why would God even have goodness and badness if that was the eventual outcome? What I'm more concerned with is not the 10's and 1's, but the 4.9's and the 5.1's- that's where most of us are, and [i]nothing[/i] you do with them is going to feel totally fair.
But what you’re saying is exactly the kind of problem I’m talking about- shifting the standard from “Acceptance of Jesus” to “Are you basically a good person” doesn’t help us. In fact, I would argue that it makes it worse.
Consider this: Members of the KKK, and abortion doctors. At various times in this nations history, those groups have people have been variously praised and hated. Who knows how they will be seen in the future?
Now, is it the fault of a KKK member that he did what he thought was right in his times- was probably praised and supported for his actions by his peers- and the fullness of history has revealed his acts to be evil? Is it the fault of an abortion doctor that he provided a service to a society that wanted that service- was probably seen as a hero by some- and years from now, abortion may be seen as an atrocity by all? But even if the goodness and badness of these people is up in the air, they could always call themselves “Good Christians”. A part of being a good Christian is always striving to be a good person, don’t get me wrong- but a part of it, a key part, transcends morality, for our conception of morality is always shifting.
Sure. Would you agree that the U.S. Constitution is much the same in that respect? By the way, you can get access to the Bible here:
I don’t intend to be confronting you on a personal level with anything I’m saying here. How Jesus feels about you, and how you feel about Him, is between the two of you.
I like your explanation of divorcing “morality” from judgement. What is moral is whatever judgement is in place at a given time and a given location. I think that Bessy was saying that as well. It truly is intent, that we must look to. Do we always have “good” intent? One would hope so, but there is no guarantee for any of us. Well, maybe all of you, MY intent is always good…
Good, then maybe I don’t need the red dress after all.
Can your belief in Jesus be just heartfelt and not Bible thumping or church going? Is there a standard to this that is written in the Bible that puts you over into the 5.2 area as opposed to the 4.8?
I have an unrelated question that I want you to answer if you would. Does it bother you that so many of the evangelists on TV etc have made almost a mockery of the Christian religion? All you have to do is watch the church lady on SNL to get my drift. I studied Christianity as a kid… studied Judaism as a young adult and even went through RCIA in the Catholic church to get a grasp on all this. I am now into making my way through some Eastern philosophy referring to myself as a “Cashew with Karma”… (oy vey) so I feel that I seek the truth within myself and… I know that Jesus accepts me, as he accepts all. Those are my beliefs.
Getting back to my question. Doesn’t it drive you mad? Some of these guys on TV screaming “Yeee-as” as they throw some poor soul onto the floor being saved can’t be taken seriously. Right? Or are you impressed by it?
I believe there is a real and true Right and Wrong, and I believe it can be found in the Bible. But I also believe that the influence of culture is strong enough that we can't expect any one man to comprehend the whole of it in his lifetime, and that we're all basically dogs compared to the standards truly expressed there- even in our intentions.
It's very hard to accept the notion of progressive, Christian grace. It's easy to say that morality is relative, and God is understanding- it feels like a liscence to get away with something. But it also means that a person who does "good" things but has a wicked heart is screwed, and that a KKK member back in the day deciding to let a black person go with just a beating instead of a hanging can be an expression of a deeply moving Christian grace.
Bessy- if you’re ever in the mood for some light reading on this very subject, I would highly reccomend C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce. As a book reccomendation from Uccisore, I assure you it’s not what you’d expect.
It’s like a lot of things in life, Bessy. Can a man win the Boston Marathon while refusing to wear shoes? I reckon so- by why would you do that to yourself? If a person accepts that a relationship with Jesus is the right way to approach spirituality, doing it without the Church and without the Bible seems like a huge, unecessary complication. I think Xunzian had something important to say about the risks of being your own sole judge and jury in spiritual and moral matters in that ‘Authority and God’ thread.
T.V. is a sewer, and almost everything on it is shit, so no, it's doesn't hurt my feelings that much- it's honestly about where I'd expect to find it. If it's possible to do Christianity horribly, horribly wrong, cable T.V. is where you're most likely to see it happen. EDIT: That said, I don't watch televangelists, so don't consider this an indictment of any one in particular- there may be some who are great people, I just don't know.
I’m probably going to get some abuse for saying this but I am conflicted about tele-evangelists.
Part of what they do is despicable and makes a mockery of Christianity. However, I have a feeling that some of what they do should give Christians pause for thought.
In some ways the modern church tries to remove the closeness of Jesus to the masses. In the old days, the RC church did this by having a monopoly on the mass, the bible and sacraments. These days I feel that the church deliberately makes Christianity incredibly complex for people to understand, creating a mental barrier for simple people to feel that their faith is legitimate. Many people feel like they need to somehow get a PhD in theology or have an IQ of 150 before God will accept them. In a weird way, tele-evangelism cuts through the crap and simplifies the message and connects with real people in a way that the church fails to do.
Take the example of a woman diagnosed with cancer. She might go to the church and ask if they think God will heal her. The reply might go something like this…"well technically we believe that God is good and can do anything he wants, but practically we find that he chooses not to intervene in these cases, this probably stems from a need to balance free will and divine intervention and may also have something to do with the individual’s level of faith, of course we’re not implying that if you don’t have faith to be healed that cancer is your fault, but just the same…blah, blah, blah…, but we’d be happy to pray that “God’s will would be done” in this situation.
The televangelist approach is much simpler. On the negative side he offers false hope and often takes money, cheapening the gospel. But on the positive side his approach has a childish simplicity to it that may actually connect directly with the woman’s hopes and fears. He might be more likley to pray for her without all the theological mumbo-jumbo. I find the negative part offensive but the positive side oddly attractive. The fact that so many people connect with tele-evangelists tells me that the church is doing something wrong.
Sorry Ucc. I can’t let this one pass. The Authority and God thread has nothing to do with religion. It only addresses our personal concept of God, and says nothing about what religion is practiced. Assuming one has chosen a “relationship with Jesus”, one has already conferred authority to the Christian concept of God, and whether one “does it” with or without the church or the bible is irrelevent to that thread.
Just for my enlightenment, please explain to me why you think that the risks of being in control of ceding authority to my concept of God is any more risky than simply ceding authority to human fallability in spiritual and moral matters?
Risk one: My own understanding is subject to fallability of understanding.
Risk two: The understanding presented by those humans who spoke wrote, speak and write about spiritual and moral matters are subject to fallability of understanding.
Please explain why risk one is more dangerous than risk two? Given the multiplicity of competing religions, Is it riskier to be Islamic than Christian? It seems that each guarantees hell for the other…
The certainty of each seems to be risky in the extreme. No matter what I do, I’m off to hell.
Seems that perhaps the lesser risk is to examine all and draw my own conclusions since not a single person in any religion can die for me.
Ned, that was a very honest answer. If there is something I respect more than anything is honesty even if I don’t agree with it.
Is there something to the “hands on” in saving people? There is something to be said about so-called psychic abilities in relationship to God. What may look like special powers may be the power of God - something that we can’t even begin to understand. As humans, we feel that we are in control - that we are the owner of our own destiny. but I can’t see how this could possibly be true. There are so many unanswered questions which many atheists profess as their mantra. If you can’t humanly answer it, it must not be happening. God is dead, yadda yadda… all these bizarre occurences are just coincidences or figments of our imagination.
I still think it is sad that these tele-evangelists are making a mockery of another’s faith. Anyone who takes money in the guise of grace gets a 2.3 from me.
As I recall, Xunzian said something about community as it pertains to religion- that if you aren't using the word of a community to fall back on, then it's easy to miss mistakes in your reasoning, and hard to see past your own biases. I was trying to say that the same sort of concept applies to people that try to do the whole "Jesus" thing without the Bible or the Church. Jesus said a few things that would shock and possibly dismay someone who was assuming His message was nothing more than 'be nice to people'.
Depends. Bessy was specifically asking me if she could follow [i]Jesus[/i] without the Bible and the Church. Since the Bible and the Church are the only good sources of what Jesus said about anything, I should think the risks of not including them would be obvious. She pointed out that the Bible can be made to say anything. It can be made to say anything by people who have a vested interest in twisting it to their own agendas. Now, put those same people with those same agendas on their own with only 'what feels right' to them as their earmark, and naturally they aren't giong to be following Jesus at all. They're going to be following their own whim and [i]calling[/i] it Jesus.
Using our God-given rationality requires us to include other people. The fact that things can be [i]learned[/i] necessitates the existence of legitimate authority- in the form of people who have learned more than us.
Because of the importance of dialectic, and the fact that you only have a few more decades to get this stuff sorted out before you're dead. Second point first- if you didn't read philosophy, chances are you would [i]never ever[/i] think of existentialism even if you lived for 200 years. And even if you did, at around age 183 or so, think about how much further you could have gotten if only you'd ceded authority to Sartre long enough to read and consider his book a century previous? The same thing applies to religion. You're condemning yourself to what one person can get done in 70 years of constructive thought tops.
And now, the point about the dialectic. If all you have to go on is your own unaided understanding, then you have no ability to see the errors in you own reasoning. Involving others allows you to compare your idea to theirs, and that's the only way any real progress is made. As I said, since I believe religion and spirituality is something that[i] can be learned[/i], that means there are legitimate authorities exist on spiritual matters. The only way to properly understand what a legitimate authority is saying is to acknowledge them as an authority. If you view the words of an authority as no more weighty than your own opinions, then are aren't seeing things accurately, and your results will be skewed in your own favor.
All of this is assuming that someone wants to give the bulk of their lives to trying to understand. If they would rather, you know, leave the house once in a while, then the importance of relying on legitimate authorities becomes even more important- and a permanent state of affairs, if the thinker isn’t willing to do what it takes to become an authority themselves.
Not in the context we're talking about, no. Sticking with either one is less risky than setting out on one's own. The risk of hell is a completely different matter than the risk of being wrong, which is what I was talking about.
Notice the implied chronology in what you said? First, examine them all. Then, draw your conclusions based on what you've examined. Not 'draw me own conclusions right now, and examine other people's conclusions in my spare time from an idle curiousity about who agrees with me and who doesn't.'
Sure, if you [i]actually are[/i] going to examine them all and base your conclusions on what you discover, then I agree. Most people are never going to do that though. Most people who say they [i]are[/i] doing that are never going to do that.
Really? And what makes it a necessity? How does one decide who or what is legitimate? People who have learned more than us? Does more learning automatically generate less fallable judgement?
??? If the risk of being wrong is hell, it looks like they’re pretty well connected as far as risk goes… aren’t they?
It’s a process, a process we ALL go through assuming we ever ask a question. This is true for all people. Religious, aetheists, agnostics, all of us. Who, how, and what decisions we make about our spiritual nature is still an act of conferring authority. In this instance, even a non-decision is a decision. We each are responsible for our decisions. No one may claim authority that YOU do not grant them.