Do you fear God?

If you are undecided about the ability of our resident time cube head to engage in intelligent discussion, I suggest you read his post backlog and make your own informed decision. :slight_smile:

The Bible is not evil. It just needs to be taken in historical context. The people of olden times had a far different value structure than we do today.

Apparently you think that talking in riddles makes you sound clever when in reality it does quite the opposite.

I’m guessing you make that assumption because there are things in the bible you don’t like. It’s amazing how far we will go to justify our own sin.

Eh…because the bible tells me to.

You are confusing fear with bad. God is good. God is love. Yet he is also somehow to be feared. Satan’s hold on the world has more to do with deceiving people into thinking that they will not be judged and are therefore free to sin and hurt themselves and others.

Maybe while we wait you could work on your spelling…

Do you think this also applies to fear? That fearing God is irrelevant today but somehow important in ages past? If so, why?

Nobody should fear God, or Satan, or Hell. If you are a Christian, you should not fear Hell/God/Satan. If you are not, then why fear something that doesn’t exist?

Hey guys! I have some idea to share. As scythekain said before, fear is not knowing, or uncertainty, and standing in awe. And I like this definition more and more :slight_smile: Now, what god woul be? I suggest that god is what you worship. What is worshiping. Isn’t it the same standing in awe? If so, what’s the difference between worshiping and fear? None? If so, again, thae god is what you fear of. Or, god is what you are uncertain of. First few minutes I thought it was death, which was the “real” god. But it’s the thought of oneself which is the most uncertain. Yes, we are uncertain of ourselves. So, we are the “real” god. And we are scared… of ourselves :smiley:

Peole of olden times feared the supernatural. I mean in the middle ages bears and wolves were thought to be demons that killed and raped people. We don’t believe that anymore.

I make no Riddles as you claim,it is yourself you should blame.

I fear getting the clap from a stripper, I fear poisonous snake bites. Even though I consider myself a rather strong-willed man there are things that I fear. What I don’t fear are invisible father figures in the sky telling me to “be good.” To hell with that! What is good anyway? Evil is relative and there is no absolute.

1 Man has to be destroyed, it has to pay a consequence, Why is that wrong, do you have proof that man has made the world a better place.
Many of us still see unfairness if not all of us, unfairness will have an end, dan, one way or the other, thats good right.
I’m 95% certain it will end in destruction and very soon, God will not permit this unfairness to continue forever.

Will you ever return to god on your own dan, now think, god allready knows your answer, which only leave’s God the destruction option.

2 Sounds dodgey, God making promises to man, i don’t think so

3 How is that any different to what i said, if it’s GOD using science, it’s still god doing it

I dont fear what I consider to be superstitious nonsense.

So those noises in the woods are not demonic! Huh! Next you’ll be telling me that my lucky pebble doesn’t keep me healthy…

Maybe you dismiss it as superstitious nonsense so that you don’t have to think about it. Maybe you don’t want to think about it because you have some anxiety in this area…

To accept religion is to deny your claim to rational thought.

We as a people should immediately put ourselves into conflict with religious fundamentalism where ever we encounter it. Superstition is meant to be overcome our posture towards those that echo such superstition must be in challenge to them to reject their religious dogma and accept rationality.

Religion is counter productive to our development as a people all you need to do is develop an ability to dissect what you have read based on logical thought.

Not quite. The essence of faith is non-rational but that does not make our thought life irrational.

Blah, blah, blah. Religion evil, man good. You make some very general statements with absolutely no support. Please explain the evidence that religion is counter productive to our development as people.

Rational thought can be the most evil thing in the world. Evolution teaches us that only the fittest are selected and survive. Therefore, why not kill the bottom 10% of our gene pool including all our mentally handicapped. Wait, while we’re at it why not kill all our old people and basically anyone who is unfit and draining our society?

Why not? Because in God’s eyes the poor and weak are every bit as valuable as the rich and strong among us. Welcome to irrationality…isn’t it beautiful?